With you on the 'considering a PC set up'. I think it could be the way for me to get/ do everything I want to gaming wise, though I am still tempted with a PS4 at the moment as well. It may sound daft but I really am going to miss the opportunity to use Xbones controller, apart from the D pad my 360 controller was probably the most comfortable one I ever used!
Well, this is interetesting
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![]() On 06/19/2013 at 01:45 AM by Super Step ![]() See More From This User » |
It's just three lines of fairly clear code being read into that by Kotaku's own admission may or may not go anywhere, but it sounds like it could be good news for PC users. I think. I'm still a console simpleton.
Interesting comment threads on Kotaku: "Oh, now that Valve does it, it's suddenly ok!"
My response would be as far as I know, Steam does not require 24 hour authentication, and the games are much cheaper on average than on Xbox One. Let me know if I'm wrong; again, not a gaming PC user.
"You can already basically lend games by sharing your account info with trusted friends."
I would imagine that's true, though one commenter said it was a LITTLE more complicated. I wonder what the extra complication would be.
As far as right now, this endears me much more to the PC than it does the Xbox One, and I am still leaning towards buying a PS4 regardless, because I like the option of physical media, and the pricetag.But having said that, the last console I bought was a Gamecube, so I'm a little new to this primary download culture to start with. I also know what I like, and unless these downloads are free, cheap, or can easily be downloaded onto a blank physical disc (actually, where can I get blank Blu-Rays?) I want no part, but what do some of you better informed (re: actually involved in the current generation) gamers think?