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In Regards Of What's To Come From Me

On 07/22/2013 at 03:42 PM by Chris Yarger

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I suppose it’s been a while since I actually posted a blog of what I’ve actually been doing and playing lately, so I figured I’d just do an update of what’s been up with me as of lately.

I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to catch up on all of the PS3 exclusives I’ve missed over the years. I just wrapped up Uncharted over the weekend, and I think I’m going to attempt to platinum it before moving onward. I’m only missing 7 Trophies, so the Trophy Whore Within will be pleasantly satisfied whenever I get them all! I also bought the entire Resistance Trilogy for some reason last weekend. I’ve heard they were great games; however I feel the need to finish the Uncharted saga before moving on.

But let me cut to the chase here, because I have something awesome to tell you all, and it will probably tickle your fancies a bit.

I received some news that was slightly startling and shocking at first, but I’m quite revved and ready to roll with it. The Pixlbit staff has informed me that I will be receiving a Review Copy of Dark Souls II (If we get it that is) and I’m bearing the weight of the world on my shoulders right now in regards to this news. Not only do I have to give this game my best effort, I now have to give you all my best efforts in the form of a Review!

For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m a HUGE Dark Souls fan, and that may actually be an understatement, so to be the one to review a game that I’ve been highly anticipating is quite an honor and I’m glad to accept the challenge. No worries though, for I have plenty of plans for this opportunity. For those who remember my Death Log, you should be happy to know that I plan to bring it back bigger and better than before! And as always, I’ll be dissecting the Lore as I go along as well. And who knows, perhaps I’ll do another Dark Souls Walkthrough (I still plan on finishing the original Walkthrough I was working on before, I’ve just been extremely side-tracked as of lately).

Of course though, the Death Log and Lore Dissection will be after the Review since I owe Nick the best of my efforts for his generous gift of Dark Souls II. I think I may actually owe him a small portion of my soul for giving me such an opportunity…

So that’s it! Expect PLENTY of Dark Souls content to come your way courtesy of Your’s Truly! Wink




07/22/2013 at 03:46 PM

The first Resistance is one of my favorite PS3 games. I didn't care for the second one that much, but the third seems pretty cool from what I've played of it. Good luck with your review of Dark Souls II. If anybody deserves to review that game, you do lol. Cool

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/22/2013 at 03:47 PM

I've heard great things about the game, and I plan on getting to it as soon as I wrap up my Uncharted phase!

And thanks! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Even if we dont' receive a review copy, I plan on buying it on release and plowing through it asap!


07/22/2013 at 04:09 PM

I loved Resistance, and wished that I had spent more time with the sequels.  

All of this talk about dark souls is making me wish that I had bothered to tinker around with the game when I picked it up the first time.  I think that I had lent it to my brother, and never got around to playing it.  I may have to find a copy ASAP...  dammit, xenoblade deserves my attention as well.   

As far as platinum trophies, I never got one.  The closest I came was Ratchet and Clank Future:  A Crack in Time.  I was three or four trophies away, all of them were quite doable to. 

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/22/2013 at 04:13 PM

After receiving news from the Staff here at Pixl, I'm getting more and more pumped as the days go by! I can't wait for Dark Souls II to come around!

And you should wrap up those Trophies! Your inner hoarder will feel happy about it! lol


07/22/2013 at 04:35 PM

Oh lord you doing a Darksouls reveiw mmmm do you have a way to get 6 stars on a 5 dtar rating system cause if you can you will vause im pretty sure this game will be a. 5/5 cause what i have read and seen of it we will love it, and im sure you will give us a honest and awesome reveiw,

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 06:21 AM

I'm going to try my best to go into this review as a Non-Souls fan, and I'm going to try to be as unbiased as possible! It's going to be hard, but I'm going to give you all the best review I possibly can!


07/22/2013 at 05:09 PM

The only DSII review that matters to me would be yours anyway. I started playing DS again and I got a lot farther this time after watching your videos. I made some suicide runs through the early cemetary for nice loot, cut across Undead Berg, stabbed a pig boss in the tail (LOL!), now I'm making my way through the Parish. I also unlocked a bunch of short cuts across these areas, and I managed to find an elevator back to that Fire Shrine place at the beginning of the game (where those stairs up the cliff to Undead Berg begin).  I haven't watched any other videos or read spoilers to the game, so it's still surprising to me. Now about Demon Souls...

Also, never played Resistance or Killzone series on PS3 and I've owned a PS3 forever. Uncharted is awesome as is Infamous and God of War!Cool 

Geez! DS2 has so much ground to cover. It's got mysterious lore, tricky boss fights, wierd stats, multi-player, maps, char builds, gear...Surprised 

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 06:25 AM

Thanks man, that means a lot!

I plan to continue forward with my Dark Souls walkthrough as well, but it's been on the backburner at the moment since I've been so busy as of lately.

And Infamous, Uncharted, and GoW are amazing! My Wife was the one who introduced me to Infamous actually and I'm glad she did! Once I finish the Uncharted saga, I'll be movin on to Resistance then I'll probably try to wrap up Infamous.


07/22/2013 at 06:00 PM

You'd be the best person to review Dark Souls II considering how devoted you were to the first game. (Aka, you even went through it again as other classes) Looking forward to it,Chris!Wink

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 06:26 AM

Thanks Ben! I was surely shocked whenever they told me I'd be able to review it. I was expecting it to go to a more tenured staff member, but I guess they trust that this will be in good hands!


07/23/2013 at 07:01 AM

Well Hell Chris I can see why they gave you the reveiw hell your the biggest Darksouls fan i know not to mention the go to guy for help i mean you helped me out of countless, Jams ( the egg on my head lol!! ) but seseriously your the only one who i would actually beleive the reveiw and i know you will do an awesome job, looking forward toward more of your walkthrough vids.Wink


07/22/2013 at 08:14 PM

Congrats, man! You sound like a kid in a candy shop...full of candy that wants to kill you o_O

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 06:27 AM

That's sooooo true... It's the type of candy the ensures that I'll be fat-rolling!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/22/2013 at 08:29 PM

Whoo! I shall look to your opinion on this game and hold it in the highest of esteem. Unless i disagree with you. Then I'll only hold it in mildly high esteem. Seriously hope they don't fuck up Dark Souls.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 06:30 AM

Thanks man, I appreciate it!

And I don't think they'll be fucking this game up. From what I've seen, it's looking better and better with every snippit of information I find! I was a bit worried whenever they said they were making it more 'accessible', but whenever I realized what they were talking about, my nerves were calmed drastically.

And a bit of information for you.. Approximately 50,000 people were at E3 this year, and of all the people that played Dark Souls II, only 1 person was able to beat the demo! I realize that not all 50,000 people played, but even if only 100 people got to try it then it's still an astounding number!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/23/2013 at 07:59 AM

The difficulty isn't what concerns me. It's the emotional aspect, the music, the tone, the atmosphere, the weight of the combat and the depth of the game. That is what I loved about Dark Souls

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 08:21 AM

From what I've been seeing, the combat is very fluid and dynamic (Seeing and playing are entirely different though). The atmosphere from the gameplay footage also looks and feels dense to me, it's not only darker but also seems to be a barren-future. We shall see though, I'm getting ancy!

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/23/2013 at 12:31 AM

Dark Souls II review copy? Nice!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 06:30 AM

I'm beyond excited! I'll probably still end up buying a version or two of the game though.


07/23/2013 at 08:47 AM

I'd say have fun, but I can hear you drooling from here, lol. I think that review is in the best of all possible hands.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 09:19 AM

Thanks Tami!!!
Seems like people are trusting of my opinions, I just hope I'm able to bear the weight and give the best review possible!


07/23/2013 at 08:21 PM

Hey congrats. I always thought that was the coolest thing about being a video game reviewer is getting the game before anyone else. You deffinately got your work cut out for you. Good luck!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/24/2013 at 06:20 AM

I can't wait! I just hope that I'm able to finish the game within a reasonable amount of time so I can push a review out as soon as possible for you all!


07/24/2013 at 02:57 PM

Nice news, and congrats. I'll be sure to read.


07/25/2013 at 08:34 PM

May it not crush thee like the enemeis you've faced in the first game.

The Resistance 3 pack? I'd consider getting that myself if they got rid of the PSN pass that's in the third game.


07/27/2013 at 12:59 PM

Congrats on that. The copy of Dark Souls 2 could not go to a more deserving person. I look forward to reading your initial review of it.

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