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Two Bands That Get More Hate Than They Deserve

On 07/21/2013 at 07:52 PM by Blake Turner

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 I have a tendency to be a negative person online. I don't know why, I just find it more amusing to write like this. If you met me in real life you'd probably be amazed by how positive I am. Actually, that's a lie. I'm a negative person in real life too. But I'm not as overwhelmingly negative as I am when I write!

 Anyway, this is a redemption. Here are 5 bands that get FAR too much hate when they really don't deserve it.

My Chemical Romance

 They're emo and they were really popular with young people, which is like cancer to the generations who aren't young anymore. "Rock music used to be good!" No, it just used to your generation. You're old now, stop trying to hog the limelight and fucking die already. Ok, I'm not doing too well with the whole positivity thing am I?

 People complain that the band is emo. Emo means emotional. You know what music is? An emotional artform. Every song recorded ever has had emotion behind it you fucking retard. And their songs can't even be described as emo because they aren't about them. My Chemical Romance write concept albums about vampires, having cancer, and dystopian futures. Sounds fucking emo to me. Seriously, they started off wanting to merge the punk of todays youth with the theatrical nature of Queen. "The Black Parade" album is essentially their take on Pink Floyd's "The Wall." Listen to this and tell me all it is is wailing pop punk.

 So it's not the music that garners the attention... must be what they look like. Because if there's anything we as individuals are good at, it's writing people off based on their appearances. They look like this

 Well shit. That's fucking horrible. They look so much worse than this:

 Or this:

 Or this:

 So it can't be the image, because that would be hypocritical and fucking stupid. So there must be something I'm forgetting... oh what could it be... Oh yeah. Teenage girls like them. Teenage girls don't like you. I see the problem here. 

 My Chemical Romance make good music. I went and saw them live and they honestly put on one of the best shows I'd ever been to. Gerard came out in a hospital bed, singing softly before ripping his gown off and rocking out. There was so much audience participation, energy and effort that went into making it a memorable experience that it makes me think of how shit some of my favourite bands live gigs have been. 

 Also, Gerard Way is one of us. He's a geek. He likes rock music from the seventies. He reads and writes comics. He's a gamer. He was part of the reason this shit gained wide spread appeal. So cut the band some fucking slack and stop being a cunt.


Yeah, I know. "Eminem is the purest evil in the world. He's a satanist because he hates women, gays and is violent." Really? That sounds more like an assessment of catholicism that satanism, but whatever, I won't go there.

 Eminem is one of the most lyrically skilled rappers around. He rhymed Orange with Door Hinge for fuck's sake. At one time, he was also one of the funniest celebrities we had. He was self depreciating, he ragged on other celebrities, and he had an extremely dark and satirical sense of humour. 

"Get aware, wake up, get a sense of humor
Quit tryin to censor music, this is for your kid's amusement
(The kids!) But don't blame me when lil' Eric jumps off of the terrace
You shoulda been watchin him - apparently you ain't parents"

 Or later, in the same song.

"So who's bringin the guns in this country? (Hmm?)
I couldn't sneak a plastic pellet gun through customs over in London
And last week, I seen a Schwarzaneggar movie
where he's shootin all sorts of these motherfuckers with a uzi
I sees three little kids, up in the front row,
screamin "Go," with their 17-year-old Uncle
I'm like, "Guidance - ain't they got the same moms and dads
who got mad when I asked if they liked violence?"
And told me that my tape taught 'em to swear
What about the make-up you allow your 12-year-old daughter to wear?"

 Some of his songs are just fucking hilarious. Some of them are the most disturbing and emotional things you'll ever here. Some are both. "97 Bonnie and Clyde" is about him getting his daughter to help dispose of the corpse of his mother, while explaining in baby language what happened. It's both creepy as fuck and hilarious at the same time.

 The thing is though, when eminem raps like this, he isn't singing as himself. He created a character to be cartoonish and excessive to mock the violence in rap music while simultaneously embracing. The real guy hates violence. I mean listen to Like Toy Soldiers. I mean really listen to those lyrics. It's all about how much he hates and detests the violence that happens in the rap scene, with people getting shot because of a witty remark in a song. It's shocking and beautiful.

 The main reason people hate him is because ignorant cunts who call themselves parents bought the cd for their kids and then realised what the songs were about - even though em obviously writes songs for adults who can appreciate his sense of humour. Oh, that and because he's been around for over a decade and he's still in the fucking charts. He's made two bad records guys. He's made two phenomenal albums and two pretty good ones. Cut the guy some slack.


 So there are my two. What bands do you guys think cop more hate than they deserve? And what do you think of the two artists I mentioned above? I was going to talk about Justin Beiber and Creed, but this blog is already long enough and I thought I'd focus on the two that I actually listen to a lot. 




Joaquim Mira Media Manager

07/21/2013 at 10:07 PM

I'm cool with Eminem.

Nothing ever captured my attention from My Chemical Romance, but maybe that's because I only caught glimpses of their early shite. That one song you posted was alright. "Seriously, they started off wanting to merge the punk of todays youth with the theatrical nature of Queen." Wanting to, and actually doing it don't always go together, and there's nothing like Queen. Nothing. At least not any band mainstream enough to be known by the general populace.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/22/2013 at 02:49 AM

I think they succeeded. Notice how I said take the theatrics of queen, not ape them. They wanted to do punk in an arena like, grandoise fashion, not sound exactly like Queen. Because that would be dumb.


07/22/2013 at 12:52 AM

I'm not a fan of Floyd or Queen so that might be one thing working against them already with me. The thing that MCR and Eminim have in common is that MCR's singer and Eminim have voices that grate and me pretty quick. Plus I'm not big on all the glam stuff either. David Bowie ACTUALLY had talent, he really didn't need to add all the theatrics like Kiss or Alice Cooper. And Bieber and Creed along with Nickleback have no redeeming qualities at all.

Now before you lable me a music nazi, go to my home page and look at my extremely incomplete favorite music list. Almost no genre or time period is taboo to me, I listen to everthing. So if I my opinion seems harsh it just because I'm comparing these guys you listed against some tough competition. Anyway to each his own, it all comes down to tatse and what you grew up listening to. I got friends who are stuck in 1996 so I know what you are talking about in reguards to how some people take on new music. But I don't listen to commercial radio either.


Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/22/2013 at 03:07 AM

 Beiber isn't bad musically. He's really quite a talented musician, he just chooses to play pop for some reason. I'm not that big on his music, and his music is far from great, but he doesn't deserve as much hate as he cops. "Baby, Baby, Baby Oh" is this generations "Honey, do do do do dooo, oh sugar sugar." Both are meaningless pop dribble and the only reason he cops as much hate is because of how young he is. Which seems to evoke jealousy in old farts who never did anything while they were young.

 Creed's guitarist is phenomenally good. There's your redeeming feature right there. His riffs are quite original, and you can tell them apart from any other guitarist. Listen to his work in Alterbridge. The guy is fucking brilliant. Scott Statt may try to emulate Pearl Jam with his voice, but the lead guitar work in that band is phenomenal.

 Whether or not you like the pre-mentioned bands is irrelevant, they have talent. Otherwise they wouldn't be a band. Have you played in a band? It's fucking hard to get even simple songs right, to play in time with other people and to actually sound good. So yeah, they have talent.

 If you're worried about me being a pop child here is a list of my favourite bands: Cynic, Maudlin of the Well, Karnivool, Opeth, Enslaved etc. I just think people shouldn't dismiss artists for such petty reasons, and just because somebody doesn't like a band doesn't mean that band is a talentless piece of shit.

 - P.S. Cannibal Ox is fucking amazing.


07/22/2013 at 09:43 AM

I have been playing the drums for over 20 years and been in several bands and I draw a line between skill and talent. There are many people who are skilled at an instrument and can play any piece of music you put in front of them, but have no spark for creativty. I reserve talent for those who can pick up an instrument and play something right off the top of their head.  So as a musician I can be a harsh critic as to what I consider to be good music and what I consider to be audio garbage.

Anyway I was not trying to insult your taste in music, as I said to each his own. My tastes are eccentric as hell to say the least,lol.

And yes Canibal Ox rule. Wish they would get their shit together and put a new album out already. Its been over tens years.Cry


07/22/2013 at 08:43 AM

I'm a bit out of the loop.  I didn't know people were hating on Eminem.  When he came up, I was hoping rap would get better, but it just got worse.  Enimem is a genius who showed me just how bad most rap artist really are.  

I always thought Christina Aguilera could sing.  Sadly, her look & the kind of songs she sang were bullshit.  I've heard her sing more soulful & mature songs and she's freaking great.  

I can't listen to Justin Bieber.  I think he's gotten worse.  Or maybe I just don't like him. Undecided  I can't do Creed either.  I like the music enough, but I find Scott Stapp a bit annoying. Laughing

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/22/2013 at 08:52 AM

Scott is a touch annoying vocally. I don't like Bieber or Creed really (outside of the guitarist and one or two songs) but I just don't really think they deserve the copious amounts of hatred levelled at them on a daily basis.

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

07/22/2013 at 10:01 AM

NIckelback is considered the Kings of Butt-Rock. The safe over-produced radio rock turns a lot of people off, including me. I'm not a huge fan but they are a decent band, kinda funny how people dump on them, though.

Creed is another story, I hate their music and Scott Stapp is annoying.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/22/2013 at 10:12 AM

Really? Musically Creed is far superior to Nickleback. More diverse and just all round better in almost every musical sense. Nickelback relies a lot on their vocalist, and the only other person in that band worth mentioning is the drummer, who's actually pretty decent.


07/22/2013 at 10:51 AM

As a general rule of thumb for myself, I try to avoid nearly everything that finds itself on the top 40.  So, that means that I am not a fan of Beiber.   I also wonder why the heck his fans are beleibers, stupidest name I can think of.

Always like whatever MCR that I have heard.  Never been a big fan of eminem, mostly because of the type of music that he makes.  I had forgotten about creed, thank you for the reminder that they do exist. 


07/22/2013 at 12:35 PM

I love Eminem.

That is all. Tongue Out

Oh, and one time my sister was dressing as a goth person for halloween, so she borrowed a MCR shirt from our neighbors. I don't really know much about them. Any songs you would reccommend?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/22/2013 at 07:36 PM

Yeah, the one I psted above, "Welcome to the Black Parade" isn't bad, Blood, and Do you know What they do to guys like us in prison. They're far from my favourite band, but they're decent.


07/22/2013 at 11:04 PM

Haven't heard much, but I do like some of Eminem and it's just recently I have discovered that MCR are not really Emo. I mean, the song you put as example sounded a bit like what would happen if The Wall was Punk instead of the Emo Rock of bands like Simple Plan. I used to be an MCR fan back when I was getting into Rock, but kinda lost track of them after they did the Desolation Row cover for Watchmen. Wouldn't mind to get back to them.

As far as bands that get more hate than they deserve, I have Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, Nickelback (generic, but not terrible), Linkin Park and I guess a lot of Alternative Metal and Metalcore really.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/22/2013 at 11:36 PM

Oh yeah, especially within the metal core. Nu Metal, Alternative metal that isn't Tool or Deftones, and Metalcore that isn't Dillinger Escape Plan are constantly hated on. I wasn't big on MCR's latest album. It's a bit too disco-ey and synth laiden for me. Not to say it's a bad album, I just don't like it lol.


07/23/2013 at 12:09 AM

I actually liked Eminem but have fallen out of touch with his music lately. I thought he was funny too and enjoyed his dark insightful satire. Probably a lot of Americans hate him because he's so honest about the flaws within our own culture. Tongue Out

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/23/2013 at 01:10 AM

Skip encore and Relapse. Recovery ain't half bad, if not as funny. His lyrical capability and passion are back which is extremely awesome. On both relapse and encore he seemed bored, even though there were some great songs on both (Like Toy Soldiers, Mosh, Yellow Brick Road, Beautiful).

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