For around a year, Phone/Tablet gaming has quickly become one of my favorite ways of playing video games. Sure they’re not up to par with the consoles or the handhelds, but there are a good number of games that could hold their own when it comes to enjoyment. Last week I re discovered one of these games when I decided to make an impulse buy at GameStop.
Originally my intent at GameStop was just check out what they had, and maybe pick up I think it was some Jak and Daxter set (good thing I didn’t I bought it awhile back when a lot of the HD collections were 50% off). While talking to one of the few great GameStop employees, and handed me a flyer. Normally I wouldn’t pay much attention to it, but I decided to take a look. I found a game I wanted to try, and it was at a reasonable price (I missed the $10 sale on it, but apparently A LOT of people couldn’t connect to the website as well). I left GameStop a happy camper
When I got home, I was hoping this wasn’t going to be as uninteresting as MK Vs. DC, because I had a lot of hope for it, but that game didn’t pique my interest. I played through one of the storylines, but other than that, there wasn’t much interest. After playing a portion of the tutorial, I knew I was in for something more interesting. The controls weren’t overly complicated, no crazy formations for moves, and for you button mashers, it could be a good game. The console game is great but what made it especially enjoyable is that it works so well with the iOS game.
What is great about the iOS game is that it doesn’t try to be the console game. Instead of trying to replicate the storyline, it is a completely different game. Injustice the console dives into a pretty good storyline with a lot of good combat whereas the iOS version is just a straight up 3 on 3 fighter. But why does this work? What you accomplish in the console/iOS version effects the other with nifty add-ons and other goodies.
The iOS game sends the console version items like skins for your hero card, and other unlockables, while the console sends character cards, booster packs, and other goodies. These little interactions add so much to both games that I tend to play a couple of games a day on Injustice to unlock stuff for the console, then at night to help drain the battery, I play a couple of games on the mobile version.
The only other game I’ve encountered like this was Need For Speed, but I haven’t tried the console version yet to see if everything that I earned on the iOS game, and the Vita version transfers over. I do like this feature that these game companies are trying. It adds to the game, even if it’s little superficial things. You get involved with the game’s universe when you play it on the console and then hop on the iOS device or Android in some cases and continue playing in that universe. If more games had features like this, I could see myself buying these console games earlier instead of waiting for a sale.
As for Injustice, I LOVE this game! Everything from the presentation, to the storyline, to controls is a lot of fun. I finished the story mode, which is an excellent storyline and would be a good movie. I’m currently playing through some of the typical MK style fighting through the ranks stuff, while learning the moves. As for the iOS version, I’m slower in that game because I only play one or two fights a night, and I’m halfway through the first level of fights. If you own the console version, you need to check out the iOS game.
Other gaming news
I led the New York Knicks to an undefeated regular season, swept the first round of the playoffs, and currently I am up 1-0 on the pesky Washington Wizards. I like how some of the cinematic sequences for the game have changed for the playoffs.
For the Vita
I downloaded this game a couple of nights ago. It’s a no frills music maker. I don’t think there really is a point to it other than trying to make music, and it’s fun. I think I spent 30 minutes before I went to sleep just making up random tracks. Either I can’t find it, or it doesn’t have a save feature. I wish it did, but as of right now, I happy with making beats and pretending I’m a music producer.
On Ridge Racer, I don’t know what I did but I unlocked some Devil’s thing, and unlocked a Dual Race. The background changed, and I can’t beat the driver. This game is still fun…in spurts, and I find myself answering the little interview questions like an athlete “It was a good race” “We take it one race at a time” “We’re having a good season” etc.
Before we call it a blog, I’m in the process of starting to take pictures for my music library blog. I have an idea of how I want to approach it.
This made me laugh
That’s all for now, more later!