So as most of ya'll know, I played the beta for the new FF MMO game and I enjoyed it enough to throw out my patience and buy it for the PS3 and then Ill switch to the PS4 verison once it releases. I actually felt like I was playing a Final Fantasy game again. Which is kind of sad in some ways that it took a MMO to do the trick. Those that have seen me speak of FF13 know I do not speak ighly or good of it. I played like 30 mins of it and gave my sister the controller because the game was complete trash to me in those first moments of it. Final Fantasy hasnt been itself for years. While I do like FF10 and 12 they werent up to the same standards as the previous games. I lost a lot of faith with FF13 and some of it has been regained with FF14. If FF15 is as good as it looks so far I might just gain more faith back in Square.
One of the reasons I got so excited for next gen was because of MMO's, I think this gen they will be more of them on the consoles. Elder Scrolls and Warframe are 2 im super excited for. Im more of a controller player, I dont mind PC gaming but I prefer my controller and I was really happy with the controller setup for the game. They made it really simple to switch movesets and commands whether in battle or out roaming around. Example to get to my battle stuff from my hunting log and othr stuff all I had to do was hold R1 down and then push Triangle. That to me is simple and casting spells since I did a magic based character was just as simple. Hold R2 and press which ever button had the skill I wanted to use. Controls being no headache is a big plus.
The class I played was the Thaumatuage and its prolly gonna be one of the main classes I use most. Next to the Arcanist. The Thaumatuage is the black magic user who has the job class of Black Mage. They use heavy attack magic like Fire/Blizzard/Thunder. A very powerful Thaumatuage would be a great crowd control fighter for party groups. Bellanora May only got to Level 10 but I was super happy with what I got to accomplish with her. I didnt get a chance to do any of the skill based jobs like Weaver or Leatherworker.
I stayed in Uldah for this playthrough and I did see some of Gridania because the BF of mine made a Lancer and while I loved the forst theme of Gridania I also loved the desert theme of Uldah. While in real life I prolly couldnlt live there *to hot* I do actually love desert themes in games. Why? I havent a damn clue but I def loved Uldah, its big place and I got lost a few times searching for stuff but they made it look beautiful.
Thats pretty much my experiance over this weekened. I wish it hadnt of ended but maybe when they do the next Beta weekened Ill be able to play more on it. I plan to preorder the collectors edition this pay check if still avaliable at GS, if not, Amazon will have to be my best friend.