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From the desktop of Ben: Omega male experience!

On 07/04/2013 at 08:54 PM by BrokenH

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From the desktop of an omega male gamer

Dear readers, I figured I would give you my perspective on things. Being I’m a poor pedestrian gamer & geek I figure I have a unique perspective on life compared to the archetypical university student or the professional nerds that get free swag wherever they go. I’m not saying it’s a terrible thing to be a university student or to be a professional but it does sort of create separate layers of reality from the one I currently reside in myself. (By that I mean our circumstances alter our perception of the world.)

Below I’ll try to answer some questions you may have for me!

1# Ben, did you go to college?

Yes, I attended the commercial Arts Institute in Minneapolis. I got to diddle around with a lot of emerging  software such as Photo-shop,3D studio max, Maya, and a few animation & website creation kits I no longer recall the names of. Sadly, I was a “hick” from the country thus I had no previous experience using the tools I was given.

College was very difficult because I went to a whole new city and didn’t know the lay out. The prices for groceries were expensive and I was poor at managing money in the first place which compounded an already problematic issue. I also busted up my ankle pretty bad while rushing to an art supply store.

Highlights included drawing nude models with charcoal, gaming, and using the computer lab to look at & print hentai. (Instead of using the computer lab to actually do assignments. lol.)

As much as I learned in college I learned even more on my own. Boy, I wish I had a program like RPGMAKER VX ACE back then. I could have made my dreams come true right then and there! (All I wanted to do was make my own indie games, really. That and to draw whenever the whimsy hit me.)

When I returned home I did so prematurely after my ankle injury so I did not get a degree. I was hounded by loan companies years and years and years until I finally barraged them with paper work that proved without a shadow of a doubt I was on disability.

Personally, I partially regretted going to college but your own personal experience may vary!

2# Did you get and special treatment for being white and male?

Not at all. Matter of fact, I had a Hispanic professor named Alonzo who not so subtly hated my guts. (Which is odd because there were other Caucasian students in his class he treated just fine.) I think he knew I was from North Carolina (a southern red state) so he just assumed I was a racist republican yokel. However, I did notice Alonzo favored the ladies, especially a hawt Latino girl that attended my same class. A part of me can’t hold that against him (Er, she was cute) but as a result he gave her more breaks and chances than he gave many of the rest of us.

By the way, I was a clerk at the college book store and my boss was a pretty black woman. Luckily for me, Sheba was awesome! She was one of the best damned supervisors I ever had. But as you can see, “being white” and “being male” didn’t automatically get me into a seat of power.

3# Was feminism ever brought up on your campus?

We were mostly a laid back and respectful bunch as students. There was an unspoken rule everyone deserved to be judged on an individual basis upon their merits and flaws as opposed to their gender and their race. No one had need to get up on a podium and demand “fair treatment” and to my knowledge no one I knew got raped or sexually harassed. (Though one female student was doing stripping and pornography as a career of her own volition.)

It’s funny on account many of the female students I interacted with were intelligent, independent, and well learnt but none of them had the compulsion to label themselves as feminists. Even my boss Sheba who was pro equality and pro reproductive rights never dropped the “F word” when we were having conversations.

4# What was your life like as a omega male attending higher education and shortly thereafter?

"This is Ben.....Ben Stiller!"

There seems to be a popular theory we’re ruled by a “patriarchy” that’s by men and for men. I suppose this is true if you’re a wealthy man & a 1%er but feminists seem to forget most men are not born with a silver spoon in their mouths and we’re certainly not all born with advantages that guarantee our success through life.

Despite what I stated above, my life outside of classes as a omega male in college wasn’t so bad. I had a couple of friends and females in general were nice to me. I realized early on I was comely enough to be considered attractive (Don’t know how much that holds up today. lol) but my shy aloofness, abysmal fashion sense, and problems with money still prevented me from being “cream of the crop material” when it came to dating and mating.

It wouldn’t be until I returned home injured I would experience the ugly truth of being an omega-male. My dad told me right away he wanted me out of the house and working. I began staying at a boarding house and got a job as a dish-washer at Brevard College in my home state of North Carolina. Suddenly, certain college students were being mean to me just because I was a blue collar worker. Ironically, I had been a college student too but they couldn’t tell that merely by the look of me. It seemed to be a fast growing consensus that blue collar folk were inferior dullards when compared to those paying for a degree or those who lived on a university campus. At that moment I was disgusted by the very concept of  “higher education”. The fact I was being hammered by my college loan debt certainly wasn’t helping my mentality.

Miserable and alone, I tried over-dosing on my lithium prescription. My closest friends tried helping me get back on my feet afterwards. During that stage I had began cutting on my arms again. (Something I did occasionally in college as well but I hid it beneath my long sleeved shirts)

Eventually I’d be diagnosed as bipolar and finally get a stable income with my disability money. However, before that I faced homelessness and even a little bit of street violence.  I felt elated when I got my own apartment! It was a small victory but an important one!

5# What’s it like living with bipolar disorder?

I don’t struggle as much as an amputee or someone in a wheelchair. Or rather I do but it’s a different kind of struggling. Being bi-polar is kind of like having a malfunctioning symbiote. Sometimes you’ll have boundless energy but the pay off for that are days when getting out of your bed and facing a new day is a monumental struggle.  Either you will be over sexed or you will be under sexed.  Sometimes you’ll be the center of the room and a charismatic conversationalist but other days you’ll shut yourself away from the world and all its’ people because you want to be left alone.

Bipolar disorder makes it difficult to be in a stable relationship and those of us who live with it are afraid we’ll lash out and say things we do not mean or become undesirable when we are too manic, too horny, too withdrawn, or too depressed to fall within conventional behavioral norms.

Admitting to someone you are on some kind of disability assistance is a daunting under-taking and there’s no guarantee they will understand or be sympathetic. In a society where people seek out a perfect intimate partner those who are disabled go into the romantic-rat-races  already feeling broken, inadequate, and less than human.

Lastly,  anxiety and depression can cause problems with frequent insomnia, heart murmurs, fatigue, indigestion complications, and heartburn so there are physical ramifications that can pop up simultaneously with the mental ones.

Despite all that doom & gloom there are positives! I’ve learned to be able to function as a single person, I have an overactive imagination, and I feel a deeper level of immersion when I play games or work on my personal projects. Bipolarity contributes to these benefits so in a weird way I’m partially glad my mind is configured the way it is now.

6# What’s it like being on your income and being a gamer?

On an income akin to my own you have to make sacrifices. I decided early on I’d be an avid pedestrian because even if I could afford a used car paying insurance on it would kill my wallet. As a gamer there are some months I have to forego getting a new release to get something more important such as a new pair of shoes or a new pair of pants. I also usually wait for price drops on games before diving in. I’m not one of those trendy privileged tech nerds who can afford to own every console but if I could I would!

I know there are quite a few passers by who make snap assumptions about me based on my income and the fact I walk to every place I need to go. Though their ridicule hurts me sometimes I also realize those people wouldn’t be good friend material anyway.

7# You seem to have an issue with people like Anita Sarkesian. You mad bro?

I’m not as mad at Anita as mad as I am about everyone trying to be so politically correct. I’m sorry, but not everyone is a special snowflake and not every genre & hobby can be tailored in a way it entertains everyone while simultaneously offending no one.

To me diversity is important. For example, I love the art style in Dragon’s crown. It’s sexy and ridiculous, but I love it! Back in my college days no one would begrudge me for digging something akin to Atlus’s and vanilla-soft’s upcoming fantasy beat em up.  Yet now I’d have people labeling me as a sexist and misogynist just for ogling over the witch and amazon characters. I mean fuck, it is possible to be aroused by fictional depictions of women AND see real women as equal human beings.

Everyone on the internet today seems so clannish and tribal. You can no longer be the middle man. You’re either the solution or the problem, the good guy or the bad guy. It’s like that in politics, like that in religion, and like that in debates on feminism and I’m so sick of it. Benjamin Franklin once said it’s better to hang together than hang alone and it really seems like there’s some sort of governmental conspiracy to keep us divided into petty arguing social cliques. That way we cannot come together as one unified people. It’s the divide and conquer strategy all over again and unfortunately it really seems to be working splendidly for whomever put it into play.

My problem is with 3rd & 4th wave feminists is that I have to pretty much see and hear geeks discuss Anita Sarkesians “negative female tropes on videogames” thousands of times whereas news concerning an Iranian actress getting 90 lashes for her part in a movie quickly disappears off the radar. Shouldn’t feminism be focused on helping oppressed women in 2nd and 3rd world countries where rape and femicide are still tragically common? And why is it most of the loudest feminists are privileged white females from universities speaking down to the rest of us? I’d really love for one such woman to spend 5 months in my body living as I do or 5 months in the body of an Iranian woman living in Iran. Maybe then she wouldn’t ask me to check my privilege and realize how good she has it in the western world!

Look, it doesn’t take a degree in sociology to put your own bias interpretation on a preexisting concept. To Anita Princess Peach is a negative helpless damsel in distress stereotype. But to someone else Peach could be a goodhearted important person who’s worth the effort to rescue. Heck, I could write a thesis paper on how Bowser and the koopas represent a slandered and oppressed minority. Maybe they kidnap Princess Peach just because she was ruling over them unfairly. If this is true, Mario and Luigi are war criminals responsible for koopa genocide and koopa enslavement.  (Peta already presented this angle. Lulz!)

The fact of the matter is videogame writing back in the day wasn’t a patriarchal conspiracy to keep women down. It was simplistic, uninspired, and lazy. “Saving the girl” was an easy goal to give gamers and to justify all the whacked out stuff the pixellated heroes had to do in order to reach the end. Also, why isn’t that a good moral motivation? If someone I loved was in danger I would sure as hell try to save him or her. Heck, even if it was one of my best guy friends I’d be just as eager to come to the rescue. So, it’s sexist to try to save someone’s girlfriend, sister, daughter, or mother but “a-okay” if they save a monkey, a man, or an inanimate object?

Can’t these examples be spun another way too? If a man comes to the aid of another man is he a misogynist because he’s not coming to the aid of a woman instead? Is the kung-fu using school girl a misandrist on account her love interest happens to be another female as opposed to it being a teenaged boy? Is Tarzan into bestiality if his main goal is to free a gorilla from its’ cage? Is the space marine a perverted misanthropic machine-o-phile if he’s attempting to free his female android companion from the clutches of an evil super computer on the basis she’s not a “real woman”? Is the heroic female space bounty hunter a xenophobe because her job entails killing hostile extraterrestrials? Is the protagonist “gay” because he’s male yet wears a pink costume? Is the black superhero a racist & a bully because it just so happens the super-villain he strikes down is a nerdy white guy? Is the star ace’s phallic shaped spaceship symbolic of rape and domination? See how easy it is to twist this shit? I could go on and on for hours! Interpretive symbolism sure is fun!  (snarky wink)

"This type of stuff is the real problem."

Be that as it may, I’m not trying to dismiss the fact sexism exists within gaming. Ever read the replies to a female game reviewer who did not like a game which has a hardcore fan base? Ever played an online multi-payer death match when out of the blue someone tells your female bestie to make him a sandwich? Ever watch a female geek get ridiculed and drilled harshly just because she fumbled on some tidbit of inconsequential obscure nerd trivia? These injustices happen all the time. An this what concerns me. Griefing REAL FEMALE GAMERS are subjected to. By contrast I really can’t give two shits about Cat Woman’s sexy skin tight costume or the jiggle physics in Dead Or Alive. Sorry, but I simply do not care!

Beyond all this, feminists have many fractions within their own ranks. For example, pro sex feminists would be fine if a woman wanted to pursue exotic dancing, prostitution, or pornography as a career but conservative feminists would see those professions as man controlled abominations. Some feminists are fine with women who want to be stay at home moms while other feminists believe stay at home mothers are a dated trope that reinforces bad patriarchal values. What does this mean? More or less that it’s impossible to make a book, a game, or a movie that would make every single feminist happy. They’re unique individuals just like the rest of us!

"Sure,Tetris is inoffensive but should every game be like Tetris?"

My biggest fear is that as game developers try to appeal to everyone’s sensibilities games themselves will become more bland. Tetris technically is a completely inoffensive game. Yet how much “personality” does Tetris have? (Besides for the catchy Russian music that accompanies the game play! Wait a second! That‘s offensive! Damn those hammer & sickle communists! Subliminal messaging I tell ya! To any of my Russian friends reading this I‘m being sarcastic. lol.)

Lastly please, change the word feminism! I request this on the basis you cannot claim to champion equal rights for everyone when you use a word that puts femininity above all other things. Beyond that, I’ve never heard a new wave feminist talk about problematic issues men face or the dwindling numbers of men in educational institutions. If you’re going to be for equality you have to care about all human beings as opposed to the self interest of only one centralized group of human beings.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/04/2013 at 11:34 PM

hey man great blog.  Good to know a little of your back story without having to collect audio diaries like a modern AAA game.  Tongue Out

feminism and stuff is certainly a complicated issue.  I'm not quite as articulate on it as you are. I do know Sarkeesian annoys the hell out of me with her Mirror's Edge comments. 

That Amazon from Dragon's Crown makes me laugh every time I see her.  Now that's a whole new spin on a female video game character's body.  It's funny it's never been done before like that, that I know of.


07/04/2013 at 11:50 PM

The amazon is ripped,aye? I think it's a tribute to Simon Besley. He often painted buff scantily clad women,Matt.  Wink

As for Anitas comments on Mirror's Edge? Yeah, she kind of put her foot in her mouth there.


Super Step Contributing Writer

07/04/2013 at 11:41 PM

The self-described third wave feminist I dated in college was all about equality and had a sense of humor about it; led to a discussion of how I like third wave ska somehow. I'll admit, I don't know the ins and outs of "third/fourth wave feminism," but my experience with the one third-wave feminist I've known was positive. 

I'm honestly still wrestling with how I feel about going to college. The loan debt is annoying, but maybe it has opened up more opportunities than I realize. But the loan debt is annoying, as is looking at jobs I could have taken out of high school. I feel your pain there.

I also somewhat feel your pain regarding mental disorders, though doubtfully to the same degree. I have some form of anxiety for sure, and things like depression and bipolar run in my family, but I don't know if it haunts me so much as makes me an awkward turtle person. In other words, I don't do great around people, but that doesn't mean I'd qualify for disability any time soon.

And the comments on that Raychul video are pretty disgusting.


07/04/2013 at 11:59 PM

I think my views on feminism would be more positive if not for people like Bob Mackey, the women on The View, and some of the game journalists that work for Kotaku. You know what they say, the loudest people from any group are usually the bad seeds. It's the quiet, kindhearted, and sincere ones who walk the truer path.

I can't say for certain if the loan debt is worth it,Joe. It accumulates fast and kind of keeps a ball & chain around you longer than it should. It's like being an indentured servant or mercenary doing odd jobs just to pay the damn thing off.

Then again, sometimes you can get lucky. Certain people get really good jobs right out of college so they're able to pay it off quickly.

Lastly, I agree with you over the comments Raychul got. Not liking a specific game doesn't make her a "stupid bitch". Not everyone likes the same stuff. I thought that was universal common sense!


07/05/2013 at 12:20 AM

You probably can't hear it right now Ben, but I'm clapping! Your views in feminism have always been very grounded and the argument you present about vocal feminism's central focus isn't where it should be (i.e extreme opression in the 3rd world) is absolutely spot on. Infact the first part of your blog explains very well why you have an open mind, when you spend much of your life under the scrutiny of others you know how it feels and so are less likely to be a judgemental turd your self. I don't have bi-polar so I can't possibly understand just how hard it is, but the imagination thing is something I get. I do sincerely hope that somewhere in the non-digital world you get the same respect for you thoughtful and often deep insights as you do here, but alas I bet many people don't realise what a chap you are because they themselves are judging you. We'll probably never meet Ben but your blogs are often well written , funny and insightful and I'm sure quite a few here feel they know you pretty well. Great read....... now to remove my head from your ass.


07/05/2013 at 12:36 AM

But my ass is a wondrous place filled with magic and whimsy! Breath in the mind control gas deeply,Adam! Just kidding! lol.

I think feminism is a complex beast. There are good things about it I find to be amiable but other negative things I hate about it. I really wish I had not gotten into so many arguments with "online feminists" and "online white knights" on account I know it's colored my perception of the whole movement in a less than positive light. Still I wait for the day when feminism evolves into overall "equalism" as we strive to bring equality to everyone!

As for the people who judge me, it's cool! I put myself out there so I know of the risk. However, I'm kinda at the bottom of the totem pole already so it's hard to knock me down even lower. lol.

Cary Woodham

07/05/2013 at 04:53 AM

Three things:

1. College really didn't help me out much at all in the grand scheme of things, and I graduated

2. I can't wait to play Dragon's Crown.

3. Go read my new blog.


07/05/2013 at 11:49 AM

1. Same here!

2. Wish Dragon's Crown was coming to XBLA but eventually I'll probably get a Vita or PS3 anyway!

3. Sure,Cary! Sorry if I'm getting to ya a bit late.


07/05/2013 at 01:15 PM

That really sucks that those college dorks gave you grief. The irony is how many college students either drop out or cannot find a job upon graduation. It's a real epidemic the past few years.  I ran into some attitudes like that when I went into radiation therapy school. The students there thought they were  hot shit. Some of them were not too far out of high school,though. I can't begin to know what it's like dealing with being bipolar. Most folks(including myself) know very little about it.  You've dealt with some really tough things due to it. And still are on a daily basis,it sounds like. But you don't sit around complaining,you deal with it the best you can. Very admirable and shows character and resilience. As for the feminism stuff I agree with you on all of it. Makes me sick the stupid comments morons leave on Raychul Moore's videos. She's a very nice woman who deserves better. She's paid her dues and knows her stuff. But all teenage boys see is her boobs. That's to be expected,but they should keep it to themselves. Feminists are pretty rare where I live,so I don't know much about them. I do find the whole "war on women" that some Republicans are waging to be a sign they are afraid a cultural shift is happening. Things are changing in this country rapidly. Scares the shit out of old,rich,white guys.


07/05/2013 at 08:05 PM

I can't say exactly what the Republicans are thinking,Celt. Especially those crazy tea-party peeps!

 However, I do understand why people get mad over radical "dumb" feminism. At least in the western world I don't understand why feminist want "more". I mean, they have maternity leave. In a divorce they usually get alimony. In courts children usually end up with the mother. (Though I had a female friend who surprisingly enough lost her kid to the father. Aka, I know exceptions to the rule exist!)

 I do believe women get paid 80 cents less than men and that would be the last thing I'd try really hard to change. There's no reason why a man should get paid 80 cents more if he is equal in every way to his female counterpart. Sure, some people get raises for exceptional work but that's its' own separate thing.

 Okay, I would change one other caveat. It's how females are often treated in the gamer & geek community. Those posts to Raychul Moore are a good example of this. But maybe I need to expand the scope of what I'm saying. Trolls really do go after everyone so perhaps there should be steeper punishments for people who act like idiotic jack-asses online, regardless of who they are griefing.

 I'm not saying put them in jail right away. But maybe find a way to ban them from sites for a long period of time or slap them with a small fine. (Especially if they're repeat offenders)

 Sure, nasty responses are just words but the negativity of asinine racist & sexist posts can add up over time.


07/05/2013 at 08:53 PM

I should do one of these, but it would never be this well written. Laughing


07/06/2013 at 11:46 AM

This is well written? lol. Well, glad someone thinks it is. Thanks James! Laughing


07/06/2013 at 08:41 PM

It's better than me. Cool


07/07/2013 at 06:15 PM

You strike me as someone who would be a good writer,James! You probably just need the right amount of idle time to collect your thoughts and put them on paper! (Or on your computer) 


07/07/2013 at 08:53 PM

I probably could get it done, but honestly, I'm a bit lazy and my wife, kids, job, and games, don't help. Laughing


07/07/2013 at 08:58 PM

Ha ha ha! You have a full plate,bro. lol. In some ways that's a blessing though. Wink


07/06/2013 at 05:40 PM

Very insightful blog Ben.

Even though I got burned out quickly by every discussion regarding feminism, I really like your view on the issue. I think you gave your points in a neutral stance without going overboard with drama or rage and I really agree that the mysoginism online on the internet or videogames are also as important as the things discussed by Anita (Which honestly I haven't seen her videos, but I don't feel like doing it). And yeah, since when was a problem being atracted to a body? I think the only line that could be passes would be when the person that is atracted to a body considers the body just an object, ignoring the person that bears the bearing.

coming as a person born with Asperger, I can really understand #5. I was a very aloof kid growing up, I used to and still get mad by a lot of things and didn't communicate that much with many kids in my classroom and in general with a lot of people. Luckily, it wasn't so bad as over the years I learn to be more social and something I like about Asperger is that I get a lot of imagination and creativity, and it's something I grew up with.


07/06/2013 at 07:06 PM

I understand why you are burned out on feminism. I am too but it seems to get thrown in my face a lot. Regardless, I think it's a more important to study & approve upon how gamers/geeks treat each other as opposed to worrying if a fictional female in a game has an exaggerated cup size. Humans are sexual beings and most of us enjoy a dose of ridiculous kinky fantasy from time to time!

I have had friends with Asperger syndrome and at least to me they all seemed very honest in general and were passionate about what they enjoyed. Aka, a similar type of behavior found in scientific geniuses,composers, and artists. I always had the feeling people with Asperger cannot be "bought off". They are simply going to do what they love and be themselves without any attempts to compromise. I admire that!


07/07/2013 at 09:13 AM

Good blog, Ben. You seem pretty balanced while still seeing the different sides. You've definitely had more experience than I have with these different people, both good and bad. No one deserves to be trashed for sharing their opinion (so long as they don't try to force it on others) and I'm glad you champion them. I just don't have a social head for such stuff lol

Nice to hear some more of your background. Sounds like you're making the best of your situation without getting bitter over it. I respect you for that. Keep it up, man!


07/07/2013 at 01:20 PM

Things are a lot better now then they were when much of this happened. As such I don't really have many "serious real life issues" to complain about anymore. lol. I mean yeah, I'm still low income, still bi-polar, and still a pedestrian but I've adapted to those factors and made the best out of em! Laughing


07/07/2013 at 11:15 AM

I didn't finish college either but I'm glad I went and there are a lot of classes I would still like to to take....for free. My issue with college is having to pay for it. I think people holding a monopoly on knowledge is just criminal. Its not just about learning a job skill, many of those classes can broaden you rveiw of the world. In the case of the good ole U.S.A I think if more people in this country had taken the US History class that I took, people would vote much more differently and have a lot less tollerance for the 1% elitsits who have commondered our government for their own benefit.

I agree with your angle on the feminists, out of touch extremeists. Bitching about the art in Dragons Crown is beyond trivial when women are being raped in record numbers in India and north west Africa. Also I get anoyed with people taking past transgressions that have been appeased more or less and continue to milk them. For the record I am not a racist and I have had friends of all races. But here in New Orleans this weekend they are having the Essense festival, a big event by black people for black people. Now if anyone else did something like this especially white people they would be ready to label it a clan rally. Now other racial and cultural groups have events too, but they don't push the idea that its just for them. I have attended the Asian American Festival and the Japan festival, and you see peole of all races attend and you don't feel out of place. Can't say the same for Essence. They have empowerment seminars, and at a couple of them there was recorded proof of these racist dicks telling the attendees not to do buisness with people who are not black. This event brings in people from all over the country and buisnesses like mine depend on money from out of towners, so that does not set well with me. Anyway this was supposed to come full circle to the femists in that you don't fix the situation by fighting extremism with extremism. It just creates more extremsm.

Sorry to here about your situation.I grew up poor too, a bit of loner (mostly by choice). I have dealt with depression and was a hardcore pot head for a while because of it. I still enjoy a little herb once in a while but I have gotten past the deppression and I am in a better place in my life. Its not perfect but no ones life is. But you got talent, imagination, and a good sense of humor. Money can't buy you those.


07/07/2013 at 01:40 PM

I don't have a problem with marijuana personally. Though I don't partake in it myself ( I'm addicted to and reliant upon caffeine. That's my vice. lol.) I think it should be legalized in all 50 states. Many of my friends have smoked pot and they're normal law abiding citizens outside of that fact. Putting people in jail for marijuna use and marijuana possession smacks as "stupid" to me. I'm glad more states are finally legalizing it.

As for "Caucasians" we're kind of screwed. Aka, if WET television started it would be automatically racist yet BET is 100% okay. If we had something like a white-pride festival it would be a klan rally even if no racist sentiments were tossed around at the actual event. I don't understand why it's okay for minorities to be "proud" of who they are yet we have to own up to "white privilege" (Which most of us don't even have) and white guilt. (Yes I realize white people did terrible things long ago but you know what? So did every other human ethnicity!)

White folk shouldn't even be all grouped together. For example, a poor Irish immigrant recently come to the USA via his green card will have a very different experience compared to a well off family living in the suburbs. Not all Caucasians are of the same income and of the same backgrounds. There also aren't any "special programs" designed to help disadvantaged Caucasians. At least not to my knowledge.

I guess someone could argue "Hey, you ARE privileged! You don't live in Haiti!" but that can be applied to every single American living in the states,regardless of their skin color. It's better to be poor here than to be poor in Haiti but that doesn't mean we should just ignore our own impoverished citizens on the basis they don't have it quite as awful as other poor folks do in another part of the world.


07/07/2013 at 03:11 PM

I'm pro pot, no doubt, lol. But I just don't have good self control with it. I don't buy anymore but if some one offers to smoke me out I'm game. Prohibition didn't work with alcohol and its not working with pot either. I have a feeling if things keep going the direction they are pot will be like alcohol in this country within the next 10 years.

As for the race topic its like you said in your blog its divide and conquer. And what pisses me off with these essence people is they are basically trying to create an enviroment of segregation which is exactly what MLK and countless others fought to get rid of. They are hypocrytes. And to get back to education and history most of these people are not aware that there were BLACK SLAVE OWNERS right here in New Orleans. Thats right free blacks in the heart of the south who owned other blacks. Why? Because some slaver owners handled slavery more like endentured servitued and allowed their slaves earn their freedom and even make money on the side. Proving once and for all it has less to do with race and more to do with money and social standing. People with money oppressing and taking advantage of those with out money. But since most people in this country have a half ass education they don't have a clue.

 Knowledge is power and it can be used to vicious effect. You can either empowering them by teaching them. Or keep them under control by keeping them stupid and prey upon their fears and pregudices.


07/07/2013 at 06:13 PM

I didn't know there were Black slave owners in New Orleans. I did know African Blacks would sell other African Blacks to slaveships. Granted, the White slave buyers are no more innocent for buying said slaves but I find in general the Cacusian buyers are villified more than the African sellers. (In truth both groups are equally despicable)

 Also, things like Essence and BET would make Martin Luther King roll in his grave. He wanted Blacks & Whites to be equal and to get along. I find most things filed under the umbrella of "Black Pride" are racism in disguise.

 If I started rallying for "White Pride" we already know what the outcome of that would be. Tongue Out

 Like you I believe the wealthy people on top do orchestrate wedges to keep us apart. For example, BET television seems like a victory but in truth it's just another way to keep Blacks within their own niche. (That was called segregation back in the day) How is Black only television different from a Black only water fountain or a Black only bathroom?

 You know what they say. "Pride" before the fall.


07/07/2013 at 08:59 PM

You guys be careful with those words.  I've been called racist using those same words, and I'm black! Laughing


07/07/2013 at 10:43 PM

You racist and nationalist,James! Judging by your avatar you favor Asian Ninjas above all other people on earth! Tongue Out


07/08/2013 at 01:31 AM

Asian Ninjas are AWESOME. Surprised LOL


07/08/2013 at 01:35 AM

Whatever, UNDEAD CARIBBEAN GHOST PIRATES are where it's at! Salty sea-dawgs represent! Yarrrr!


07/08/2013 at 01:35 AM
This comment has been removed.


07/08/2013 at 01:41 AM

Yeah, it's about balance. Aka, being proud but not "too proud". I love it when people share their culture so long as they treat me decently when doing so! That's all I ask for,really.

And martian,for realz? You're good! Grays are different from greens! Filthy grays....them and their cold metallic anal probes....never forgive....never forget!


07/08/2013 at 01:37 AM
Well if my liver fails and I turn green, everyone can kiss my martian ass! LOL! But in all seriousness race is only an issue because people make it one. I don't have a problem with having pride in your culture, but if your truly proud of it you should be willing to share it instead of keeping it to yourself is all I'm saying.


07/08/2013 at 08:42 PM

this makes so much sense now about you and what you blog about. I never got the chance to get to know you better on so i was kinda not all there when you did blog about something specific in regards to the issues you speak up on.

This really helps fill in the blanks and makes me wish I got to know you better back on 1up. Love hearing about what makes people tick and the circumstances that bring people where they are today. I too could go on with my college exploits and my hatred for the east coast and new england in general. But why spoil that after reading this. Time to digest!

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