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Thoughts from someone informed by headlines

On 06/28/2013 at 05:05 PM by Super Step

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WARNING: While I tried to stay away from giving actual opinions, this blog involves current, controversial events. If you prefer your Pixlbit blogs to be just about games or aren't in the mood for current events stuff, I totally understand; go ahead and skip this one.

I legitimately don't know enough about the trial to say who I think is guilty or innocent, but if Zimmerman gets acquitted, does that mean he's OJ for white people?

And I've seen the stories about Paula Deen, but this picture makes me wonder if she used racial slurs, or just made references to capturing the "Dark" Knight, because the picture I see in all these news stories just makes it look like she's diabolically discovered how to kill Batman in a humorous way.

Also, I didn't realize that DOMA being struck down has a more limited effect than I initially thought. So it just means the federal government now recognizes the gay marriages in states that already recognized them at the state level? So really, it's just a bunch of old people in robes saying, "ok, the street cleaners in your state have been scrubbing massive amounts of jizz and confetti after all of these shindigs, so I guess we must acknowledge your existence at this point."

And finally, in my home state of Texas, Wendy Davis ... yeah, I'm not touching that one, good night! Here, I found a drunk George W. Bush impersonator to help you sleep.




06/28/2013 at 05:19 PM

All 3 stories have been of interest to me. Paula Deen is not hurting for cash,she'll be just fine. The network did what they had to do. Just to protect their ass. The Supreme Court should be ashamed about what they did to the Voting Rights Act. The efforts to supress the vote have already begun. Some states had legislation started hours after the ruling. As for the gay marriage thing it will continue all the way to the end. The prime organizers are heading to Salt Lake City. Mormons will freak out! Right on their doorstep. And even Justice Scalia said "you know what....they are going to win" because the court made this call. Paved the way for victory in all states sooner or later. Can't wait til it comes here. It's going to be a hoot. Rick Perry may run for President again is what I heard today. I hope he does. He's funnier than Leno or Letterman. Don't think he means to be.....he just cracks me up!

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 05:31 PM

Rick Perry is hilarious ... I honestly forget he's my governor sometimes, because I only watch him for the lulz. I actually saw him speak in person at SFA when he was signing his book, Fed Up! I hadn't really seen him much before then, just knew of some of his policy decisions, so I was taken aback by how hard he was trying to imitate Bush.

Paula Deen will be fine, and that's a throwaway story, but that picture of her just makes me laugh. Really does make her look like a supervillian (maybe one from Django *ahem*)

And yeah, DOMA's being struck down is a step in the right direction, but it's a battle, not a war won for those rights. Not sure how safe I'd feel having a gay wedding in OK, though. lol Undecided


06/28/2013 at 05:29 PM

And what's ironic is that Wendy Davis might lose her Senate seat due to the SCOTUS ruling on the Voting Rights Act. LOL America! Two birds with one stone. Cry

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 05:35 PM

Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of BS redistricting now. Oy.


06/28/2013 at 05:35 PM

Well on the Zimmerman trial my opinion i signed a petition a long while back to convict Zimmerman cause whether ir not the young man attacked him or whatever it doesn't justify shooting an unarmed man and just because hes black and everyone wants to say he was racial profiling. But thats erelevant  he was unarmed and you cant say he was muscled because the youngman was half Zimmermans size.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 05:38 PM

Yeah, what I do know of Zimmerman's case doesn't make Zimmerman look very good at all. Apparently, he was told by police not to pursue, did anyway, and if I'm being chased by a guy with a gun, I'm running or I'm fighting. Plus, I've been a CA/AHD in a dorm (that Nazi that tells you not to drink if you're 18 lol) and I wasn't pursuing anyone, when I was getting paid, unlike his volunteer position; that was for UPD, or in this case the cops.

But I don't like to come out on one side or another unless I know everything that jury does, and I don't feel that I do.


06/28/2013 at 05:46 PM

Not to mention the connection Zimmerman had to local sherrif dept. who helped hide him away after the incident and accompanied him to every interrogation meeting. 


06/28/2013 at 08:36 PM

I dont know much but it looks to me like he knew exactly where to hit a kill shot cause as a gun owner and trained and i have a conceiled license that is a kill shot if i ever seen one.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 08:54 PM

About that: I've been told that when you are trained to operate a firearm, they tell you to go for kill shots if say, an intruder invades your home, and apparently this might have something to do with the fact that merely causing injury may make you liable for the intruder's injuries. How much of that is true?


06/28/2013 at 09:39 PM

Well my point is he could have just incapacitated him if he just had to shoot him not put a bullet in his heart what an idiot.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 09:45 PM

I wasn't defending him, I'm just legitimately curious about what you're taught to do when you recieve a firearm. This instance would be different than what I was talking about, since he followed the kid against police instruction ... and now that I "type that out loud" so to speak, man does Zimmerman look bad lol; what I'm asking is, I've heard that they tell you to go for a kill shot as opposed to simply trying to injure a home intruder, and I was wondering if there's any truth to that.


06/28/2013 at 10:33 PM

No i know you wernt defending him sorry it came out wrong but looking at Zimmermans head yea he got attacked but hell if your following me i would do the same thing,but Trevonne was half his size and unarmed definitely no reason to kill him.

He said he was in a fight for his life but Trvonne was half the size of zimm

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 10:43 PM

I think we're talking across each other here. My question is not related to Zimmerman ... like I said, in this instance he chased someone down, so it has nothing to do with what I'm asking which relates specifically to what a gun older is told to do in the case of a home invasion with the intruder in their home.

I've heard that because of some weird laws that could make a homeowner liable for injury to an intruder, that it is legally (I'm not arguing morally so, I'd personally rather just injure or impede) better to shoot to kill. I was just wondering if that was true, or just misinformation, but I can look it up.


06/28/2013 at 11:42 PM

Well in the event of a home invasion or a threat to your life or family yes shoot to kill if there in your home now if there outside and not in your home you want to shoot there legs and although you can kill them by shooting thete legs the chances arr slim,

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/29/2013 at 11:34 AM

Gotcha, thanks.


06/28/2013 at 05:44 PM

I used to work as a security guard and knew some real jerks there. Guys who remind me very much of Zimmerman. Just batshit insane enough the cops don't want em' but security companies will settle for them. Some of the ridiculous stuff they would say! He's guilty as hell and should go down for what he did.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 05:46 PM

Yeah, he was on trial saying Trayvon was a "punk," and the cop was just laughing at him like "you idiot."

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

06/30/2013 at 10:12 AM

I think in a country that takes pride in its freedom of speech to lay such heavy social penalty on someone who said they said something a long time ago is disgusting. So many lying hypocrites. I'm not a fan of Deen but she doesn't deserve this.

And my only question in the Trevon case is the 911 call where you can hear the screams for help. The courts are trying to figure out who was yelling for help? Well, If you are strapped and being attacked, wouldn't you at least brandish the gun for defense before you yelled and screamed for help? Sounded like a kid begging for his life to me. Busy-body should have minded his own business in the first place.

Now how about the Aaron Hernandez story, the Patriots player accused of murdering someone near his home, which happens to be 5 miles from where I work.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/30/2013 at 11:33 AM

All I really know about that is the Hernandezing craze. I guess it's weird that's not in here, since all this was meant to be was kind of a joke blog (seriously, I wasn't actually meaning to get so many people riled up, hence the lack of many actual opinions in the blog itself as far as things actually important to these stories), but I just didn't think about it when writing this.

Maybe cause NFL players going to jail isn't really surprising to me at this point, unfortunately. Undecided I don't know too much else about it.

Darby Lawson Staff Alumnus

07/04/2013 at 02:31 PM

I'm not a fan either, nor do I condone the use of racial slurs, but I thought the same thing. She wasn't using racial slurs on the air, she just admitted to using it a while back. And she is from the deep south, and she said that when she was growing up, the sense of racism was very strong. So, I'm sure it's just how she was raised.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/04/2013 at 05:36 PM

Yeah, the "n word" was a long time ago, so I don't really care as long as she's improved on it; that part is what the deposition is calling into question, and I don't know all the details of that.

I just thought the crazy looking picture of her that kept being reused was funny, so what I was saying in the blog was more a criticism of media portrayal than it was of her, and to be honest, I wasn't thinking about it seriously enough to say I was making a critique of much of anything.

Darby Lawson Staff Alumnus

07/04/2013 at 09:30 PM

Oh yeah I know! I was just making a comment about the situation. 

I think all pictures of her are a little creepy haha.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/04/2013 at 10:21 PM

Yeah, maybe that's the problem, she just takes bad pictures. lol I've honestly never seen much of her before now, so I was a bit taken aback by that.


06/28/2013 at 06:26 PM

White people are crazy! (I'm White so I know this for a fact. lol.) Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 07:08 PM

It's summer, so I'm actually red; and very offended.


06/28/2013 at 08:23 PM

Well im redder then.ketchup being that its a 106 already so im very offended as well lmao!!!


06/28/2013 at 08:57 PM

Yes! I offended you so that makes me "edgy"!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/28/2013 at 07:59 PM

I don't know if Zimmerman is a murderer.  Maybe he is.  But for sure, he is guilty of one thing: being an idiot who shouldn't have had a gun.  Tongue Out


06/28/2013 at 08:25 PM

Yea anyway you look at it he should have let the cops handle it,

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 08:38 PM

Yeah. I'm an idiot in need of a gun. Need to protect myself from all the other idiots.


06/28/2013 at 10:20 PM

I stay far away from the news. That's some depressing shit. All I know is that picture of Paula Deen doesn't do her any favors. She looks completely insane lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/28/2013 at 10:23 PM

So is The Joker. Coincidence? I just noticed the irony in me saying other people look like The Joker.


06/29/2013 at 07:27 AM

Zimmerman allowed himself to either filled up on the fear that the US media feeds to the public or (and I would probably turn to this line of thinking) he just wanted to be the big man and it all went horribly wrong, I mean who goes on 'neighbour watch' with a gun. I hope that justice is done and what ever he gets reflects the severity of his crime. hopefully the high profile of this case will mean that the death of this young black kid is taken seriously.....


Super Step Contributing Writer

06/29/2013 at 11:38 AM

I love the Onion. Laughing


06/29/2013 at 09:40 AM

The Paula Dean stuff is retarded.  People are acting like they never said an offensive word before.  Many black people use the damn word on each other every fucking day, openingly.  Bullshit.  

Trayvon Martin, does anyone really know what he looked like?  Do a search on the internet and you see the same pictures.  Was he 12?  IMO, Zimmerman messed up when he continue to follow the dude, after being told not to follow him.  As for Zimmerman shooting Martin, that's a tough call.  If someone was kicking my ass and I had a gun, I don't care if it's a little person, I'm shooting that ass.  I don't think it's a racial case, but I believe a lot of people want it to be.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/29/2013 at 11:58 AM

Like I said in one of my comments, yeah, the Paula Deen thing is a throwaway story, I'm more just poking fun at that awful picture I keep seeing of her they keep using. 

Apparently though, the case against her is more about the combination of past racial slurs, something about a wedding with all black staff that people are comparing to a plantation setting, and a deposition about racial/sexual harrassment in the workplace. The racial slur I'd agree we should forgive if she's changed, but maybe the lawsuit is about the fact she hasn't and it's affected her workers. But I don't know the outcome of that lawsuit, so for right now, I'm sticking to just making fun of that picture. 

As for Zimmerman, I agree that if someone was beating on me, I'd probably use self defense in the moment; but at the same time if someone was chasing me with a gun and caught up to me, I might also start hitting them out of self-defense.


06/29/2013 at 02:00 PM

Dean should just let it go and retire.  She has plenty of money.  If I were her, I'd forget about this crap and spend my last years relaxing in my nice house.  Some people have all black workers.  Big deal.  They have jobs.  Take a walk around my town and you'd swear only Mexicians can build a house. 

What I hate most about the Zimmerman case are the people that are saying it was racial.  That annoys the hell out of me.  Whenever someone white does anything to a black person, it's racial.  Black people do fucked up stuff to black people everyday.  Where are the protests and marches about that shit?  

It's all political nonsense. Laughing  

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/29/2013 at 02:18 PM

Not sure about the marches, but there are t-shirts that say "stop black on black crime," and I for one advocate the use of t-shirts in lieu of marches for those of us who dislike exercise. Laughing lol


06/29/2013 at 03:01 PM

T-shirts are better than walking.  Sadly, walking gets more media attention. Laughing


06/29/2013 at 10:15 AM

That picture of Paula Deen is possibly the scariest thing that I have seen all week.  My brother just said something about her hosting an "authentic" southern plantation wedding, hiring "slaves" as well.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/29/2013 at 12:01 PM

Here's what she said.

'In that deposition, Jackson said she once asked Deen what she wanted servers to wear for a plantation-style wedding. Jackson said Deen responded by saying quote "What I'd really like is for a bunch of little n-words to wear long sleeves, white shirts, and black shorts and bow ties."

However, Deen denies that allegation. She recalls being impressed by a restaurant in Tennessee that represented a certain "era in American history."

She said, "The whole entire waitstaff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie. I mean, it was really impressive. And I remember saying I would love to have servers like that, I said, but I would be afraid somebody would misinterpret."

When the attorney questioned Deen about the era she was referring to, he seemed to lead her to say pre-civil war, which lead to this statement, "Well, it was not only black men, it was black women.  I would say that they were slaves. But I did not mean anything derogatory by saying that I loved their look and their professionalism."'


Do with that what you will.


06/30/2013 at 11:50 AM

Thanks for the warning! I'll be moving on lol

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/30/2013 at 11:55 AM

Yeah, it wasn't even a serious blog, but damn did the comments turn that way quick. That's the risk you take talking about these things. lol Run!


07/06/2013 at 11:55 AM

All three stories are a concern for me. It's look more and more like a racial issue with how some in the media are trying to portray it as. The sad thing is we'll probably never get the truth on what happened since the only people that know is Martin and Zimmerman and Martin is dead.

Paula Deen has just blown way of or porporstions. You can clearly see this lawsuit is nothing more than a cash grab. This is just the latest social action being take against someone that did a stupid thing a long time ago.

Though the DOMA ruling is limited some are seeing it as a green light to rip apart other state's definitions of marriage. I know Iowa's attempts of having their own version of Prop 8 is dead since they fear future lawsuits.

This is a mad, mad, world we live in. Makes me glad I enjoy games just to get away form it all.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2013 at 07:29 PM

I am still pleading no-contest on Paula Deen and Trayvon Martin for now, until we have all the details, although Zimmerman's pursual of Martin and the fact Martin was unarmed, and the fact Trayvon's DNA was not found on Zimmerman's gun ... yeeah, not looking good for Zimmerman in my mind. We'll see, though.

As for Paula Deen, if it was all truly way in the past fine, otherwise I don't know the details of the deposition/overall case against her well enough to make a definitive claim one way or the other.

And I can see we do not see eye to eye on the issue of gay marriage. In my view, DOMA does not do enough, and gay marriage should be nationally recognized so we stop having issues like Jim Heath's sister taking the home owned by him and Lon Watts in my state because of some loophole she was able to take advantage of due to the fact they weren't technically married. 

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