"This is kind of like Shadows Over Mystara from the arcades.....ON STEROIDS & STEAMPUNK CYBERNETICS!"
Dragon’s Dogma First Impression
On average I’m not a fan of “Big Open World RPGs”. I remember trying to get into Two Worlds 2, Oblivion, and Amalur to not much success. I stuck with Amalur the longest because of its’ fast paced action combat but the boring “lore” behind the world and the mostly cardboard cut-out npcs didn’t do it any favors. Pile all this on top of the annoyance of breakable weapons & breakable armor and it ended up being “splits-Ville” for yours truly. I just couldn’t endure the monotony any longer.

"Generic rpg is go! What a sec, there's a bit more to this one!"
Perhaps it’s ironic then that I’m enjoying DD: Dark Arisen so much! I mean yeah, it has many of the same faults of the games I mentioned. Aka, many side quests consist of collecting herbs and putting the smack down on mischievous goblins. About every creature you see it right out of the Dungeons & Dragons monster manuals and everything looks blandly medieval. So why am I not throwing my controller down in disgust?
First of all, the storyline really isn’t all that bad. Yes, I realize the critics have hammered DD’s plot with words such as “mediocre” and “unoriginal” but there’s only so much a writer can do with “dark fantasy”. While DD: DA isn’t quite up there with Dragon-age origins, Mass Effect, or Witcher 2 it’s leagues more interesting than anything Amalur or Oblivion could stir up. Having a dragon attack your village, cause havoc, and steal your still beating heart out of your chest while giving you an invitation to eventually meet him gives you a pretty epic reason to sally forth and to become a hero. The mystery of how you can even still be alive without a heart is something nerds will debate in heated discussion for infinitum! (What are you arisen, the tin-man from Oz?!)

"You will actually grow to care about certain NPCs in Dragon's Dogma."
Secondly, DD:DA has some good NPCs. Quina, Mercedes, Madeline, and even my first pawn Rook are faces I can remember. Each one came with their own unique mannerisms, quirks when speaking, and regional accents. Whereas I cannot remember a single NPC from Amalur or even Two Worlds 2 in DD: DA they do manage to make an impressionable impact. Also, if you like strong, capable, beguiling, and intelligent women in your rpgs, look no further! Mercedes and Madeline fill out those roles nicely.
Third, there are more interesting quests too. Some of them are even of a more personal nature. (Such as when your childhood friend Quina goes missing in the forest while trying to find herbs to heal your injuries) A highlight for me was chopping off a hydra’s head then escorting that very same hydra head with Mercedes’ armed garrison to the royal city of Gran Soren in order to impress the duke. Between places I had to protect the pack animal carrying my grisly prize from all manner of harpies, goblins, and bandits. It was challenging but not impossible. I also got my ass handed to me by a bunch of saurians (lizard folk) within the local well of my neighborhood. Victorious or not, I was having a lot of fun either way. Even collecting a certain type of flower along the sea shore at night-fall became a more grandiose adventure than I expected it to be.

"I'm gonna take you for a ride!!! No,not THAT SONG again! For the love of all things holy,make it stop!"
Of course the best parts of Dragon’s Dogma are the fighting and exploration. You can easily climb cliff faces if you know where to look and it’s a guilty pleasure to run along the roof-tops of the city you are visiting. Most importantly, you can also scale up the sides of colossal monsters during a fight, hacking away at them as you do so! Needless to say, I’ve had a lot of fun with my strider so far. Whether I’m shooting arrows down at enemies from a nice elevated vantage point or wading into bandits with my lighting fast twin daggers it certainly hasn’t been a dull moment.

"Character customization both for your hero & personal pawn is meaty and robust. It's the best character generator I've used in quite awhile!"
Pawns are great allies in battle and their mysterious origin as a inter-dimensional dwelling legion for “The chosen one” is intriguing. Even the people pf Gransys describe pawns as “not quite human” so in many ways they’re seen as a lesser slave race. My only problem with pawns is capcom could have explored them better. It would be an interesting mechanic to be able to have romantic and even sexual relationships with your pawns but this is never truly given as an option. (Then again, being gamers can create children pawns too, perhaps some things are better left to the imagination!) Still, I kind of wish the story would go into the darker and seedier aspects of pawns. Aka, pawns sold out as inexpensive labor, pawns used as prostitutes, and pawns killed just for sport . A whole epic sub plot could have been fighting for pawn civil-rights and getting humans to acknowledge pawns as their equals. However, I digress. That is more along the lines of what Bioware or CD projekt red would do. By contrast, capcom has never truly excelled at deep thoughtful narrative. (Though to their credit, they did a rather amiable job with DD’s narrative all the same.)
When you top all this off with emotionally stirring musical scores, day & night cycles, and a beautiful country side, the immersion factor honestly is all encompassing.
So far the only qualm I have is the affinity system. It’s capcom’s random shot gun-blast way of choosing a romantic love interest for your main character. I’ve read horror stories about gamers romancing one NPC in particular only to end up with someone else entirely. While this isn’t a game breaker per se, it can be a downer when all your hard work of wooing a particular lad or lass ends up being for naught.
Overall, I do not want to say DD:DA is “better” than the other games I mentioned. However, it is the open world rpg I’m clicking with the most. Though not perfect, it’s definitely a steal at 29.99! Highly recommended!