Well out of the ones you named i like of course Battlestar Galactica i especially liked the series back in the day, remember im 47 so i saw the series when it first started, and i like Game of Thrones and although the game got shady reveiws i stillwant to check it out,and Deadwood cause i love Westerns.
Blake's Top 10 Dramatic TV Shows!
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![]() On 06/19/2013 at 03:53 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Damn I've been talking about TV a lot lately, with the shows you should be watching and the big bang theory blog. But what the hell. I'm going to talk about it some more! Dramatic TV Shows covers everything that's not a comedy, from fantasy, to action, and sci fi. Also, after this, I'm going to write up my top 10 favourite tv comedies, and there have been more than a few changes since I last wrote this. Anyway, lets kick this sucker off!
10. True Blood
Kicking it off is my biggest guilty pleasure show - True Blood. This show is stupid, but what it lacks in intelligence it more than makes up for with energy. I swear this show was written by a kid with ADHD, as the main storyline is something like this: "Theres this girl, but she's not a girl, she's a fairy, and she falls in love with a vampire, but another vampire wants her, and there's zombies, and theres werewolves, and there's shapeshifters, and they all fuck and kill each other!" As I said, the show is far from smart, but it is fun, and some of the characters are actually quite funny and endearing. Also, Laffayette is the second best gay character in any show ever.
9. Firefly
Ah Firefly. We'll never know how good you could have turned out. And you could have turned out phenomenally, especially given Joss Whedon's track record of meh first seasons followed by phenomenal 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th seasons. Alas, it was cancelled before it's time. What we do have is marvellous though, and it's the best damn sci fi western I've ever seen!
8. Fringe
That Fringe lasted five seasons on the same channel that cancelled Firefly is insane, because I'd argue that this show is weirder, and definitely darker. It started out as a "monster of the week" style show, but soon morphed into an ongoing story about an alternate universe. The fact that one of the main characters and actually most lovable character is essentially the villain of the show, as he caused the whole mess, and the whole moral ambiguity attatched makes this show even better. It has one of the most heart wrenching episodes I've seen on TV, which is a damn fine achievement.
7. Deadwood
Aw yeah Dead A** F**king C*nt S**tting Wood. This was my first real taste of HBO, and what an impression it left on me. Loaded to the brim with swearing, sex and violence, this show is adult in every sense of the word. It's a Western without the cheese, taking more from the Sopranos than Clint Eastwood. Every scene in this show is dripping with style, the characters are really well written and the show just kicks all sorts of ass. Unfortunately, it ended before the story got to finish, but still, those three series are fucking amazing.
6. Carnivale
Another show that ended prematurely. The two seasons this show had were phenomenal. They were creepy, tense and all sorts of weird. Following a circus of interesting characters with one very gifted young boy, this tells a haunting tale that is damn near unmatched in terms of disturbing and foreboding atmosphere. Do yourself a favour and check this show out if you haven't already. It's kind of amazing.
5. Torchwood
If not for the brilliant Children of The Earth miniseries, this wouldn't have made it on here. But Damn it, that series was just so damn good that it elevated the rest of the series with it. It is one of the best Science Fiction stories ever told on television in my honest opinion. It's dark, but very, very human, and it constantly offers hope and humour even through the relentless darkness. The second season is pretty good as well, just do yourself a favour and avoid season one and Miracle day. They kind of suck.
4. Code Geass
I was going to leave anime out of this list and use it as the focus of another list, but damn it, this show is just too darned good! The show is a lot like Deathnote, in that it's constantly one step ahead of the audience. Episodes of this show left me an emotional wreck, as it has a Game of Thrones level of disdain for it's characters. Also, like Game of Thrones, there seem to be NO FUCKING GOOD GUYS! There's the guy you root for, but only because of what he's fighting for. He is flawed and sometimes downright evil. The first season ended on apocalyptic levels, going batshit insane in the best possible way. If you aren't an anime fan, this may be the show to turn you. Actually, no. Watch Death Note first, it's easier to get into. THEN WATCH THIS!
3. Battlestar Galactica
The first episode of this show hits you with a swift kick to the stomach, and it continues it's relentless assault of despair throughout the entire series. The moral questions this show brings up, and the sheer desperation and hopelessness of the crews situation is engaging beyond belief. This show brings up some really tricky subjects, such as religion, terrorism, torture, sacrifice and many others. This is a dark show, and it is unrelenting and brutal. However, it's also extremely human, and it's one of the best shows to have ever aired. Apart from the ending, which was fucking terrible. Everything except for that is brilliant though!
2. Game of Thrones
It's Game of Fucking Thrones. Do I need to say any more? This show singlehandedly showed that epic fantasy could be done well on TV, and that it could be incredibly successful. This is landmark television, nothing like this has ever been done before. Characters you love die, go through hell, get raped, and all sorts of nasty stuff. This show is nasty, but it is intelligent, and it is brilliant. It deserves all the praise it gets. Also, I'm only up to episode 4 of season 3. No spoilers in the comments! I've read the books, but I've also heard one very major scene had some major changes. Do not spoil this for me!
1. Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad is the greatest show to ever air. It's characters are brilliantly written, flawed, and most importantly, human. This show brings out both the best and worst of humanity, it is dark, tense (almost unbearably suspenseful), and it moves at a slow and deliberate pace. However, it is also fucking hilarious in places. This show knows black comedy like no other, and the scene in the second episode with the acid in the bathtub proves it. This show has no equals. It is simply fantastic, and damn near perfect.