Dude i still dont understand why your ass aint butt ass rich with that incredible art awesome the only word to describe it.
My Art Work pt 2: Illustrations
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![]() On 06/20/2013 at 10:42 PM by Chunopo ![]() See More From This User » |
Illustrations are something I really enjoy doing, it really lets you get your imagination rolling and there are so many inspirations out there, just using the vast amount of resources like stories, games, film, comics and TV mean that the fruit of the idea tree is always juicy and bursting. I never place restrictions on my own work because if anybody ever printed them off or messed about with them to create something new I would always take it as a compliment. I understand the reasons why some people are precious with their work, particularly if it is their main source of income, but ultimately I enjoy the idea that I am contributing/ giving something back to the creative industry that I garner so much enjoyment from.
Anyway, back to the work. I did a stint at Uni of illustration for a number of different purposes, ranging from short stories (mainly written by English grads that I knew) and advertising. The advertising projects were ok with me because we got to choose the subject matter and as such I often went for places or causes rather than products, I never had the motivation in producing work for a corporation that I had no personal connection with though I have seen others do some amazing work for something as simple as ‘piles cream’.
The images below are Lino prints (for those not in the know it’s a hard substance which softens with heat, you carve into it with special knives and roll ink onto the top, press it and voila). It was based for an OXFAM leaflet and it titled ‘what if it was on your door step’. The idea was to place traditional African art style faces in settings in the street.
Printing has always been something I enjoyed but the facilities are not always accessible. I also managed to practice my skills with paints at Uni and started to create a series of paintings which accompanied a short story that one of my female friends produced, the theme was sexual equality and the basic story was a white witch who took all the men for taking the women for granted but the main character quickly realised that society needed men as much as women and true equality was compromise so she went on a quest to find the white witch and plead to have the men returned.
Other types of illustration I am currently working on are quite new and I’m having a good stab at writing comics/ graphic novels so the drawing isn’t really happening yet. Most of the work is quick fine liner pen and water so I’m hoping to get a few more done whilst I try to complete my latest Zelda painting and continue work on my ‘Ultimate battle series’
Finally I thought I’d introduce you all to Dunstall. You may recognise him from my latest Avatar and I though he would look rather cool accompanying all of my messages and comments. He was a character conceived for another children story that I penned, very similar toAlicein Wonderland, only it was about a boy who’s dog had a very different life with the woodland creatures near where he lived.
Anyway next time I'll looking at some of my game inspired art before we take a recapped leap into Ultimate battles, which with any luck will coincide with the latest one (assuming I can find somewhere with a scanner big enough.