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June Gaming

On 06/24/2013 at 03:24 PM by Sonicbug

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June Gaming

I haven’t posted in forever, and I meant to do a big E3 blog but... sigh.  Yeah, I didn’t get around to it.  I have the day off (for annoying reasons rather than fun) so I decided to right a ‘what I’ve been playing’ blog.

Last of Us impressions up first.  Spoiler Free impressions at that!

I’m in Pittsburg in the game right now.  (That’s not really a spoiler.)

What I like:

• The way the set pieces are integrated into the story.  There are enough switch ups, meet ups, and sudden changes in what’s going on to keep things from getting monotonous.  

•  The characters, dialog, and acting.  Naught Dog is always great at making believable, or at least well written, characters.

• Game is pretty, and even though so far there’s been a lot of buildings in cities they still manage to differentiate the lighting and the layouts to make everything cool.

What I dislike:  

• Zombies.  It’s a miracle that they got me to buy and play the game to begin with.

• Level design tells.  Yeah, they try to do a better job hiding it than other games, but when you walk into a cul-de-sac with a bunch of cars lying in random places you know a firefight is about to ensue.

•  That’s not the North End, and Lincoln MA has no downtown. AKA: Naughty Dog did next to no research on locations for their game.  It’s not open world, so I have no idea why they didn’t even try to make any buildings in Boston look like real buildings in Boston.  Afraid of being sued maybe?  One concept art piece has a real skyline in it.  Too many vines in overgrown Boston as well, it looked too much like Uncharted vegetation.  Real post apocalyptic Boston would be full of sumac and chokecherry.

The “I’d totally read that”:  That fake comic book series that Ellie is reading actually looks really interesting.  For a second I thought it was a real series, because of the Dark Horse logo.  Now I’m kinda sad it’s not real.

What else I’ve been playing:  X-COM: Enemy Unknown & Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny.

With the knowledge that PS+ accounts are carrying over to PS4, and with a ton of free games this month, I bit the bullet and re-upped (sorta, we all got those free 3 months during the hack) my plus subscription.

So I started downloading X-COM, Saints Row the Third and Dues-ex.  BECAUSE FREE.  Also, FREE!  Actually, I heard great things about all three games from Giantbomb and I really like strategy RPG games like X-COM.  

And guess what?  So far X-COM is really great.  I’d be playing it right now if it wasn’t 90 degrees in my living room.

Rune Factory I picked up over a year ago but never got around to playing.  When Last of Us became too heavy I’d pop it out and put in Rune Factory to cleanse my mind.

What’s coming up for the rest of the year:

  • • Dragons Crown, because Vanillaware!
  • • Tales of Xillia. (Which is preordered.)
  • • Puppeteer  (Only $40 bucks!)
  • • Rayman Legends (Rayman Origins kicked my ass, but it was awesome.)
  • • Sometime in November I’m going to break down and purchase a new computer.  My Mac will be 7 years old at that point.  I will be replacing it with another new Mac.  Once the new computer is here, I’m going to finally play the Witcher 1 and 2 in prep for when #3 finally comes out.  That does mean I probably won’t be getting an at launch PS4.  I will pick one up when InFamous Second Son is out.  



Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/24/2013 at 03:37 PM

Xcom is dope.  I can't believe it's free on PSN+ already.  Everybody should play that game.  I'm actually planning on purchasing the iOS version in a bit so I can play it mobile on my phone and iPad.

I'd love to get a new computer but just can't yet.  Leaning towards the PS4 instead.  Probably going to get Watch Dogs and Battlefield at launch.  Maybe Knack. 

I've been playing the Witcher.  Such high quality gaming. 

Probably going to pick up Last of Us next month.  Buying a new TV, so that will be a good way to break it in. 


06/24/2013 at 03:41 PM

The Last of Us is on a list of games that I would like to play.  Sadly, I may have to rely on Gaikai to do so.  Same with Tales of Xillia and Dragon's Crown.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2013 at 05:27 PM

Yeah, I don't like zombies, either, but I would still like to play Last of Us at some point. Wonder how much the Boston inaccuracies would bother me, considering I only visited once in 2006.


06/24/2013 at 07:43 PM

Unless you have a photographic memory, you won't notice.  Wink

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2013 at 08:11 PM

I actually do (once re-created an entire test, questions, all four of each multiple choice answers, and essay section because of it, just to see if I could), but I doubt I'd have paid enough attention to anything but Fenway Park to really notice, and they were saying they were gonna renovate and add more seats, and the whole damn city seemed like it was under construction so ... yeah, my 06 memories are probably not even accurate now anyway. lol


06/24/2013 at 06:03 PM

Bittersweet, there would be a shit-ton of bittersweet everywhere in post apocalyptic Boston. All of New England will be wrapped in that shit if no one is around to keep it in check! I don't do zombie games, but I might rent it from Redbox, just in case it might be the exception to my rule.

I'm psyched about Tales of Xillia, may preorder, but not sure. I have to start cracking down on my spending habits, as I'm about to become a property owner (long story) and need to get a loan. The other Tales game that's coming to the PS3 is Tales of Symphonia Collection, which I also really want.


06/24/2013 at 07:42 PM

You're right about the bittersweet.  Not to mention poison ivy and wild roses.  Everything would just be itchy and pointy as hell.  

Congrats on property ownership!  I have no credit and thus am stuck living with my parents until I can build some or find a man with some.


06/24/2013 at 07:49 PM

The property was my dad's. My brother (the executor) and his lawyer are just now settling the estate and dad died five years ago. I have to buy out my brother's share, but since I let him dip into the estate to keep his business, I only have to come up with $10,000. That gets me the '60 T-bird, too, though. I, too, have no credit, but my brother's putting the deed in my name, so I can borrow against the property to get the loan and then pay him. I'll get the car running again and sell it (after I drive it a few times, just because I can't hold the title and not, now, can I?). The place was in the middle of major renovations and is currently without plumbing, insulation, and sheetrock, and now we can add wiring to the mix because some asshat broke in and stole all the wiring. Sigh. I care less about the house and more about the land, though.


06/30/2013 at 09:20 PM

Wow at the T-bird.  Wow and yikes at the wiring.  Did they steal the plumbing too?  Or was that already missing?  Usually they grab that first, unless.. you now, pvc.  Good luck with the property!


07/01/2013 at 07:37 AM

Naw, they didn't steal the plumbing, my dad was planning on redoing that the following summer after he retired. Unfortunately, he died before that happened.


06/24/2013 at 08:18 PM

No zombies for me but being a huge Xcom fan your in for a treat with this game i have beat it twice and still play it, but it really is great and for free theres no excuse not to play the hell out of this one.


06/24/2013 at 11:58 PM

I agree about the whole zombie thing. While I do love splattering them,it's getting to be over the top how many games there are. I felt the same way playing The Last Of Us,which I finished a couple of hours ago. I wanted to get past all the clickers and bloaters. And the psycho runners. I was so into the story I wanted to see what happened next. I know I will be getting XCOM,I really want to play it. Just trying to decide if I want it for Steam or PS3. For free it's a pretty easy choice to make.

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