Well-ranted, sir.
Top 5 Things People Need to Stop Doing.
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![]() On 06/27/2013 at 01:58 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Ok guys. There are some things we need to talk about, ok? Sometimes, people on the internet complain about things over and over and over, even though they're wrong. And stupid. Anyway, here are 5 of them!
5. Pretending Not To Be Pervs
Now I'm not saying we all stare up dresses or video tape people in the shower or whatever. I am saying we all have the desire to see people naked. Men and Women both have a natural attraction that leads to wanting to see people with their pants off. And there's nothing wrong with it! Half of the internet is dedicated to helping people vent these desires into less socially damaging avenues, and we should not be ashamed of it. I watch porn. You watch Porn. We all watch porn. So lets be open about it, and stop judging other people for their desires. Unless they're into scat. FREAKS!
4. Being Elitist Dicks
I know the pc is better than consoles in just about every conceivable way, and that anyone who games on a console is a slightly inbred retard, but I keep that to myself, because i'm a kind and loving person. I know That metal is far better than every other genre of music in existence, and that people who don't like it are christian freaks, but I don't need to get on every forum and broadcast this fact. Guys, chill! Other people like different stuff than you! Just because something is more obscure does not automatically make it better! And Nu Metal and Metalcore are heavier than Iron Maiden, so they kind of are metal.
3. Saying the Old Days Were Better
In the wise words of Dylan Moran "I have no time for nostalgia! Old people going "2 dollars for a mars bar, I remember when" WHAT! What do you remember? Fucking SLAVERY!" Not every thing in the past was wine and roses. Shit was cheaper back in the oldern days, but you also made about $1 an hour. "I remember back when games were different, and unique!" You mean when every game was either a brawler, a platformer, or a shmup, and they all had exactly the same mechanics? Sit down and shut up.
Trends come and trends go, but there is still a metric shit ton of variety in games, and if you disagree, THEN STOP PLAYING THE SAME OLD SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND LOOK FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT YOU FUCKING PLEB!
2. Complaining About Feminsim
Guys, chill ok? Feminists have a right to be upset. They're still not equal in most parts of the world. More bad shit happens to women than to men, and the only reason you hate them is that they won't fuck you. Shutup you greedy shits and take a reality check. Also, the feminists aren't going to take your games away, they're women, they have no power.
1. Bitching About Gay Marriage
Hey guys, lets not let blacks get married. They aren't people, no one will care! If that sentence offended you and yet you disagree with gay marriage, you're a fucking idiot. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! They aren't going to force you to marry them, they aren't going to take over the world and rain down gay on everyone, and you aren't going to be raped by them in public! For fuck's sake you people are backwards. Also, why should you care? It's not like they're getting into heaven anyway.