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Folk Friday #6

On 06/21/2013 at 11:33 PM by Ranger1

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Sorry about the gap in coverage. Been busy with work, and then the dog got sick. But I'm back now! This entry is all over the place, I don't have the time and energy to spend doing a themed entry, so it's pretty much just going to be songs I really like from a variety of artists I like (or liked their versions of the song).

First up is a song written by an Australian named Bill Scott and performed by Peter Souza, John Roberts, and Joanne Souza. It's been stuck in my head for the past month or so, and I'm working on learning all the words now that I've got the tune down. It's a fun song to do with a room full of people singing along.

Another song I really like is Byker Hill, Pete Souza sings a great version of it, but unfortunately he doesn't have a youtube video of it. I found this one by Jesse Fergusen when I was looking for a version I liked on Youtube. I think it works better without too much instrumentation, which a lot of the other versions had.

The third song I have for your listening pleasure is a Kipling poem called A Tree Song from the book Puck of Pook's Hill. Peter Bellamy wrote the tune for it and recorded it as Oak and Ash and Thorn. I like John Roberts and Tony Barrand's version better, but alas, no youtube video of it. My nod to the Solstice.

Circled By Hounds put out two CDs and now has seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. Too bad, they were talented and a lot of fun to listen to. I was looking for something on CD Baby one day, came across their listing, and just liked the name of one of the CDs. I took a chance and bought and liked it well enough to buy the other CD. Glad I did, since they're no longer available. This song is called Brave Companion.

Malinky is a Scottish group that played at a local venue. They sounded like something I'd like, and they were. This song is off their fourth CD.

North Sea Gas came to my attention when my mom was going through my uncle's CDs after he passed away and she had a small pile that she thought I might like. They're another group that I've seen a couple of times.

And in a completely different direction...A Kathy Mattea cover of Jean Ritchie's The L&N Don't Stop Here Any More off Kathy Mattea's Coal album. It's more folk that her usual stuff and is one of my favorite CDs.

I guess there is a common thread in this batch of songs - they're all songs that get stuck in my head for days after I hear them. Of all of Richard Thompson's songs, this is the one that is the biggest ear worm for me.

I first heard Malinky sing this song. They learned it from David Francey, who wrote it. The lyrics kill me every time I hear it.

Of course I couldn't get through a playlist without hitting one that has embedding disabled! Garnet Rogers singing Summer Lightning. He did it as a request for me the last time I saw him in concert. Another nod to the Solstice.

So that's the official list. I was feeling stressed out last Saturday, and informed my boss when he came in that I needed a mental health day. He let me split at noon, and I went to Portsmouth, NH to the monthly Shanty Session at a bar called The Press Room. There's something therapeutic about singing with 40 or 50 other people, and it was the yearly Barry Finn Memorial Shanty Session, so we sang a lot of songs that were Barry's favorites, plus a ton of others. I came home feeling refreshed and renergized. I also took a short video clip to give you all a taste of what goes on at one of these sessions.

And, as always, playlist can be found here: Folk Friday #6





06/22/2013 at 12:47 AM

Some chilled out music here Tami! every one needs some re-coop time, glad your boss is understanding for all that but I suppose in your line of work most people will be 'down to earth'. Hope your pooch is feeling better, he only just got over another sick spell didn't he? well regardless I hope that he's on the mend.


06/22/2013 at 07:08 AM

Glad you enjoyed the music, Adam. My boss is the best, we don't work for him, we work with him. And even in my line of work, some people in charge are still twits, lol. As for the dog, it's the same issue. He's recovering from a vaccine reaction and it may take him several months to recover and even then, he might not ever be as healthy as he was before he got that shot.


06/22/2013 at 08:12 AM

I really enjoyed Malinky, there is something about scottish and Irish folk...


06/22/2013 at 03:49 PM

Larry, if you ever get the chance, they are well worth seeing live. I have all four of their CDs, my favorite is 3 Ravens.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/22/2013 at 06:03 PM

hey thanks for posting this.  These were chill to listen to on this lazy Saturday afternoon. don't get many folk singers out here in the desert.  Wink


06/24/2013 at 05:32 PM

Matt, there are probably more than you think. Small, local talent is usually lurking in the oddest places. If you'd like, I can ask on the folk music forum I belong to if there's anyone in the Phoenix area, or if there are any good venues for folk. If nothing else, I can point you to a couple of podcasts.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/24/2013 at 07:10 PM

podcasts would be cool.  I'm sure you're right and there is a scene here for folk singers.  If I was more outgoing I would probably check them out, because I do like live music but don't like noisy rock shows anymore.  maybe there's stuff near me and I don't even know about it though. 


06/24/2013 at 07:24 PM

I'll ask around about local stuff for you. In the meantime, there is a radio program on NPR on Saturday nights called The Thistle and Shamrock that goes from 8-9 PM. She mostly covers Irish, Scottish, and other Celtic music (like Brittany and Wales), or music influenced by Celtic music, but she usually has great stuff. The website, Thistle Radio, lets you stream the last ten shows and archives the playlists. One of the people on the folkie website does a radio program that you can stream - Laurel Paulson-Pierce, KROV FM, that's her June show, the others are archived here. My friend Jed has a friend who does a podcast, I'll message him and get that info for you.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/24/2013 at 08:48 PM

thanks Tami, bookmarked.  You da bomb!  Wink


06/24/2013 at 09:28 PM

Jed's already messaged me back. This site looks really great, looks like a blog plus numerous podcasts, and he also sent a link to his soundcloud page. I started a thread on the forum asking about local stuff in Phoenix, but for some reason the place just isn't as friendly now as it was when I joined ten years ago. Ten years ago, I would have gotten a ton of replies to my request for help when I started doing Folk Friday blogs, and someone would have replied in the first couple of hours to my request for music in the Phoenix area. I have no idea if I'll get any help at all, but it was worth a try.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/24/2013 at 09:53 PM

thanks Tami.  Looks like it's a pretty big scene, considering.  I like that people are carrying on the tradition even if it isn't exactly a money making enterprise. 


06/25/2013 at 03:49 PM

Got a response on the thread I started. He said to try the Fiddler's Dream Coffee House, 1702 E. Glendale Ave.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/26/2013 at 10:39 AM

I think that's pretty close.  I'll look and see if they have a website/schedule. 

thanks, Tami!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2013 at 08:24 AM

Get what you mean about lack of instrumentation, definitely gave Byker Hill and Oak, Ash & Thorn a great quality. Circled by Hounds was a great break back into instrumentation though. The three that came after it were collectively my favorites, especially "Pharoah" and "Dark Island," and Kathy Mattea was a favorite cause it was upbeat. Might come back to hear more of David Francey's lyrics.

And I know what you mean about needing to get away and sing with a group of people. I'm still hyped from the concerts I attended Saturday, one of which (brentalfloss) ended in the whole room singing along to Hey Jude. Yes, I realize it's probably been done/covered to death, but I've never sung it with other people like that before.


06/24/2013 at 05:41 PM

Richard Thompson is one of my favorite artists, and I may get to see him in Portsmouth, NH for free Sunday evening. He's playing in one of the city parks. If you're interested in more of his music, my favorite album is Rumour and Sigh, but Sweet Warrior is a close second. Plus all his older stuff when he was part of Fairport Convention is pretty good.

As for Kathy Mattea, I love her voice, and that CD Coal is really good. I think there may only be one song on the whole CD that I don't care for. I have another song off that CD planned for a future Folk Friday entry.

And singing is therapeutic. It's how I keep my depression under control without having to resort to drugs. When you sing with a group, there's an energy that links you all. And Hey Jude is a great one for singing in a group like that, doesn't matter how many times it's been done.


06/24/2013 at 10:33 AM

I have a pretty cool boss who will do stuff like that. Hell,he took us to the Bahamas one time. Pretty nice of him. So good to see you posting some music again. I learn so much from your music blogs and enjoy them thoroughly. Kathy Mattea is such a talent. I think she still sounds amazing today. The song by Richard Thompson is astoundingly good. Very haunting,which I liked a lot. Malinky is new to me,I'll have to check them out because they are great. I wish we had more Scottish groups come here. They only seem to come around for the Scottish games in September,though. The Garnet Rogers song was my favorite out of all these. That was beautiful.


06/24/2013 at 05:50 PM

I can't recommend Kathy Mattea's Coal CD highly enough. That one lives in my car. I think she just gets better and better over time. She did some work on The Transatlantic Sessions that is really good, too, especially her playing with Dougie MacLean on "This Will Carry". I'll include that one next week, promise! I just checked, and all four of Malinky's CDs are available on Amazon as either CD or MP3. My personal favorite is 3 Ravens, but they're all good.


06/24/2013 at 03:20 PM

I'll have to give some of these songs a listen later.  I've been on a folk-rock kick lately, but folk is great to write too.  =)  Sorry to hear about the doggy troubles, it sucks when you try to do what's right and it does more harm than good.


06/24/2013 at 05:52 PM

Hey Kate! I think Richard Thompson fits the folk rock label, and Garnet Rogers can, too, especially his interpretation of his brother Stan's "Northwest Passage", with the crashing electric guitar. Give the die hard, crabby, hide-bound old farts fits, lol.

Yeah, I wwas really worried about Bandit for a couple of weeks. His hindquarters are still a little wobbly, but he's a lot better now. Could take up to six months for him to be back to where he was, hope it won't be that long, though.


07/07/2013 at 08:10 PM

I'm sorry but I'm just not feeling it with these folk song selections. I can't say I'm a big fan of such songs though. I was never really exposed to it much in my area, and even when I was out and about at the local fairs and speical events I didn't take notice to them.

I need to get into the right mindset, I want to expeirance new things!

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