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The Worst Games Ever

On 07/17/2013 at 02:59 AM by Blake Turner

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 Wassup niggas (It's funny because they aren't really people!) I made a list of the worst games ever.

 The Last of Us: So these are the guys that made Uncharted, but I was really confused because there were like very little bullets, and the game was scary, and the story was just stupid. Where's the good guy? Why is it so depressing? Why can't the main dude just shoot everything and say one liners? It's boring, and I hate it.

 Mass Effect 3: I bought this game because there was a space marine on the cover, but most of the game is talking! I tried to skip the cutscenes but they wanted me to choose shit! It was horrible! I don't give a fuck about the creepers or whatever they're called, I just want to kill things! Also, why would anyone play as anything other than a soldier? I hate it when games try to give me variety! There was sex in the game though... that's good. They should call this game Mass Errect LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

 Amnesia: The Dark Descent: Ok guys, I love horror games. Resident Evil 6 is like my favourite game ever! And I really thought Gears of War was scary as shit! But this game is just awful! There are monsters, but you can't fight them. You have to run from them. What are we, foreigners? NO IM A AMERICAN! I DONT FUCKING RUN! I FIGHT! THESE THINGS LOOK DIFFERENT TO ME, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO KILL THEM!!!!

Spec Ops: The Line: Ok, this game started off awesomely, but then I found out the bad guys were American. That's just wrong. America is the good guys! We're awesome and kick ass and everyone loves us! We should be shooting Muslims because they don't worship Jesus, which means they worship the devil and are going to hell. I do like there stance on women though. Beating women is fun.

 Serious Sam 3: Why doesn't my health regenerate? Why is there no cover? Why is there no progression in the multiplayer? That's just bad design guys! Next thing we know there'll be games without violence. What would be the point in that? Also, no kinnect support? Wtf is this guys, the 90's?

Remember Me: You play as a girl, and she isn't naked? Wtf? She should at least be in a bikini. They made me kiss a dude as well, which is gay! Gay people are evil too. I beat up a gay guy the other day for looking at me. Pretty sure he was trying to brainwash me into being a faggot. Either that or he was going to rape me! All gay people are rapists. No wonder they're all going to hell. Not me though! I judged someone and acted violenty and ignorantly. God would love me! 

Binding of Isaac: Ok, so the mom in this game got instructions from god to kill her son, like Noah did. Or was it Jacob? I don't know. I go to church every wednesday, but I've never actually read the bible. Still, I'm a motherfucking christian! Anyway, you play as the son, which means you're the bad guy because you're going against god. That's pretty fucked up. I love god, and I feel like by playing this game I'm going against him. This game should be banned!

 Anyway, what are your worst games ever? Let me know guys! I don't really care about what you say though, I just want comments because I have no friends in real life and I'm really close to comitting suicide and I just want someone to talk to because I'm so lonely and depressed. Even though I'm 14, have never had anything bad happen in my life and live in a wealthy home with parents who love me. GIVE ME ATTENTION!



Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 03:05 AM

They need to make these games more awesome like they did with Dead Space. The first two had no cover and didn't give me enough ammo to shoot things. Then the third comes and is full of explosions with me not doing stuff and I always have enough ammo to shoot things.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 03:08 AM

Ikr? AND CO-OP!!!! How did anyone like that game without co-op?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/17/2013 at 03:40 AM

Super Mario Sunshine is for faggots. Fuck's sake, he's "riding a pet dinosaur" on a resort island, his main job is helping the community look nice, and he carries a pump with him (and don't tell me he isn't using it on his naughty bits like 'dem gays do with the water jets in swimmin' pools).

It also has Sunshine in the title, which means it's for baby faggots, cause sunshine exists in Teletubbies, too. Batman doesn't have sunshine in his movies, cause he's a MAN!

Look at that. That's suggestive as hell.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 04:02 AM

 He does do mushrooms, I guess that's kind of cool. But yah, he is such a faggot. I mean only homos have moustaches!

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/17/2013 at 04:12 AM

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 04:48 AM

Eww, why would you post such filth on my page?! He's obviously gay and I'm not attracted to him at all! I mean, he isn't bad to look at... BUT NO I'M NOT GAY AND I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT THIS!!!!

 Boobs Blake, think of Boobs... boobs and chiseled abs with a refined, tight buttoc- NO! BOOBS! TITTIES! PUSSY! Penis.... mmm.... NO!


07/17/2013 at 05:29 AM

And what was up with Bioshock Infinite?! I was expecting to blow people's heads off with a shotgun from the second I started the game. Instead I'm slowly walking around town and getting baptised. Did I mention I want my shotgun?!

Unsurprisingly, I never beat the game. That Elizabeth chick is pretty hot though. Her and the main character should totally GET IT ON!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 05:44 AM

I thought it would be awesome because of the artwork. Dude with a shotgun standing in front of the American flag? How fucking awesome is that? Instead i get this satanistic, anti-american bullshit! Seriously, how were these people bad? Life was perfect up there! No blacks, no gays, having a woman enslaved... it was bliss!


07/17/2013 at 07:52 AM

Everything Halo!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 06:44 PM

Nah, not a fan of halo. Those Aliens look weird, and I'd rather shoot people. People just feel so good to kill... and the aliens are totally gay. I don't like gay people, and I don't like people who don't live in america! So... I guess I should like shooting them... IM GONNA SHOOT ME SOME FAGGOT ALIENS!


07/17/2013 at 08:07 PM



07/17/2013 at 09:20 AM

Man your trying to start a war with the first two games lol and mass effect is a rpg shooter so decision making is a huge part of the game, mmmmm and Blake and Tom selleck ( spell check i know )  lol!!! I didnt

know you were bi lol jk Tongue Out  i know you like the ladys But you know

what they say to each there own but wow

dont let certain people on here see that

thoughs among us is a bad game the trolls will come lol!!! 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 06:46 PM


 Sorry, that was necessary :p I like playing this ignorant blogger character. Tis fun :)



07/17/2013 at 07:29 PM

Lol!!!Tongue Out


07/17/2013 at 09:25 AM

I hate the Binding of Isaac, I could never get to Mother.  20 or so hours and I never got to the end...  those team meat basterds.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 06:52 PM

Pagan bastards. Even have a gay name. Team meat? Might as well call themselves team penis ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! *slow clap*


07/17/2013 at 10:24 AM

Don't forget about Ass Creed. Even the title is gay. All you do is climb things, listen to boring conversations, dodge pedestrian traffic, and stalk people. It's not even in first person and there are no guns! You can't camp or snipe people! WTF is up with that crap?!?!?!?!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 06:53 PM

Why would I want to play a game about stalking people when I'm already an expert at it? The kids at my school call me Michael Myers! I thought it was because they thought I looked like shrek so I killed them.


07/17/2013 at 11:41 AM

No comment other than the requisite LOL. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 06:54 PM


Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 11:49 AM

all of these games would be much better with Kinect.  Especially the PS3 ones. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 06:51 PM

Definitely the ones on PS3


07/17/2013 at 06:30 PM

So a so called "gamer" friend of mine suggested this dumb game. I forgot what it was called though, something like Final Faggotry 69 or something. It was straight up, the worst game I've ever played. I mean, first of all, it's not even first person! How am I supposed to truly experience the game if I'm not looking through his eyes at all times? Second of all, the graphics on this suck! what is this blocky bullsh*t? I'm pretty sure that it's just copying Minecraft's style, Mojang should sue. Third of all, what's with all the words? Nobody cares who the f*** this Cloud guy is! And what kind of a name is Cloud? They should have picked a normal, American name for him like Michael or something! Better yet, they should have named him Soap, after my all time favorite video game character, Soap McTavish From Call of Duty! I'm pretty sure that the people who made the game weren't even American! Why would anyone play games that aren't American? Everything else isn't even worth playing because it's been scientifically proven that anything not American has a significant amount of less explosions than things that are American. MURRICA FTW!!! Fourth, there's not enough killing! The times you do kill things, you have to wait, like, an hour just to be able to swing the sword. That's another thing, where are all the guns? Where are the M14's, the FAMAS', and the RPG's? That's why my favorite character (even though they are all sh*tty characters) is that black guy, Bullet, I think he's called. He has a gun for a hand! That's the most American thing that I've seen in this "game" so far. But the problem is that it's not even a real gun! It dosen't tell you how much ammo is left either, or tell you where to pick more up. I don't even know why this is called a GAME, it's just like another sh*tty book! You know what I do with books? I burn books, that's what I do! GAHHHH!!!


Did I go too far lol?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/17/2013 at 06:51 PM

Oh god, what have I started?


 Translation: Laugh out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud.

 Soap is a awesome name! But he's one of the british jerks who act superior to us! Fuck that guy. Also, why would you like a black man? My mom says they're the ones the devil has tainted because they let the darkness in. She likes to wear my pillow cases on her head for some reason...

 We should have a book burning gathering! Anything that promotes science over religion, free will, and sexual protection! BURN IT ALL! And we should burn a witch!


07/17/2013 at 10:37 PM

Fuck Super Mario Galaxy! Fucking c"unt ass baby game. Plataformahs?, gravitah?, charming story? colorfullll grafics an levels?, BULLSHITE, I wannna shoot thangs, not jumping bloks of land and the music sucks asssssssss, I mean orchestra? GAYYYYYYYYY!!!!, I want LMFAO, Akon, Pitbull and all those harcore musicianzzz. FUK THIS GAME, MARIO IS A FAGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Out of character: It's pretty surprising how easy is to imitate a person like that lol.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/18/2013 at 12:31 AM

It's a lot of fun too :)

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