I hate when real life puts a crimp in my gaming. Or my blogging about games. Anyway, I have been fitting a little gaming in among the RLIs (Real Life Interruptions).
Still plugging away at Tomb Raider. Still really liking it. Still dying a lot, but it's not annoying enough to detract from my enjoyment of the game, unlike Uncharted.
I've also downloaded a few games over the last couple of weeks. Aegis Wing, a freebie off XBLA, is the favorite so far. Just a fun little shoot 'em up. I haven't made it past the first stage yet, but that doesn't really bother me, took me forever to get the hang of Time Pilot at first, too. I'm also intrigued by Storm, which is kind of a puzzle game where you have to use the elements to move a seed from one point to another. Some of the puzzles are easier than others, and sometimes it can be difficult to get the elements to do what you want them to do, but still fun. Nice, soothing music and pretty graphics, too. The third game is Mountain Crime: Requital, which is a cross between a point-and-click adventure and a hidden object game. There were some fun puzzles, the hidden object parts felt contrived, and the story,dialogue, and voice acting were laughably bad. They were so bad they fall into the "ought to have been a comedy" category. I had fun with it, and part of the fun was laughing at it. Worth picking up for cheap or free, but not for full price.
I also seem to have hooked Jason on Pinball Arcade. He's been playing on my account, though, so sometimes if you see me online, it's actually him.
So that's what I've been playing.