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Well, this is interetesting

On 06/19/2013 at 01:45 AM by Super Step

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It's just three lines of fairly clear code being read into that by Kotaku's own admission may or may not go anywhere, but it sounds like it could be good news for PC users. I think. I'm still a console simpleton.

Interesting comment threads on Kotaku: "Oh, now that Valve does it, it's suddenly ok!"

My response would be as far as I know, Steam does not require 24 hour authentication, and the games are much cheaper on average than on Xbox One. Let me know if I'm wrong; again, not a gaming PC user.

"You can already basically lend games by sharing your account info with trusted friends."

I would imagine that's true, though one commenter said it was a LITTLE more complicated. I wonder what the extra complication would be.

As far as right now, this endears me much more to the PC than it does the Xbox One, and I am still leaning towards buying a PS4 regardless, because I like the option of physical media, and the pricetag.But having said that, the last console I bought was a Gamecube, so I'm a little new to this primary download culture to start with. I also know what I like, and unless these downloads are free, cheap, or can easily be downloaded onto a blank physical disc (actually, where can I get blank Blu-Rays?) I want no part, but what do some of you better informed (re: actually involved in the current generation) gamers think?




06/19/2013 at 01:59 AM

With you on the 'considering a PC set up'. I think it could be the way for me to get/ do everything I want to gaming wise, though I am still tempted with a PS4 at the moment as well. It may sound daft but I really am going to miss the opportunity to use Xbones controller, apart from the D pad my 360 controller was probably the most comfortable one I ever used!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 02:14 AM

No, I know what you mean, that's a very comfy controller, and I admit that. As I've mentioned quite a bit lately, I honestly think the Xbone has better launch games and a better controller, and if they released a Kinectless version for $400 and pulled back a lot of their policies, I'd want their system. It just doesn't look like that's happening, and I like Sony and the Dualshock just fine.

As for PC, it's the best value for Steam/other sales, being the most up-to-date and upgradable option, and being able to do other things, I just get scared by initial pricetags cause I HATE spending a lot at once. I'm a saver trying to be a better investor, but it's hard with my mindset.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/19/2013 at 02:09 AM

Steam is pretty cool.  I mean, DRM sucks.  But if I have to do it, I choose Steam.  Plus, the sales are murder -- my Steam pile of shame is huge. 

Valve is pretty smart.  They wouldn't just do this without thinking of consoles. 

I want a new PC but they are expensive.  The games are cheaper, but it's still a big investment.  I'm leaning towards the PS4. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 02:14 AM

Same here.


06/19/2013 at 02:11 AM

Well if we are comparing Steam games to Xbox One games, I have about 30 games and I don't consider them to be worth more than $60 together. Granted, I've only played like ten of the games, the rest were just games that came with bundles. Given how cheap I bought all of those games for, I never considered lending games on Steam my right. Wake me when I can buy Xbox One games for a buck!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 02:17 AM

But are the games indies and therefore not worth $60 even bundled, or are you simply saying you didn't pay near as much as you would have on One?

I mean, obviously, you are saying Steam is better in this instance, I'm just wondering how much of what you bought would compare to a AAA Xbox One title, and what would those AAA type games usually run you on Steam?


06/19/2013 at 03:03 AM

Oh yeah, most of them are definitely lower-priced indies or several year-old titles in my library. A day-one AAA release on Steam I believe is usually $50. In a way, I wouldn't buy that for the same reasons I wouldn't buy an Xbox One game. Steam doesn't own my PC though, if I want a AAA PC game I can still buy it physically and not have to worry about my Steam account disappearing some day.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 03:07 AM

Ok, good to know. I've actually been wondering if physical copies still exist on PC, cause all anyone talks about is Steam, but that's another point in its favor.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/19/2013 at 02:58 AM

 Having been on steam for ages, I've come to love its convenience. All of my games from multiple generations are there ready to be accessed at any time. PC gaming kicks ass, and buying digital is really cheap and quite easy. I mean last year I bought a bundle that had Darksiders 1 and 2, Saints Row 3 and 4, All of the Red Faction games (4), all of the company of hero games (3), all of the warhammer games (4), all of the supreme commander games (2) FOR $20!!!!!!!!! The initial cost of pc is quite scary, but it is SO much cheaper in the long run.

 Also, if I can share my steam games with friends, I'll never buy a console ever again. I've got everything I need :)

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 03:05 AM

Yeah, if I can just get myself over that initial investment cost, and when I play games, hook it up to the TV, put it on its side, and plug an Xbox controller in there, I'll be set. But damn my wobbly work life and that initial investment.

I must be a better investor than saver, but my brain is hard wired toward saving. We'll see if I can get new jobs and fight that though, anything is possible, and I'm not going in at launch with any of this most likely.


06/19/2013 at 05:48 AM

Steam is great, but It's infested with DRM. I don't mind it so much because it's an optional platform and NOT the rule. Plus there are so many sales all the time that it's ridiculous. You need to be connected to the internet for it though. When I moved, and didn't have interent for like a month, I couldn't play any of my games off Steam. It'd be the same thing with the X1 but even more restrictive and with less benefits.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 06:03 AM

Yeah, being optional makes a huge difference.


06/19/2013 at 02:06 PM

Steam is great and I'm glad I finally got into it. Takes some getting used to controlling games with a keyboard. But they do play smoothly and look fantastic.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 06:18 PM

I could always buy a USB Xbox controller. But hey, holy shit, you seen the One news today? Looks like it became an option again.


06/19/2013 at 05:31 PM

Like everyone here has said, Steam is great. It has a big library of games, I think the prices are fair and even if you need internet for it, it's not obligatory and if your internet connection is having problems, there's even an offline mode. Steam is pretty much a PC gaming paradise.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 06:19 PM

And now apparently the One does not require always online. Well, then.


07/06/2013 at 12:20 PM

Not much of a PC gaming so this really doesn't affect me. Plus I don't think I have any friends on Steam Frown

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2013 at 07:55 PM

Same here, but I am ever-curious about the benefits of PC gaming.

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