yeah I saw this posted on Twitter and it really makes me ill.
Mirror's Edge was Too Hard?
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![]() On 07/01/2013 at 11:20 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
You know how a while back I wrote that piece on how platformer fans don't throw tantrums like RPG fans despite having the same under representation? It wasn't meant to be completely serious, but then I see this and well, it's time for a platformer fan to rage. Mirror's Edge 2 is a game I want to be excited for, one that I want to capture what made the original so great while improving on it, yet from the initial trailer showing nothing but combat to the announcement that it's open world and the chance of its platforming becoming too much like Assassin's Creed and now this.
Now, I'm not saying the game's going to become an action game, that it won't have well designed levels, or anything like that. I'm waiting until I play the game to give my judgement. But this, this pissed me off and is now just depressing me. Like I said, the amount of realistic platformers is barren thin and though it's not for everyone, Mirror's Edge was pretty much the best example of the genre this gen.
Okay, first let's get the obvious out of the way with FemFreq. I hate this channel. I think Anita tries to get blood from a turnip from a good chunk of her examples, doesn't know how to stay professional when throwing in terms like "regressive crap" (which normally wouldn't bother me, but considering how dry her videos are to accomodate this professionalism...), and doesn't give anything thought provoking. Not to mention turning off comments for something that's meant to create discussion.
Anyways, that first comment she gave just shows how little she actually gives a shit about games. "Beautifully constructed world and story" is not something that would describe Mirror's Edge. The art direction was fantastic, but the world was nothing beyond a cleaner 1984 and the story was equally basic.
Her criticism of the controls misses the point of the controls. Using the shoulder buttons is not a complicated thing. It is simply a different thing. You know what pressing A and X would do to the game? Make it so you can't use the right analog stick? You know, something crucial to every 1st person game!
Fact of the matter is, this just shows how little she gives a shit about games. She's trying to force her own agenda of making them more progressive just because the game has a female lead and could be a good example. You know how this makes me feel? It makes me stop wanting to see female leads in games light on story so it doesn't get harrassed by shit like this. I would like games to be more progressive sure, but if given the choice between that and quality, I'll take quality every time.
It's getting harder to have faith in Faith.
But there's another point, one my bud TripOpt55 brought up and that's how plenty of other people complained about Mirror's Edge being difficult. This could have just been another nail in the coffin for Mirror's Edge 2 to be made easier as many did not enjoy its difficulty. It could have been a move where they both got a bigger audience and a "progressive" label.
This just makes me think of one thing: We need to criticize games better. "Too hard" is too vague a term for developers. It could just mean keeping the problems while just ending up in a lower death count. What about highlighting the path better or designing combat so it doesn't break the flow of running from rooftop to rooftop?
I don't want this to be like Mass Effect 2 where the Mako was cut, the RPG elements were cut bare bone, and the inventory was gone. I still loved ME2 for what it was, but that didn't replace how I missed all of that stuff. Personally, I was fine with Mirror's Edge's controls, its level design, everything that wasn't combat related. I'd be happy with more of the same. But I think we need to not just ask what a game's problems were, but why they were problems and how the game could have avoided them.
At least DICE is giving me that other sequel I've been begging for with Star Wars Battlefront 3. That won't be compromised, it's formula is already a perfect fit to make a shit ton of money and Star Wars the thing social justice workers would ignore. Right?
Also, last call of Ask Greenman questions. And for all my weeb readers, just want to show you what I'm playing now (can't say any more until the embargo's lifted)