Oh how the backlog continues to grow and grow. This past weekend was my birthday and my girlfriend, wonderful woman that she is, gifted me with Super Mario 3D Land and the Wampa Lair Star Wars Lego Set.
Seriously, you’d think I was 13 with those gifts, but that just shows you how much my girl knows and loves me. In addition I added a game or two to the backlog. I’m now the proud owner of Enslaved, The Sly Collection and Borderlands: GOTY Edition. Yup, I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself, especially when I just started a Mass Effect 2 playthrough.
By the way, I’m not sure how anyone can go through a game creating all sorts of save files so that they get some magical ‘complete’ experience. I like playing my role playing games like I’m the one making those decisions – if I say something wrong I’ll deal with the consequences like I would in real life. I understand using guides to find all the cool toys, but I prefer the organic experience of making conversation and other personal choices as I think my character would actually act. To me, this means making a balance of “good” and “bad” choices. It just seems more real that way.
Anyways, Mass Effect 2 is pretty damn awesome and I’m glad that I got it. It reminds me of a serialized space opera and I can’t keep but wondering how awesome it would be if this was a series on HBO, Showtime or AMC. It would require a monster budget, but wouldn’t it be awesome? Much better to do it that way than to make a movie out of it as it would provide more opportunity to flesh out characters and plot. Mass Effect has too much content to cram into 2 ½ hours, or even a trilogy of films.
So the slow season is officially here and I plan on seizing the opportunity to take a sizable chunk out of my backlog. Once I’m done with Mass Effect I’m going to blast through Bayonetta (Review Rewind will be forthcoming) before going down the list. I’m glad Batman: Arkham City is out of the way (finished that last week) and I’m looking forward to Arkham City now.
The next new game I’m looking forward to is Soul Caibur V on January 31st of next year. After that things get tense again with the February launch of the Vita, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Syndicate and others.
This is why the later years of a console cycle are great. The games just get better and better. There are few games that stand the test of time from the launch window because developers haven’t gotten comfortable with their new tools yet.
Anyways, that’s going to do it for me today.
Happy Gaming.