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Why I still hate XBOX One! The 50 Shades of Grey edition!

On 07/06/2013 at 02:58 PM by asrealasitgets

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Why I still hate XBOX One! The 50 Shades of Grey edition!

I never really chimed in with my thoughts regarding the console war between S & M. While the reference to sadomasochism is used in jest here, I think that after weeks of reading emotional reactions to press releases, rumors and misquotes from corporate employees on blogs, forum boards and angry screaming videos regarding rumored digital rights policies and invasive camera technologies, I started to get the impression that gamers were all in some weird form of subservient bondage relationship with these giant corporations tying us down with their non-negotiable always-on policies.

Of course, at first the consumers seemed to be on the receiving end of pain and humiliation, when their digital rights seemed to start slowly dissolving, and while some very complacent journalists applauded the shift in this new direction as a sign of inevitable things to come, angry gamers took to public forums in revolt and denounced these new abusive policies. Then S heard the complaints, and loosened up their policies a bit, got rid of the creepy cam and even offered $100 credit, but they still, however, very quietly whispered that you would need to be tied down to their network services in case you wanted to be rewarded in the future. The reaction after all the complaining was a collective cheer? M heard the reaction from the crowd and followed by loosening their own grip, realizing that they had been too heavy handed, however unlike S, M is still going to watch us.

Fear and outrage mostly seems to stem from unsubstantiated news and rumors fed from unnamed sources that later turned out to be true, but even though information revolves around speculation and hyperbole, if it still raises good questions, then it’s worth pursuing regardless of fact or fiction. Take this article “Microsoft Integrates Xbox One Advertising with Kinect To Profile Users and Deliver Ads,” from posted on July 5. Now, whether this article is accurate or not, it still raised interesting questions, internally, regarding what we don’t know about the new XBOX One hardware still. Microsoft has been rumored to have patented technology, as well as Sony, regarding interactive advertising by profiling their users with their invasive camera and microphone. In some cases, the Xbox dashboard interface would be populated with banners ads displaying products that fit your profile constructed from data mined from watching your behavior. This is already in place on 360 and most web browsers. In another case, you might be prompted with an interactive ad that would only go away until after you respond to the ad through physical or verbal response. This sounds awful. In the worst case, if you decide to rent a film to watch, you have to pay per person in the room and the camera can scan the area to count how many people are present. This sounds stupid and ridiculous; however given M’s history with forcing things upon us that we don’t like, I would probably lean towards the idea that this can be true. However, these are all rumors of course.

This particular article is basically saying that Microsoft, well no actually, Microsoft is saying that implementing advertising into the design of their new hardware was deliberate and considers it to be a good thing because consumers will experience ads in a new way. I wonder how many consumers are aware of this or are they even going to care? Once they have their XBOX Ones setup for a year and then Microsoft will slowly roll out a software update that starts watching you, quietly while you are playing Battlefield and then suddenly a pop-up ad shows up asking you to join the Marines and to do 100 push-ups while screaming you love America to make the pop-up go away! Just speculation of course.





Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/06/2013 at 03:12 PM

Microsoft certainly is a bunch of bastards.  Honestly though, with the original Xbox and the 360 I started to like them again, after growing up with them being jerks.  They had earned a lot of goodwill with me and their gaming policies, but now that has all gone down the drain and I am pretty fed up with them.  I will probably still buy an Xbox One eventually, but the Kinect features make me ill.  I don't need or want Kinect. 


07/06/2013 at 03:15 PM

Snee, you just described the cycle of sadomasochism I wrote about. LOL! 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/06/2013 at 03:13 PM

hey, I had another unrelated question.  What do you do past level 10 in FF XIV?  I couldn't find any quests, so I decided to change my class, but now I'm on low levels again.  How to you build yourself up past ten?  And what else is there to do?  I did another combat class, but I think now I'm going to try crafting instead and see how that works.


07/06/2013 at 03:24 PM

This is why I wish Pixlbit had a forum. To contain all this info, which I know ppl will want to keep to look back on.

So I'm assuming your next quest is locked until LV 12 right? Right? What happens is after level 10 story quest, the next story quests are a bit seperated between eachother, sot it's LV 10, LV 12, LV 15, LV 17 etc. You need to grind to get to each. Here's how...

1. Levequests.
Did you unlock levequests? You go to the adventurers guild and you can take on personal missions that give you XP.

2. Hunter Log
Did you unlock the hunter log? There are a list of enemies you get XP for killing everything in your hunter log. 

3. Guildleves
Did you unlock guildleves? These are like Levequests, but you do them in a party of 4. Earn lots of XP like this.

4. Fates
Try to always do fates whenever possible, preferably in your level range, so if 10, do level 10 fates.

5. Events
Use the chat box to ask if any events going on. Check your map to see Fates.

6. Dungeons
You don't unlock dungeons until like LV 18 I think.

7. Duty Finder
Do you know how to use the duty finder? You can instantly do guildleves with this.

Let's play today. I have a LV 10 GLAD in Ul'dah. We can XP farm! 


Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/06/2013 at 03:32 PM

wow, I didn't know you could do all those things!  That's exciting.  I must have missed something. 

What is the name of your character in Ul'Dah?  I'm going to start playing it in the next hour. I also ordered a PS3 keypad to communicate, and Amazon just conveniently delivered it fifteen minutes ago. 


07/06/2013 at 03:33 PM

I'll be on in an hour. 

Char: Harry Dresden 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2013 at 10:46 PM

It's an MMO... grind that sucker like a single teenage mum grinds a... cock. Pole was too obvious. And seriously, this game is sounding better each time I hear about it. Microsoft on the other hand....


07/06/2013 at 03:59 PM

Microsoft like Snee said built back up there rep with the 360 only to throw ut all out the window, you know when i first read the specs on the Xbox One i knew the always on kinect was an issue but like Amazon, EBay and the like they follow your browsing history on there sites to send you emails on products similar to what you were looking at etc, so its only normal that they would take another closer step to seeing what you like so what better way then to see your reactions on ads and i wouldnt be surprised if they were looking into your living room bedroom etc where ever you Xbone is to see what pictures are on your walls etc to sell you products but ya know with advanced technology comes privacy issues and the more advanced technology becomes the more cautious we have to be and if i get an Xbone you can rest asure when im not using it the internet will be disconnected lol!!!


07/06/2013 at 04:06 PM

But you can't opt out of it. At least as much as I know so far. Can you turn the camera off or not? The whole thing was designed as an ad machine, game machine second. 


07/06/2013 at 04:11 PM

You are right and i dont think you can turn off the kinect as far as i have heard its built in to the system.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2013 at 08:32 PM

They have said the camera can be turned off, and beyond that you could unplug the system when you're done with games.  That article also mentions other things about privacy concerns, i.e. "you control how data is used," but I'm not sure how much I buy that when the camera is on or ... paused, whatever that means. The estimating calories burned thing would be useful for me, though.

If I owned one, I'd be shutting down and unplugging the system cause of that damn camera though, so I still don't want the camera on the thing, but maybe you can move the camera around/put tape over it, etc. I just don't want the hassle or feeling of the thing might be watching me. Granted, they could get much more useful info like your card info without the use of a camera or microphone.


07/06/2013 at 09:24 PM

I think you are missing the point. Microsoft will spin information how ever they please. You linked to an XBOX brochure of all things. No one asked for a snooping advertising machine which is exactly what Kinect 2.0 is, but they make it seem like we're missing out on an exciting experience, which is stupid. I'm just saying that Microsoft doesn't learn, they continue to put out missleading comments bolstering about how advanced Kinect 2.0 is, when they're just trying to own you and everything around you. I don't trust them!

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2013 at 11:57 PM

I think you missed part of what I was saying in the comment. I'm aware it's a statement released by them, that's why I said "but I'm not sure how much I buy that" after mentioning their words on privacy, but you can still turn the thing off. 

I already conceded that they will likely gather information on you, even saying that really that doesn't even require the camera/microphone (which is a concern when dealing with every online transaction really), but that I still don't want one because I don't want the creepy vibe I get by having it in my house.

All I was saying was you can in fact shut it down, and there are ways to get the camera not to be as intrusive, but that it's a hassle to do that in the first place, so I still don't want one, and still find it a bit creepy. Whether or not they say that, you can, because that thing, with its probably gigantic amount of energy usage, is not going to run unless it's plugged in. But I guess if you're heavy into online gaming they still could use it for dubious means, but to me that's just the privacy issue that comes with any webcam, all of which can be hacked.

I did say one positive thing which was the calories burned thing seemed kind of cool, only because I'm on an exercise routine and calorie diet. But that's been working for me without the camera so eh.


07/07/2013 at 01:04 AM

MS is a contradiction. They say the advertising was conceived in the design of the new hardware, so wether or not you can turn the camera off doesn't matter, because how are they supposed to abandon their design? Xbox One might be an amazing gaming device with great software, but it's this back and forth mixed messaging from them that irks me. Cut it out MS! Also, Sony patented similar camera tech. so they'r not off the hook either, but yeah these things bother me. Yell

Also, I appreciate your comments Joe. Appologies if I sounded jerky. Cool

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/07/2013 at 01:18 AM

Nah, not jerky, I just wanted to clarify I wasn't saying I trust them 100% either, I was just saying the camera could be turned off. I guess I do see your point though, every time it is on or the system is on, they might be collecting something.

I guess I'm just apathetic at this point cause I'm not gonna be buying the thing in the near future anyway. lol


07/07/2013 at 03:03 AM

I just saw a TV ad (I think it was Comcast Xfinity or something) at the mall that offered everything Xbox One is going to have: internet, streaming movies, and voice and gesture controls. All this stuff on the Xbox One is just in the air right now and they want to keep up with what other companies are doing. That's the message I got out of it anyway.


07/07/2013 at 05:18 PM

I don't want a Kinect in my apartment. It's that simple.


07/08/2013 at 05:01 PM

I don't want Kinect in Avid's apartment either. Or anybody's, myself included.


07/08/2013 at 07:34 PM

LOL. Thanks for being thoughtful.


07/08/2013 at 05:10 PM

As I've said many times, hating Microsoft is not a cause of the month thing for me. I hated them for well over 20 years.

I still managed to buy an XBox and a 360 but I will not buy an XBox One just because of what they tried and failed to get away with. If a bully beats me up and then promises not to do it anymore I might be relieved but it doesn't make me like them.

Trust me folks, they will wind up beating us up again. The hollow promises will be shortlived.

To demonstrate the steel of my resolve, they could release a new exclusive Shadow Hearts game and it could score 150% on Metacritic and I still would not buy that damned thing.

You can take that to the bank folks.

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