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Saw "Man of Steel" today *SPOILERS*

On 06/23/2013 at 02:19 PM by V4Viewtiful

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With my who's gong to a hospital check up tomorrow i took him to see the newest Superman Movie, I can't be bothered to rewrite what I posted on a message board.

He is for now but he's off to hospital tomorrow for a check up, so seeing it today was good for him (and me)

Now that i'm back from the movie i'll say this.

This is The Dark Knight level of greatness but it falls below because of small problems

  • Both Zod and Pa Kent's Death was BS, especially Pa seeing as there was more than enough time to save the dumbest plot device to any film in existence "A friggin Dog!" he died for a dog  It wasn't just forced but they clearly being lazy. I'll talk about Zod later
  • Too much shacky cam at the wrong time, sometimes it was done well but often it was distracting and badly implemented like in fight scenes. As an almost religious Kung Fu movie watcher i found it highly annoying
  • Superman revealing his secret to controlling his powers to an army general. Really? reveal what could be your ace in the whole before the villains are losing? Dumbass!
  • Clark really had to destroy that mans truck and probably livelihood, right? He could just grab him and throw him out like a normal person, people say in S2 that him going to the Trucker and giving him lix was petty? This was far worse and he probably won't learn anything from it
  • Young Clark just had to look inside the bus? he could just i don't know, pretend to have been there all along? Or even just go back into the river immediately and save the chubby kid? It's not like they would have guessed he'd pushed the bus up if he wasn't seen at the end of the bloody thing.
  • Lois falling when everything else is sucked up, and before you say anything about Kryptonian or In organic object or anything to prevent her from being sucked up, is dumb.
  • The Product placement in this film is embarrassing
  • Clark is soo worried about his ID yet doesn't at least wear a mask?
  • The security around the ship in glacier sucks arse, not because of Clark getting in, i buy that, but Lois doing what no one in their right mind as a reporter would do and scale a mountain with no equipment
  • if lois is in too many places and it's justification is slim, Zod really, really, really didn't need her and the only reason plot wise why she was there was to upload Jor-El, exactly what did they learn from her what they couldn't from Clark?
  • i had to listen really hard to know who was Jimmy, i mean it was obvious but whenever her name was said it was muffled or inaudible.
  • Non (the tall guy) had no personality or presence, he was just there. Even their medic had a better presence and roll.
  • Didn't show the rest or at least the extent of Superman abilities. Where the hell was his super breath, his Speed was down played till he flew.
  • The editing sucks, period. Oh yeah some inspired scenes are put together but they overall hinder the film.
  • For me Lois and Clark had no chemistry, now don't get me wrong, i by their growing relationship she does grow more comfortable around him but where in the Movie her falling in Love seemed out of Genuine amazement this seemed more of a respect than anything else and it felt off.
  • Zod's symbol should have been more seeable more grey or silver because the bland colours made much of the Kryptonian body suits hard to see. I understand things being more plain on Krypton but doesn't mean certain things can't break the colour
  • No superbreath, there's very little excuse for this. You mean he never sneezed once and blew a hole in the wall? Common even those who aren't Superman fans no this and it could have solved many problems in the film, leaving me to believe that they intentionally left it out to prop up the less script and to get Clark to where he needed to be making many scenes unnatural (I know how that reads, i just meant intentionally leaving out a known characteristic to just to get to the ends is lazy writing)
  • Clark seemed (he wasn't) but seemed to cause more harm than good. What i mean HE brought the fight to smallville (which i'll give him a pass anyway because no one touches Mum, know what i'm saying?) and when him and Zod where in space they could go to a desert or the ocean? Yeah it depends on the angle but Zod was clearly interested in Sup's by that point, that was his aim.
  • Superman should of had a few Weeks not 2 bloody days! Seriously, it was unnecessary and left the Superman persona underdeveloped till the end by then i was like "THERE'S Superman"

Some of the above are only little grips and don't affect the quality of the film
Everything i haven't talked about, makes this film great. Is it the best start (for sequels and JL movie)? Sure. All the problems and bad plot devices or developments can be ignored if they choose And I'd be fine with that.

Michael Shannon is the friggin shit! He's better towards the end because of character development but when he kills Jor-El you see something in him snap, He hasn't got the same presence as Stamp but he is far more 3D dimensional and i put both performances at equal footing for what they wanted. "Kneel, before Zod" had no place in this movie, and i commend them leaving it out

Faora had the most presence and seeing her fight is wonderful.

Jor-El was far more subtle a performance than all, but if you just access his role the situation someone had to be calm, and i feel he wouldn't of sent his son off without Lara to back him. Ghost dad is hilarious if not jarring but it works

This may be the first Lois to not annoy me 

Costner, my gawd. Best Pa Kent ever. and Best casting EVER. Despite his death being forced, I felt the emotional impact and his sincerity even in that "maybe?" response i could tell he didn't really mean it. Ma Kent was cool too.

Fishburne is a good Perry he's like a less energetic version but just as blunt and it works.

Dialogue is great all around, i like the difference in Dialect but what stupid is that they speak english and before you say "Oh they were using translators", yeah, for Broadcasts but what about locally? I would have been nice if Faora and Lois and Sups once on the Ship spoke Kryptonian but as soon as Lois put on her breather or something we understood. You can accuse this as a gripe but I call this common sense, hell even in the Mummy Returns they did something like that.

I and my dad enjoyed this film overall despite many small problems both legit and fanboy gripes.

(Oh, BTW how come there where no shockwaves in the fights, remember the JL cartoon or the 3rd Matrix movie? This would have been perfect for it).

P.S. Soundtrack and Sound quality in general, Fabulous! Was that Cris Cornell singing in the first Flashback or so? I need to get this soundtrack 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/23/2013 at 02:57 PM

yeah I had a lot of gripes with it too but when I think about it I like Superman too much to hate on it.  Could it have been better? Sure.  It was about on par with BAtman begins, maybe not quite as good, and I'm hoping the second movie is better. 


06/23/2013 at 08:16 PM

It's a good start i think, it found it's footing near the end

Cary Woodham

06/23/2013 at 04:03 PM

I saw it today, too!  Only problem I had with is was the corporate sponsorship was WAY obvious.  I wouldn't be surprised if IHOP has Superman pancakes now.  Or if in the movie, they changed the mythos so that Superman got his powers by eating pancakes!

I hope there is a sequel because then Lex Luthor could be in it, and maybe he'd have a funny sidekick like what he had in Superman Returns.  I liked her.


06/23/2013 at 08:18 PM

yeah she was from the Donner films if i'm not mistaken. Luthor usually has a female companion but nowadays she's a body guard


06/23/2013 at 05:21 PM

Wow, WOW! Carefull with spoilers Ashley, I haven't seen the film.

Anyway, I hope to see the film soon. I heard pretty mixed things, with the TV Tropes board loving or liking the film and most of the TGWTG forum hating the film.


06/23/2013 at 05:35 PM

Damn, i forgot, i'll pu a spoilers warning Tongue Out

It deserves much criticism but it is after all is said and done... Better than superman Returns. HA! Laughing


06/23/2013 at 07:40 PM

I liked the action bits, but hated the character of Kal-el and most of the cast. Zod was pretty awesome. It's an awesome space alien invasion movie, but the ending, the dog, the hologram of supes dad, etc... How exactly will Lex Luthor be a bigger threat now? Overkill.


06/23/2013 at 08:12 PM

Great you mentioned that, It wasn't to much of a Superman film till the end. 

Luthor would have rebuilt the city my guess is he would have taken all the Kryptonian armour tech and or material from sites and confiscation and build a powersuit (seeing how durable it was) the Phantom drive could have even made Kryptonite, unlikely but they may as well.

Zod was a character that grew in this film and by the end he was the awesome, more 3 dimentionalSmile


06/23/2013 at 08:24 PM

Yeah! Brandon Routh was a bit cardboard like.

True Gamer At Heart

06/24/2013 at 09:13 AM

Love to see when somebody agrees with me!! Spot on ever detail you were talking about!!


06/24/2013 at 12:09 PM

Ha, makes a changeTongue Out

I wish half of my complaints weren't there but that's my analysis both as a fan an movie goer.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2013 at 09:17 AM

I'll see this soon hopefully and come back here, but for now, no spoilers.


06/24/2013 at 12:15 PM

Have fun don't go in with to low of expectations it'll easily rise above them. This film isn't as bad as the naysayers are claiming but it is rife with problems, big and small.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2013 at 07:15 PM


Went in with somewhat low expectations and ... yeah, I actually found most of the acting pretty bland, except for Michael Shannon becoming a rage monster near the end. That was fun. And Amy Adams got better as it went on, but her too-soft voice towards the beginning was eh. And I love Amy Adams usually, so I hope she gets better as the series goes on. At least when she ogled Superman, she didn't bore me to death. Everyone else more or less came off as forgettable to me, though, even Superman.

However, the action scenes were flipping awesome to me, and unlike what I was previously led to believe, the shaky cam was fine, and nowhere even close to Hunger Games levels of irritating. This is genuinely the first use of shaky cam and constant zooming I've liked since Bourne Ultimatum, and I loved the insane fight scenes that went into outerspace and took place in the sky, etc., though you're right, Supes causes a lot of damage when he could probably have gone elsewhere, but insane building destruction is just a thing in superhero movies, I guess.

I really hated that thing about the bus, and Pa Kent's death especially, so I agree with you there.

Anyway, I'm actually glad Snyder made this, cause he's clearly the force behind those action scenes along with SFX, and that was my favorite part. I actually really did enjoy it, but I hope now that this origin is out of the way, they can have more interesting plots and the acting can improve. It is my favorite Supes film to date, at least, and I've seen the first two Donner films ... ok, I actually might like II more, but if so, this is a close second.

Anyway, as a movie, I enjoyed it enough despite a lot of the flaws you mention. As a hype machine for possible Justice League, it got me pumped.

Oh and, I suddenly want to go to IHOP or Sears.


06/24/2013 at 07:59 PM

Yep, the Goyer scripts was very poor and the irony is instead of Snyder holding back agood script it's the otherway around. 

And you are right about Superman and maybe the whole cast but again, script. Superman didn't have the charn because he was only Superman for a day and even then he was a drifter blending in so you couldn't see the man we all know he'd become, one of my favourite scenes in the first S movie was when he caught the bullet and saved Lois, that said everything about him, but in this movie his development was crawling.

Action scenes man, everuone i talked to even my brother was like "Dragon Ball Z!" thet where excellent and well shot, not as memorably as say Avengers but it was more intense and viseral

Personally i feel like buying a new phone an So-something, maybe?

Oh and my mates on a comicbook forum told me the song Chris Cornell was singing

From the 90s movie singles

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2013 at 08:07 PM

I didn't even know Chris Cornell was in this, I only recognized the score. lol That's cool, though.

And I agree about the script being the problem, especially since pretty much all these people have been great elsewhere; like I said I'm a big Amy Adams fan, so it's like wtf happened to her?

And I never liked DBZ as a kid cause I always saw the talking episodes. Maybe I should go watch that Superman vs. Goku video with ItsJustSomeRandomGuy as the Supes voice.


07/07/2013 at 08:56 PM

Given I'm more of a Batman fan than Superman, I think I'll pass on this movie in theatres. Perhaps when it's on bluray or netflix. Not sure if I'd focus on the nitpicks myself but I'm not sure if I'm ready to see what this man of steel is about.


07/07/2013 at 09:25 PM

I'm a Batman fan myself, but MoS has more flaws then BB and the tone really didn't mesh with me, i like it but it's not great. If you can i would say see in cinema but not in 3D(it's good, but only the sci-fi and fights stuff really benefits and even then i barely notice).

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