I always wanted one of those DDR pads. Looked like fun. But yeah, Bilbo and his baggy ass best stay away from my appliances! With ya there, Celt!
Stinky Gaming Footpad
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![]() On 06/20/2013 at 12:27 PM by smartcelt ![]() See More From This User » |
I saw a podcast that was talking about this new device yesterday. It's a new way to control things in a game with your feet. Currently it's only for PC,but they may produce one for consoles in the future. It made me think about how creative they could get with controls that require multitasking of motions/actions in gameplay. Even if it was just for turning around or reloading weapons. Of course,not everyone has the same size foot. Some have gigantic ones...like me!
But if you're only using your toes I guess it wouldn't matter too much. I think I'd prefer something like this to Kinect,but I guess I'll have to get used to that eventually. It seems inevitable now.
Made me think of an arcade game that required you to use five fingers. Gravitar was one of my favorite arcade games,one I was pretty good at. I could play over an hour on one quarter sometimes. I liked the fact you had to think about the physics and gravity at all times. Then control your ship with all fingers to fly through tight areas. A foot pad would have come in handy.
Such a great looking cabinet. I wouldn't mind owning one if I had room for it,that is. I don't know. Maybe I'm in open revolt against all things Microsoft wants right now. Including the use of a Kinect. Perhaps I'm just being a crotchedy old fart about it. I try not to be so set in my ways. Open up to new concepts and ideas in gaming. So a footpad seems kind of cool in a way. Remains to be seen if something like this will catch on. In some households it will be a germ factory you will be frightened of! There will be some policies in my house concerning it........
"Sorry Frodo. There is no way you're coming near my footpad. You can just take your happy ass back to the shire and get some socks! Those are beyond funky......"
What I'm listening to today..........