Pretty much. My issues with FemFreq aren't that the site targets video games, it's that it does so in a bad, often hypocritical way just to further her own agenda. Criticism on females in games, I'm fine with. Hell, in a year with the Tomb Raider reboot, how could I not be?
Feminism in Gaming
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![]() On 07/02/2013 at 10:32 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
This. This so fucking much. Feminism is only touched on for a minute, but it's the focus point of the comment section because people are idiots. Also, there are certain members of this community who actively fight against feminism who I think should watch this video. I'm not going to say names, but there is a reason I don't comment on blogs about feminism, and it's because some of these blogs and comments just really piss me off.
"Bob, you know what your part in this should be?
1. Stop projecting trolls as being representative of geek culture, because they're not. They represent no one but themselves and you need to stop giving them ideas otherwise.
2. Anita Sarkeesian's vids are NOT academic in quality much as you like to delude yourself otherwise. They're complete hack jobs with no sources cited that any competent youtuber could have farted out over an afternoon and most definitely did NOT need a kickstarter fund. The sexism crusaders are just political grand standers who jumped to another cause once "video games cause violence!" didn't pan out."
This was one of the most liked comments on the page. And he's an idiot. Anita Sarkeesian puts out some pretty dreadful videos and arguably does more harm to her cause than good, but a lot of people hate feminists even if they can back up their point, and make good points and whatnot.
"The sexism crusaders are just political grand standers who jumped to another cause once "video games cause violence!" didn't pan out." This line especially is all kinds of wrong. Women are catered to in gaming, sure, but the playing field is far from even.
It seems if any female criticises gaming, guys will have a problem, because they're discriminatory, ignorant assholes. I'm sorry, but if you regularly argue against feminism, you're an asshole. Sure, argue some of their points and discuss parts they got wrong, but as a whole the feminist movement is a good thing for gaming. It will open up oppurtunities for the medium to explore new genres and topics. You'll still get your games about guns, so stop complaining.
I shouldn't even have to say this. Geeks as a whole should be smarter than this. A subculture of people who originated out of oppression should not be oppressors themselves. Guys, it's time to grow up and stop treating women like you did when you were 13 and masturbated 15 times a day.