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On 06/19/2013 at 04:11 PM by transmet2033

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It has been a crummy week so far. Today started off poorly, but seems to be getting better. A good cup of coffee, and apparently sobelman's after work. Sobelman's is a burger joint that went head to head against AJ Bombers on Food Wars... Bombers won. I have been to AJ Bombers before, and they are good. The Barrie Burger is pretty tasty, a peanut butter bacon cheeseburger. 
I hope to finally figure out how to set up my internet. It has been giving me grief ever since AT&T said that it was okay to set up the modem. I even tried to swap out my 1960s phone jack for something a little more modern.
I hope to finish the Legend of Zelda over the next few days. It is well designed, but I cannot say that I like how they re-used a lot of the bosses in the later dungeons.
I hope that the PS4 is released a week or two before the Xbox One.
I hope that they make a sequel to Man of Steel. I really want to see Lex Luthor, the greatest criminal mind the world has ever known.
I hope that they make an awesome choice, and choose somebody in their 40s to replace Matt Smith on Doctor Who.
I hope that 3 Floyd's Blackheart is as awesome as the style of beer would have me believe. An English style India Pale Ale, aged in oak barrels.




06/19/2013 at 04:17 PM

I noticed that the new call of duty game releases November 5th for all consoles well atleast that is what Amazon and IGN have on their sites, Im kind of hopeing that since its releasing then that the PS4 is only maybe 2 or 3 weeks away. Normally while they will release some games early, the consoles follow soon after that.


06/19/2013 at 04:37 PM

It would be even cooler if the ps4 came out a week before COD.


06/19/2013 at 04:35 PM

I so want to see Man Of Steel. It looks incredible!


06/19/2013 at 04:36 PM

it is epic, and not the Superman that you remember.  


06/19/2013 at 05:18 PM

An older doctor would be a nice breath of fresh air!


06/19/2013 at 05:28 PM

troughton and pertwee seemed to have so much fun, and they were in their late 40s early 50s.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/19/2013 at 05:35 PM

hope your week is less crummy!  I can't wait for the PS4!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/19/2013 at 07:40 PM

I hope I get to see Man of Steel soon, but that they don't do something stupid like set a release date for the sequel next year, like they apparently were planning.

I also would prefer someone like Braniac as the villain, I think they've done Luthor to death and I don't find him that interesting, but hey, I've only ever seen the movies and Spacey was my favorite part of Returns cause of his funny/campy performance, so maybe they could do it well.

I hope Kick-Ass 2 is as good as, or better than, the first one.


06/21/2013 at 09:14 AM

Brainiac would be awesome, and would probably make more sense as the next villain.  That way they could use the second film to introduce Lex.  Kick-Ass was great.


06/20/2013 at 06:04 PM

I think Luthor will probably be in the Man of Steel sequel, but as I heard someone else say, it will probably be difficult to make Luthor look like a challenge given how powerful and fast Superman is in the first one. I didn't like Man of Steel though so they can take the sequel in any direction they want.


06/20/2013 at 10:53 PM

Hope your week will end on a good note. I had nothing but bad luck when we switched to AT&T for our internet. Speed was horrible and online gaming was leggy as hell. We switched back to Cox and it works so much better now. That peanut butter bacon cheeseburger sounds awesome! I guess I heard wrong on the new Dr. Who. I thought it was gonna be the actor who played The Governor on The Walking Dead. I think I want to try that beer. I like those kind.  As for the PS4 it can't come too soon!


06/21/2013 at 09:25 AM

Of the two internet providers that I can use, AT&T is the better choice.  I have not had any problems so far, until I transfered my service to my new building.  I have yet to be truly disappointed with any of the 3 floyds that I have tried, the only problem is that they tend to be $10 for a 22oz bottle...  2/3rds of the 3 floyds beers that I have had have been IPAs.  a double rye IPA, two Imperial IPAs, two double IPAs...  I am getting thirsty.


06/24/2013 at 10:43 AM

It's way too early in the day....but I want one,too! Those sound like some I'd enjoy. I consider myself very open minded when it comes to beer. Tried every one I could all over Asia when I was in the Navy. Worst one? San Miguel,a Philipino beer. They use formaldahyde as a preservative in it! Pretty freaking gross.

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