This is great news. I won't be buying a X1, but at least those that do won't have to worry about owning a paperweight when MS shuts the servers down. Let's just hope they don't go back and change it again lol.
Xbox 180 - DAFUQ!?
On 06/19/2013 at 04:59 PM by gigantor21 See More From This User » |
Well, so much for all that talk of this being the "exciting vision of the future" huh? All that sweet shit about how the DRM and constant internet connection would be a big step over the PS4, aka "the Xbox 360 2.0" according to MS, just went out the fucking window.
So what will CliffyB say now? He was going on about how "we were all being punked" by Sony and that they'd put in the same restrictions to justify all the budgetary bloat in the industry at the high end. Thankfully, MS was smart enough to listen to consumers, instead of the corporate sycophants and bean counters that goaded them into their stupid ass policies to begin with.
Granted, I'm still not looking to get a Xone anytime soon. The PS4 will be cheaper, isn't being hawked as a media box nearly as hard, and isn't pushing the new camera or Move down our throats. But at least now, if I want to get a Xone down the road when to play stuff like Killer Instinct, it won't feel like a deal with the devil.
And thus, just one week after getting stomped out by Sony, MS was forced to completely reverse course. What do you think about it?