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Where's Bendo?! Oh,there's that sorry sack of crap!

On 06/26/2013 at 03:09 PM by BrokenH

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I apologize for not being in action. Got to working more in rpg-maker and finally devised a system in which I can finish the project with less agonizing busy work. Aka, I haven't given up on it but truthfully I was coming dangerously close to doing so earlier on. Matt Snee can probably tell you, being a one man studio/developer isn't easy! (Hey,Matt! How is it going?) Be that as it may,everything finally "clicked". It was like a "Big Bang" going off in my skull that gave me all the answers I so desperately needed.

Anyway, it was great to see cyberxion drop by my previous blog. He's one of my true-blue mates from 1up and hell, the rest of you probably know him too! Always a stand up honest guy that tells it like it is. Good to see you around,Darrell!

Gaming wise I've been indisposed. I've gotten further in Ys 7 but haven't beat it on account my attention has gone back to my project. I "did" beat 3rd Birthday and overall I totally loved the experience. I understand why Parasite Eve fans have mixed feelings on this one but as far as 3rd person shooters with sexy lead heroines go, it's "sharp" and rather amazing considering the psp's limitations. (Aaron has a different opinion and I'm sorry he did not enjoy it as much as me. Oh well, different strokes for different folks!)

So where will my gaming dollars go next month? I'm probably going to snatch up Valkyria chronicles 2 along with either Kingdom Hearts: Birth by sleep or Final Fantasy Dissidia: Duodecim. Stating that for the record, I've been tempted to preorder Dynasty Warriors 8 instead. Yes, I know I'm in the minority but I love Dynasty Warriors. It's pretty much Japan's COD and Japan's Madden. Aka, beyond a few tweaks it's roughly the same thing every year. I simply have a fetish for beautiful Asian women, flamboyantly dressed war generals,horses, and ridiculous historical inaccuracy! However, there is some spew about "altering history" in DW 8. Aka, supposedly there are "what if scenarios" that allow each of the 4 Han dynasties to "win the cup" so to speak. I don't know how well this will be implemented but it has the potential to add replay factor just to be able to see all the alternate endings.

Lastly, I have to apologize to Tami for being hot under the collar in my last blog. Tami, my ire was at microsoft, not at you. I realize there's wisdom in what you said. That most times it really is better to forgive and forget. However, it's difficult for me. MS came forward with so many things that could have potentially hurt consumers, independent retailers, and indie developers that I cannot help but to see them through a jaded lens. True, they did a 180 but only because gamers were livid and pre-orders on amazon were abysmal. Aka,they did it to save themselves, not because they care about us. Are Sony and Nintendo perfect by comparison? Not by a friggin long-shot but they have been more friendly & forthcoming towards us during this E3.

Put it this way, if I said "Hey Tami, I kidnapped Jason. He's in my van. By the way, I'm blowing up your house so I can build my Mega-Super-Base on your land!" then said "My bad, Tami. Here's Jason back, and my mercenaries are removing my explosives from your house. Can't we just sweep this under the rug,sis?" you would probably still want to kick my teeth down my throat! (And rightfully so.)

Anyway,it's been my pleasure and my honor to catch up with you all! Now at least you know I'm not a misbegotten skeleton collecting cobwebs deep within a creepy cellar! (Or am I?!)





06/26/2013 at 03:16 PM

Ben, it's cool. Just remember that we live in a capitalistic society, can't take shitty business decisions personally. As long as we make sure the big businesses remember that they can make things and make shitty policies, but we don't have to buy into it. Microsoft forgot that for a few minutes and was rudely reminded of it rather quickly.

As for your comparison between Microsoft's policies and kidnapping Jason, kinda apples and oranges, dude. They're not really even close to being the same thing.


06/26/2013 at 03:26 PM

I know that my example was ridiculous. lol. I was kinda joking,Tam. As for a capitalistic society, I realize we live in one. But should that excuse really unethical and potentially unconstitutional business practices? A line has to be drawn somewhere. That's all I'm saying. Wink Luckily, the people won this time.


06/26/2013 at 03:30 PM

And that is precisely my point, Ben. It is up to us to hold corporations responsible for their actions, be it something as first-worldish as Microsoft and the Xbox One, or Monsanto and their truly evil attempt to do things like sue dairies over putting the fact that they don't use milk from farms that use Monsanto's unnatural bovine growth hormones on their milk cartons (and other really evil GMO shit).


06/26/2013 at 03:38 PM

Ah,Monsato. Not my favorite topic. Also hate it when say an oil company has hundreds of casulties because of piss poor working conditions yet they can easily sweep it under the rug with "acts of good-will" as if that erases what they've done.

Certainly compared to these incidents MS isn't quite as "diabolical" but I still think it's a raw deal when a company is allied with the NSA, tries to sell us a game console with a spy camera attached, and the system itself becomes a useless paperweight when no longer supported online.

Luckily, MS 'did" fix all this. To a point capatilism is the reason why we as consumers have a voice. Then again, capitalism allows people with money to make and change new laws & new rules which are not always in our favor. (I also probably should separate capitalism from democracy. Sure, we make em work well together but they are still separate concepts and if left unchecked, capitalism has the potential to outright destroy democracy when it mutates into a monopoly.)

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/26/2013 at 03:21 PM

yeah I'm kind of in that point right now where I'm looking for a drop of inspiration for my game. But I've been working on projects for a long time, and I know it will come.  For now though, I'm just kind of hovering around my game, thinking. 

I'm glad you got back into your game though.  I think it's a really cool game, and really different from other RPGMAKER games.  Finish that bad boy!! 

I have mixed feelings about the PSP Valkyria Chronicles.  I played it but didn't get far.  I loved the PS3 version, but something was off with the PSP version.. or maybe it was just me.  I really should give it another shot. 


06/26/2013 at 03:30 PM

Maybe because Valkyria chronicles 1 was more serious and the characters were more mature? THe second game is kind of the "teenage youth miltary camp setting" instead which has a more lighthearted and sterotypical "anime school drama" vibe.

But yeah,man! My creative batteries are revved up. Side effect? Being less social. Frown

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/26/2013 at 03:32 PM

 Yay! I missed you buddy! And CyberXion should come round more often, I miss him! Also, may I ask what your system is, because I've given up on my game lol.


06/26/2013 at 03:40 PM

It'll be for pc download,Blake! I'll put up instructions how to do that when it's actually done. Also wish you luck on the "SaintsRow4 debacle". That whole mess is friggin ridiculous!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/26/2013 at 03:42 PM

More bad news... read my latest blog :/ and I look forward to the game!!!


06/26/2013 at 03:52 PM

This is just....(facepalm). C'mon Australia elites,sober up. I'm cutting you all off from your favorite stupidity liquor! You're all better than this!


06/26/2013 at 08:44 PM

Australians sober up?!? Might as well tell the wombats to start sleeping at night mate. LOL J/K. I am sure that there are at least one or two Australians who don't drink. Hint: one of them isn't Blake and another one isn't me. No wait, I'm English, now where'd my beer go?

Anyway Benderu, it's always good to hear from you.


06/26/2013 at 09:28 PM

That's Bendo! Like Bend with an o! Get it right english-man! Tongue Out Just kidding,Pete. lol. That wombat analogy was priceless! I love how we can discuss things without resorting to blatant offensive stereotypes! (troll face)


06/27/2013 at 07:52 AM

Nothing offensive about it. I see drinking as a virtue not a vice. Work is the curse of the drinking man after all. :)


06/26/2013 at 07:45 PM

Dude, Blake! It's always good to see you, dude. You doing well?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/26/2013 at 08:04 PM

I've been doing great, yourself? You should come on here more often.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/26/2013 at 06:37 PM

I'm actually a brain in a vat. Good to see you.


06/26/2013 at 07:18 PM

A brain in a vat? Excellent. Hello Joe, I'm a brain in a hovering robot! Marvel at my "mad bling"! Wink


06/26/2013 at 07:11 PM

Who is Bendo? Is that some sort of robot / alien version of Ben? I'm glad you aren't giving up on your game. I've been looking forward to playing that ever since the demo. That seems like ages ago and a whole other world away now lol.

Third Birthday was such a dramatic departure from what I loved about the original Parasite Eve. I hope some day we get a true sequel to the original... but I doubt it. Undecided


06/26/2013 at 07:20 PM

Square/Enix has a bad habit of discontinuing franchises I love,Aaron. I'm also waiting for another Vagrant Story and another Bouncer with actual co-op in its' story mode. Frown

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/26/2013 at 07:25 PM

Did you like the Bouncer? Cause I really liked the Bouncer. Have I found another person that doesn't hate the Bouncer?


06/26/2013 at 07:30 PM

Yes Joe, you have. lol. My only mark against "The Bouncer" is it didn't have co-op in the story mode. Everything else about it was "totally fab" though! It was kinda like a cyber punk version of Kingdom Hearts fused with FF8. Nothing wrong with that!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/27/2013 at 02:03 AM

Awesome! Yeah, co-op lacking kind of made me a douchebag when I thought I could beat the game (they had no memory card, so we'd always try marathoning) and didn't hand the controller over and died. Yeah, I got some looks for that one...

Cary Woodham

06/26/2013 at 07:23 PM

So your name is Bendo now? :)

I'll chime in and recommend you get Dissidia.  It's one of my favorite PSP games.  Get Loco Roco 1 & 2 while you're at it.

I got Project X-Zone last night and it has God Eater Burst characters in it and that made me think of you.


06/26/2013 at 07:29 PM

Project X-zone fun,Cary? I have been wondering about that one. I actually own the first Dissidia and really like it. I want to snap up Duodecim because of the additional characters!


06/26/2013 at 07:44 PM

Good to see you too, Ben! I'm digging the vibe here quite a bit. Everyone seems to be pretty groovy and down-to-Earth for the most part, and I like that. :)


06/26/2013 at 07:51 PM

I can vouch, this is a great place to hang! Blasphemous at it may be, I consider Pixlbit over 1up in certain ways. Only reason I didn't jump over sooner is most of my friends were still on 1up. (Y'know, before Ziff Davis sunk our battleship. lol.)


06/26/2013 at 09:43 PM

Even though it goes against my Buddhist priciples I am totally still holing a grudge against MS. Not just because of the the shameless Xbone shit but also for making Windows 8.

Glad to hear your workin on your game again, been a while since you mentioned anything about it.

I still have my Startegy guide for Parasite Eve, but I don't have the game. I wish I had gave it more of a chance but the combat system just felt akward to me. I got as far as the fight with the giant rat and then I gave up after getting killed for the 10th time. Had the same problem with Vagrant Story, I really wanted to like it but the combat and weapon leveling thing was just tedious.



06/26/2013 at 10:11 PM

PE 1 had a very unique combat system. Aka it wasn't 100% "action" but it wasn't 100% "turn based" either. I can understand how gamers could be frustrated with it, Gemini.

As for microsoft, I just can't help but to be paranoid. Sure, they did a 180 but if they had not been challenged they would have boned us with their whole rod. It's a shame I feel this way though. I really enjoy my time with the 360.

As for the game, I have a better idea of what I want it to be now! Feels good!


06/26/2013 at 11:54 PM

Been wondering about your RPG game you were developing. Glad to hear you didn't stop. As far as I remember by the blogs at 1up, you had a really great progress.


06/27/2013 at 12:55 AM

It's a lot different now but it has the same characters,Alejandro. I found an easy way to make everything flow so to speak.Smile


06/27/2013 at 12:59 AM

So glad you enjoyed 3rd Birthday. The game was so damned good! Made me love the franchise all over again. Give us an update on your game. I don't mind testing it. I want to make a game too. Cool


06/27/2013 at 02:00 AM

I was surprised how good 3rd Birthday was. Based on all the reviews I was apprehensive and kind of nervous going in. Glad I followed my gut instinct though. Turns out it was my kind of bag.

I don't know if I want to do another demo or surprise everyone by releasing the game whole. The later option seems more positive. (Aka, I'm giving gamers a whole meal instead of a tiny appetizer) But hey, if there's enough demand I'll probably cave and release a demo anyway. lol.


06/27/2013 at 01:47 AM

Well, I hope your project is continuing to plug along. No need to rush it out though, it's not like you got a publisher breathing down your neck!

I would caution against Birth By Sleep though. It was a fun game, but you got to finish the game three times just to see the "real" ending. On top of that, most of the cut-scenes nearly put me to sleep. It sort of killed any excitement I have for the franchise, given my shrug at the announcement of KHIII.


06/27/2013 at 02:03 AM

I feel you, Kev. As a whole the KH storyline didn't do anything for me. However, I loved the combat and the Disney references. Aka, a good game franchise for nostalgia!

As for the game, it'll be done sometime next year if all goes well. Hopefully there are no set backs but it's difficult to say for certain.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

06/27/2013 at 07:29 AM

Glad to see you're alive and well (Although busy, but that's never bad!)!


06/27/2013 at 12:04 PM

Helps to feel productive,Chris! (Even if it crushes my social life. There are drawbacks to everything. Curses!)


06/27/2013 at 09:28 PM

You aren't the only one who is now distrustful of Microsoft. There are tons of them out there.  All they did to me was make easy to decide. They will have to wait a bit for my cash. I think I'm going to play some 3rd Birthday later because I love it. Aya deserves a next gen game,why is that so impossible? They do sequels and remakes of such lame crap. Parasite Eve is a classic that deserves better. I'm right there with you on Dynasty Warriors. One of those games that kicks my ass. But is extremely stylish and fun.


06/28/2013 at 02:06 PM

S/E simply puts too much into Final Fantasy while neglecting everything else,Celt. I'd love to see a "big console" Parasite Eve game myself. 3rd Birthday was fantastic when you consider all the limitations of it being on a handheld. Again, it's not everyone's cup of tea but I took a real shine to it!

As for microsoft I'm glad they did a 180 but it's only because they created their own finacial disaster. It's not as if it was done out of selfless altruism or anything. lol. Still, I don't have any angst towards gamers who get an X box 1. I just rather go with a PS4 because it's $100.00 cheaper and because sony came out of the gate supporting us. Sure maybe they pulled a sly "Little-finger tactic" but it's better they did that as opposed to going along with microsoft's "new vision of gaming".


07/07/2013 at 09:43 PM

Get the Tifa Game! Get the Tifa Game! You can't go wrong with the Tifa Game! She alone makes that game buy worth it. Go for the Tifa game! the Tifa Game!!!


07/07/2013 at 09:46 PM

Tifa is tifa-riffic! 

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