Keeping our Community free of Trolls
And yes i know theres no sure proof way of doing this but after reading a reveiw by Julian Titus and then reading this clown go off on his reveiw made me so angry and by the way Julian handled it very profesional and better then i would have, you know i feel like all of you are family i converse with most of you on a daily basis and Nick Julian and all the staff has a great site here and to see some one come on here and attack Julian like this idiot who had to be anonymous and couldnt even reveal who he was is a coward and knows nothing about game reveiws apparently this clown didnt like Julians reveiw of Thoughs among us which he gave an honest 4 out of 5 and actually did a great reveiw and so being tastful and criticising his reveiw he lashed iut calling him incompetent and just being a jack ass and this made me mad and i know i should be the better man like Julian handled it but this clown was out of line and should be banned from the internet period, but i guess with any site were subject to attacks by trolls who have no life and just want to create drama but this pissed me off and i just had to vent to you all. Cause i dont like people jumping in any of yall let along the staff who makes this site awesome.