Wow. Not only are we getting Tales of Xillia but they just announced that the sequel will be coming Stateside as well. That is great! We have had a great slew of titles that come over a long wait. What are others and unexpected...
There are three major games people wanted from Nintendo (and I wanted) that finally made it over here, that happening to be Xenoblade Chronicles, considered one of the best (if not the best) JRPG that came out this generation, the others being The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower.
I didn’t expect Project X Zone would come over here. It is a welcome surprise. The installed base of the 3DS though I believe allows it to take bigger risks. How can’t anyone get excited with such a huge crossover? Anyway, the other being Fire Emblem Awakening and considering its history it’s a bit of a surprise coming here. It’s good that it has since it’s considered one of the best 3DS titles and likely will be one of the best games on the 3DS. It’s a title that I am ashamed I haven’t yet picked up but will. The last one here listed is Hatsune Miku Project Diva F. I have played the Vita version extensively and love its rhythm premise. It’s a pretty deep game that extends beyond the key rhythm gameplay. I thought this one was surely not going to come.
What about games we haven’t got yet. I pretty much gave up on Final Fantasy: Type-0 coming here. It’s been so long now. The title I do want pretty badly is Yakuza 5. It’s a way more ambitious title than any of the prior titles. Besides being centered mainly in one city, it’s expanded to many which is nice. I am also excited by the new characters and love to see how the story unfolds. I had enjoyed the series so far. The story in the series had always been strong, loved the great side missions, and has a fun combat system. It’s sad we didn’t get it yet. If Hatsune Miku Project Diva F is coming, than why would Sega hold back on this title? It is a shame but considering the long wait it took the games to come Stateside, I will hold on hope.
Is there a title out there you want to come Stateside?