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A Few iOS Favorites

On 07/07/2013 at 12:13 PM by daftman

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I was a little late to the smart phone party. I got an iPhone last November and of course jumped into gaming right away, though with just 8 gigs of space, I'm always running out of room. I played a lot of Solitaire at first and dabbled in some free-to-play games that really made me mad at how they grabbed for my money. Then I came across Touch Arcade, one of the Net's leading websites for iOS gaming. Their app is super helpful because you can put any game, whether or not they cover it, into a Watch List and you'll get a notification whenever anything happens with that game (an update, price change, etc.). I can't tell you how many times I stuck a game that sounded fun in my Watch List and later got it for free during a giveaway that may have lasted a day or two. Never would have known without the Watch List. So, if you like iOS games, definitely get the TA app. It'll save you bundles Smile

Anyway, I didn't mean to get off on that but I thought it'd be helpful. Games! The mobile version of Ticket to Ride, a train-themed board game, has seen the longest continual use on my phone. The board is a map of the United States (there's also a European edition) that's crisscrossed with train lines and you draw cards that give you destinations to connect. You then draw train cards, which come in various colors, and try to plot out the best route from point A to point B (you can have multiple destinations at once,  though, you're trying to to connect). It's a ton of fun and the game has some decent AI to play against and includes modes for pass-and-play on a single device, local wireless, and internet for multiplayer with real people. It's a game I can play for a few minutes or an hour, and it's not hard to rope people into trying it with you Smile

Ticket to Ride

Another game that has received long-term playtime is Super Hexagon. A game with a simple enough premise that manages to be surprisingly hard, SH has you controlling a little cursor that rotates around the outside of a hexagon (or at times some other geometric shape), trying to avoid incoming lines and shapes. If you get smashed, it's game over. But survive for 60 seconds and you clear the mode. How hard could that be, right. Well, so far I've only cleared the first one of the three modes initially available. Oh, those three modes are called Hard, Harder, and Hardest, and they're not kidding. Still, it has that addictive "one more try" quality that keeps me coming back again and again. And thanks to the pulsing electronica soundtrack, no session is ever dull. This is easily a game with paying for.

Super Hexagon

gameplay snippet 1 gameplay snippet 2

These gifs are a little faster than the actual game...usually

On the other end of the intensity spectrum is Quell, a sublime and relaxing puzzle game. I'm sure we've all played an RPG with one of those ice cave puzzle where once you start moving you won't stop till you run into something. Those puzzles tend to be annoying, in my opinion, so I didn't think I'd like Quell but instead I loved it. It's a wonderfully low-key experience ideally suited for touch controls and the difficulty curve is perfect. I was stuck on a few of the endgame puzzles for days but they're always fair and oh so satisfying to finally figure out. I got Quell for free (thanks, Touch Arcade) and I hope to pick up its sequels at some point.

Quell menu


You have to collect all the little marbles to complete the level

Of course, what kind of "core" gamer would I be if I didn't play Infinity Blade? This one-on-one fantasy sword fighting game really does deserve all the hoopla it's gotten through the years. Despite the repetition inherent in its design (i.e., replaying the same castle over and over again through different bloodlines), IB offers a lot of depth and replayability. Copious amounts of armor and weapons to master and multiple paths through the castle keeps things from going stale but it's the engaging combat that carries the experience. Anyone who says there is nothing for console gamers on iOS has never played Infinity Blade.

Infinity Blade

Those are a few of my favorites so far. There a plenty more, trust me, and plenty of more games I hope to play in the future. Mobile is a huge market now and one that is often written off by the naive console gamer, but it offers a myriad of great experiences that should not be missed.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/07/2013 at 12:23 PM

yeah I am a Touch Arcade freak too.  I read that site every day and add games into my app so I can remember them later.  I can't recommend it enough either, great site. 

I haven't played any of these games except for Infinity Blade and Infinity Blade 2, which is really good too and had a recent sale.  I've actually never even played the multiplayer on those, they are so good just in the single player.  the second one has more interesting combat than the first though, if you get a chance to try it. 

I'm going to try Nightjar today during my game time, and I'm pretty excited about it.  Otherwise I've been playing XCom, which is great, but huge. 

Another game you might want to try that I really like is God of Blades.  It's a really neat game with an awesome presentation and music, and is fun to boot. 


07/07/2013 at 01:23 PM

I actually picked up Infinity Blade 2 last week when it was on sale for 99 cents but haven't downloaded it yet because it's so big. Gotta make some room first. I never bothered with the multiplayer in the first one either. Single player was just so much fun. And God of Blades is already in my Watch List lol. I'm waiting for a price drop.


07/07/2013 at 02:09 PM

Infinity blade does look awesome! It kind of has a Demon Souls vibe with the visuals & I'm all for dark fantasy themed beat em ups. Honestly, I'm not a console elitist. I'll play good games on any device so long as I have the means!

Quell seems intriguing as well. Probably a good time killer when you're making a long trip or stuck in a waiting room!


07/07/2013 at 05:40 PM

Infinity Blade is indeed awesome! The App Store excels at fun little time wasters but I've been surprised by how many serious, "core" games (I don't like that distinction) there are.

Cary Woodham

07/07/2013 at 08:06 PM

I reviewed one of the Quell games a while back.


07/08/2013 at 10:31 AM

Quell: Memento is the newest one. That was a good little summary of the game, Cary. I hope to play that one too sometime.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/07/2013 at 11:47 PM

I don't have an iPhone, but I wonder if these are on Google Play. I got in the smart phone game a little late too, around August 2011 cause I figured a certain promotion meant I needed mass texting (my phone before then was a TracFone ... for a LONG time).


07/08/2013 at 10:28 AM

I had a TracFone for a couple of years. Man, I hated that! I was always paranoid about my usage. Should I reply to that text? It's another .3 units to do It sucked. Glad you're free of that.

Some of them are on Google Play/Android, I think. Pretty sure Super Hexagon is but not Ticket to Ride. I know Infinity Blade isn't.


07/09/2013 at 06:27 PM

The only game I went for on iOS was the free version of Plants vs Zombies that was offered by IGN last week. It's the only game my wife would allow to be DLed since she needs her ipod for more important things. Will try to sell her on some of the games you mentioned.


07/09/2013 at 07:16 PM

FYI, Infinity Blade II is free this week in celebration of the App Store's 5th anniversary. Of's over a gig in size lol. But if you "bought" it through iTunes on your computer, you wouldn't have to download it now and you would have it for when you get the chance to play it Smile


07/09/2013 at 07:20 PM

Forgot all about that! Will have to look into that. thanks!

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