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Things I Have Been Doing; Brawling in Arrakis

On 06/22/2013 at 12:39 AM by Alex-C25

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Geez, it has been a while since I did a blog.

Sorry if i hadn't done a blog. After the last one, I got bussy with real life and even now that I'm in summer vacations, I still had things to do and currently i'm studying for the state exams (or the Colombian equivalent) that will be done on August. That, and I wasn't having that much inspiration for a blog, but now that I got back my inspiration, I felt like doing a blog of TIHBD. With that said, here's my blog.


I think due to the announcement of Super Smash Bros. 4, I got excited and decided to return to Brawl to prepare myself for the game and just because this is one of my favorite Wii games. Since I haven't played the game in like two years, my skills got rusty and I had to get myself familiar again, which fortunately, I did very quickly.

Like I said, Brawl is one of my favorite games on the console and probably the game I had spent more time on. I still hold to that. It's not only a very fun game, but it's very varied and oh boy, is it long. Right now, i'm finally mastering the smash attacks, learning how to use the shield and dodge abilities and it's only now that I realize that Wario and ROB are actually pretty good fighters. Only catch: the tripping and I still don't know how to do the codec conversations with Snake.

Also, before Brawl, I was playing Rayman Origins, Sonic Rush and Sonic Heroes. The first two are great, but sadly, Sonic Heroes, my first 3D Sonic game, hasn't aged well.


Disclaimer: The next part is an overy long opinion. Skip to Televison if you don't want to read my long tirade.

My father visited me last week and I spent the whole weekend with him and by his request, I went with him to see After Earth because he was interested in seeing it. Well, that was dissapointing.

Okay, let me explain. I think one of the first things that I didn't like was the acting. First, Jaden Smith didn't know how to express emotions, he had a very grating voice and everytime he tried to go for drama, he just ended up as a whiny brat, but i'll go to that later. Will Smith actually did a decent performance, but even if that's how he is supposed to be, he's so emotionless that he just becomes boring, but i'll also cover that on the next paragraph. The rest of the cast had kind of a Meh acting. Not good, but nothing espectacular.

Then there's the characters. Jaden's character is the main protagonist and like I said, plays a kid who is a whiny brat. I could have sympathy for him, since he's stranded in in a very dangerous deserted planet Earth and he has to go through a rough path, but the fact that he acts stupidly and his desperation mostly comes from sister issues and lack of common sense for being over emotional in a bad teenage way of lack of self control, really ruins his character. There's also the father, who I admit, has more reasoning than his son, but everything that could have make him a good character gets thrown out of the window because of one aspect of him: emotionless. I know it's his defining characteristic and it's made very clear, but at the same time, he just doesn't have anything that could make him an interesting character and just comes as dull person.

Then there's the script which affects the characters and everything about the movie. The problem with the script is that it doesn't develop anything correctly. The movie has a good setting to tell and I know this movie is exclusively about father and son relationships, but I think a bit of backstory about the earth evacuation and a bit more information about the aliens in this film could have fleshed more the world. But even it's own script is flawed. Due to the mentioned flaws of Jaden and Will's characters, the relationship between them (which is the main selling point, together with Jaden's character overcoming obstacles) is kinda dull and even doesn't have good development. I also wished there was more backstory with Jaden's sister and maybe develop other characters like the mother, alas they didn't appear and one reason is that the script is very rushed leaving any characterisation and story elements short and made the movie TOO short. Seriously, I felt like this was a 40 minutes tv episode.

I guess the only saving graces were the scenery, some special effects here and there, some actually entertaining scenes like the wingsuit one and the movie actually has an emotional scene at the end, but they just tame compared to what i've said.

I think I could spend this whole blog talking about this film and I might have left other details, but it would make this very long as it is now.



Serie on the left: Code Geass. On the right: Death Note. 

Recently I started the above mentioned shows with the first episode of each one and hopefully if I don't get lazy or distracted by anything else, i'll continue them.

On Code Geass, the first episode grabbed me. I think it has a very interesting setting that I hope to see more and well I really want to see how the story develops, as the main character, Lelouch, has something going on. I think my only nitpick with the first episode was that it was kinda rushed, but it had an interesting premise and I gotta say that the Ghetto scene really had an emotional punch. I mean, WOAH!

Now, I actually lied when I said I started Death Note right now, as I actually watched the first episode two years ago and impressed me a lot, but fot some reason I didn't continue the series. To finally start watching the series for real, I repeated the first episode. Didn't gave me a big whoa like two years ago, but it's still a very nice episode and one that easily grabs the viewer. I just liked how interesting Light is and there's a pretty cool scene where pretty much Light is writing in the Death Note like there was no tomorrow.

So yeah, I will continue watching those shows.


I'm currently going through the three books above.

A bit late, but finally I have the second book of The Song of Ice and Fire saga (aka: Game of Thrones), A Clash of Kings. So far, it has pretty much grabed me like the first book. Since i'm pretty early in the story, the exciting stuff hasn't happen, but the intrigue is keeping me reading it.

Last year I bought at my city's book fair Dune, which people told me was a great book, if a bit hard to follow, something a friend of mine who read the book also thought. Because of A Clash of Kings, I haven't paid much attention to Dune, but what I like what i've read so far of the first chapters. As far as being hard to follow, I can't say anything since i'm too early, but there's indeed names of stuffs and definitions that are made in what I think it's the language of the Dune universe. The good thing is that my copy has an index of definitions, which I always use when I see a name or definition of that kind.

Finally, we have Freefall. For those who don't know, in this blog I said that I was repeating one of my favorite books of my pre-teen years, Tunnels, which is part of a saga. Turns out that I not only finished Tunnels, but also it's sequel, Deeper, in a short lapse of time and now i'm in the third book, Freefall. Due to Dune and now A Clash of Kings, I haven't given much time to this one, but after the events of the second novel, which raised a very high bar IMO, i'm excited to continue Freefall someday.

Let's Play:

Because i've been in a let's play mood, I decided to check this group of Let's Players called The Runaway Guys, which i've heard of, even if i'm not too familiar with the solo work of the three LPers, which I think are famous around Youtube. I decided to start with their Let's Play of New Super Mario Bros. Wii. So far, i'm having a good time. The LP is mostly a humorous one, with them trying to complete every World with all the gold coins and pretty much what makes the hilarious is them killing each other accidentaly or incidentaly. Pretty amusing stuff and it could serve as a guide to get the gold coins.


So yes, that's pretty much all for this series of TIHBD. Any thing you guys are doing lately?




06/22/2013 at 12:51 AM

I sold my Wii! something I really shouldn't have done as as love Brawl, your blog alone is seriously making me regret my decision. I can't wait to see the next one and I'm pretty excited to get it for my 3DS too, playing smash bro's on the go will be epic and just what my handheld needs at the moment! Like you I ve only seen the first few Death Note episodes so I need to get into that, I ve just finished watching Deadman Wonderland which is promising but the main character (Ganta) is a touch too whiny for my tastes.


06/22/2013 at 12:55 AM

Oh and if you like you Anime check this out, it's only ten mins long but has an exceptionally cool concept and style:


06/22/2013 at 11:51 PM

Shame on you! SHAME ON YOU! For selling your Wii!

Okay, just kidding, I could see reasons why you would do that.

Yeah, i'm very excited about Smash Bros. 4. I hope to see more anouncements rooster and stage wise and I can't wait to play as Mega Man (and the Wii Fit Trainer to be honest). Although I will likely get the Wii U version and i'll see if the 3DS version interests me to also get it.

I haven't seen Deadman Wonderland, but I heard good things about it from a friend of mine.

Really liked that short you posted. Had a great setting, very interesting art and I like the message it sends. Really felt bad to what happened to that musician.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/22/2013 at 03:25 AM

I've read all six Dune books. They are difficult sometimes, but worth it, if you like that sort of thing.  I love Dune.  Laughing


06/22/2013 at 11:55 PM

Well, I don't know how it is in english since i'm reading it in spanish (then again, my friend who read Dune also read it in spanish and said it was difficult), but the only difficulty had been the names and definitions, but so far i'm not having troubles understanding what's happening and i'm following the plot line easily.


06/22/2013 at 03:47 AM

Code Geass is incredibly addicting. I watched the whole first series in three days watching I believe even ten episodes without stopping! Yeah, the story is pretty silly but it's so fast paced and exciting I found it hard to stop watching. I also bought the entire Death Note series for $25 last month. Haven't got to it yet, but I'm sure I will love it based off what other people have said.

Dune is a confusing book at first and I wouldn't recommend reading it unless you are willing to commit to it. The payoff is really worth it though once you get into sucked into its world.


06/23/2013 at 12:00 AM

Then, I guess I should continue Code Geass right away. Same with Death Note.

I can see the confusion since there's many names and definitions that need constant use of the terminology part of the book, but that's the only complicated thing I have so far with Dune, as i'm following the plot very well.


06/22/2013 at 08:14 AM

Zero is awesome! L is cool as well.


06/23/2013 at 12:02 AM

Hee, didn't know you liked Death Note Larry. Not that there's anything wrong with that Tongue Out


06/22/2013 at 10:43 AM

Death Note is one of my favorite anime series. It gets really intense. I don't think that it's something you can rewatch over and over though. I tried playing Brawl, but after SO MUCH Melee it just felt like the same thing with a few new characters and what not. I really liked the Subspace Emissary though.


06/23/2013 at 12:08 AM

Well, another reason to continue watching Death Note.

I can see where you are coming, but since I had played Melee but never owned it, I got a bigger impact with Brawl with all the content it has, which made me love the game and maybe i'm wrong, but I think Brawl has more content than Melee (you can correct me though). Atleast we agree with Subspace Emissary. I really liked that.


06/23/2013 at 12:21 AM

I wouldn't doubt that Brawl has a lot more content. I just couldn't get used to playing SSB with the Wii Mote. My brother and me put so much time into Melee (seriously. like endless hours lol) that I guess I was burnt out on it. SSBM is one of my favorite fighting games. I wasn't trying to insult Brawl or anything.


06/23/2013 at 12:25 AM

Don't worry Aaron. I wasn't condeming you and I respect your opinion. I just have a very mild fanboyism for BrawlTongue Out


06/24/2013 at 01:48 PM

I always play Brawl with a GameCube controller. I tried the Wiimote and NO THANK YOU! Lol

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2013 at 08:37 AM

Haven't seen Code Geass or Death Note, but I think I'd like Death Note.

Smash Bros. Brawl I'd also like, but I'll probably never own a Wii, so I'm good with still trying to beat those last three challenges and get the other trophies I'm missing in Melee for the rest of my natural life.

I've heard of Tunnels and Dune, but I have to get through Mockingjay before reading anything else. After Earth you seem to have the same opinion about as most people; I was never interested to start with, so the reviews about wooden acting don't help. It does remind me I still need to see Man of Steel, though, and This is the End.


06/24/2013 at 12:31 PM

Not sure where I think you should start, but both animes have great first episodes so I think it's a safe bet to start with either shows.

Fair enough. But, if you ever get Brawl, I think you'd like the big variety of modes and content.

Once I finish some books of my backlog, I might continue to Catching Fire as I already finished The Hunger Games.

Yeah, After Earth was simply a mess. I was also never interested in watching the film, but my dad wanted so I pleased him.


06/24/2013 at 01:53 PM

Wow, you are busy! I haven't been doing much of anything lately because first we moved then my parents came to visit and then my wife and went to an amusement park this last weekend with some friends from another state. We hadn't seen them in quite a while and had a good time but man, lots of driving to get there and back!

I have seen the first couple of episodes of Death Note, though, and really liked it. Hopefully I'll get back to it sometime. You're not the first person to tell me how good it is.


06/24/2013 at 10:28 PM

Heee, not really busy. I do things in the day, but not much to make me stop writing right now and besides, i'm currently in summer vacations with lots of free time. You are the one who's busy.

I just said how good the first episode was. I'm going to continue the second episode right now.


07/07/2013 at 08:14 PM

I need to check out those animes soon. I stopped watching Deathnote for awhile but I'm thinking on waiting on that one till the fall.

Might I suggest you read the Dune prequel books. They are not as hard to understand and they do give you alot of foundation to understand the universe of Dune.


07/08/2013 at 12:24 AM

I think I will also stop for a while, not because i'm not liking the shows, but because I gotta find another anime streaming cite, as the one I used closed forever. That or I would have to get the DVDs.

If I like Dune a lot, I could get the prequel books. But even then, i'm not having a hard time understanding the book. There's a lot of things on the book, but it's not an impossible read.

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