I am formulating a response to this, but I'd prefer to read it first, and it's got some formatting problems.
Christianity - Why I don't Like It
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![]() On 06/24/2013 at 12:26 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
In my last couple of blogs I've said some controversial things about christianity, usually as an offhanded joke because it's easy and christians kind of set themselves up for it. However, I feel the need to have this discussion - and I want it to be exactly that - a discussion. This isn't me telling you your lifestyle is wrong or anything, this is just me saying how I feel about the subject, it can be blunt and harsh, but please, feel free to argue with me as much as you want.
This Blog was initially intended to be nice and stuff, but I got a little carried away and ranty. I'm sorry if I offend you, but you're allowed to argue/disagree.
Ok, here it goes. I was raised a Jehovah's Witness, which a lot of you will say aren't real christians and are weird freaks who would turn anyone off christianity, but I disagree. For the most part it's a smart religion, it acknoledges faults in it's teachings or predictions and it looks for answers. However, I noticed a lot of things inherent in that religion that are in most Christian religions because they are essentially the same religion with some twists. The religion was kind of forced upon me, I was taken away from my grandparents house where I had lived for 10 years by my well meaning father, but the transition was rough, as he was just becoming a jehovahs witness and was really intense about everything. So essentially through the eyes of a 10 year old, the big changes were: No pokemon, very few of the games you used to play, and a whole new set of rules that seem completely unneccessary and are just flat out retarded.
Aside from that, though, there are a ton of things I don't like. For starters, the people. I've never met a religious person who wasn't hypocritical in some way. I mean the hatred of homosexuality? "The Bible says it's wrong." The bible also says don't have sex before marriage, but you fucking do it anyway. The bible says if you rape a woman and she doesn't marry you, you should kill her. The bible says don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric. It said we aren't allowed to eat bacon. ALL THAT SHIT IS IN THE SAME BOOK OF THE BIBLE, AND MOST OF IT IS NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN! If you eat bacon, wear clothes of more than one fabric, or have sex with people you aren't married to, YOU CANNOT CONDEMN HOMOSEXUALITY YOU FUCKING PLEB! Jesus came about with a new set of laws in the new testament, and he didn't mention homosexuality once. It's this bullshit rule you guys concocted because you're afraid of anything that's different to you.
I understand not everyone is like that, so I'll move onto some other points. Some of the teachings are kind of silly. They say this is the worst period of time anybody has ever lived in. Ever heard of something called the dark ages? What about Roman times, where we made people kill each other for entertainment. Pretty sure this is the best time ever to be alive. We have medical advances that allow us to live longer. We are civillised, and have so many luxuries it's not funny. Sure, there are parts of the world that are doing poorly, but overall we're doing alright.
Another thing is that if you don't accept the lord into your heart, you'll go to hell. So, if you happen to be born in a part of the world where christianity isn't taught, you're fucked. If you are the nicest person in the world, it doesn't matter because you were born in the wrong part of the world. Turns out our divine ruler is a racist asshole. And while we're on the subject of assholes, Jesus is kind of a prick. I mean, he says "If you love anyone in your family more than me, sorry - no heaven for you. I don't want anything to do with you." Sorry Jesus. I know my family. They may not be perfect, but they've done things for me. I've never met you. They kind of win. Also, if you were this really nice person that everyone says you are, you wouldn't make up douchey rules like that.
Also, the bible is more sexist than most internet forums. It essentially preaches that women are the source of problems and are evil seductresses from hell. It teaches that women aren't as good as men, and should have fewer rights.
I'm sorry if I've offended you. I could go on and on and on but this blog is longer and angrier than I intended. This wasn't supposed to offend, just give my reasons for disliking christianity, but my anger came through anyway. I guess it does have a lot to do with my upbringing but hey. Feel free to argue against all of these points in the comments. I won't be as much of an asshole when responding as I was up here.