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Ben discusses Mainichi

On 07/22/2013 at 11:23 PM by BrokenH

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"The coffee house...It's kind of like the bar-hub in Atlus's Catherine!"

Mainichi review: Groundhog day?

I’m going to lay it out on the chopping block. When I first heard Nier had a hermaphrodite character a few years ago I passed it off as tactless shock value and swore I would never pick up the game. Though I didn’t know it at that moment, my prejudice against hermaphrodites was obviously showing. Fast forward to now and Nier is one of my favorite rpgs and Kaine is at the very top of my “most beloved videogame characters of all time” list. It’s Funny how our opinions can so drastically change in a short period of time. In my case I’m glad I became more open minded and less close minded.

However, this blog isn’t about Nier. It’s about Mainichi. In Mainichi, you are a transgendered lass named Mattie. Each day before going to the coffee café you can choose to put on make up, dress up for the occasion, or waste your idle precious minutes playing videogames. (Mattie, I like you already!)

Throwing myself into the role of a transgendered person, I went all out! My first few days consisted of dolling myself up and putting on heels. I’m not gonna deny it, humans are vain creatures and I wanted to look “fabulous” for every occasion!

If Mattie decks himself (herself?) out 100% he (she?) gets positive attention. It’s because in this state she can almost entirely hide her maleness though there is one annoying asshole who recognizes Mattie as “male” no matter what precautions she takes. (This confrontation does a pretty good job of making you feel awkward which I’m sure is what the creator was going for.)

On the same street you will get negative comments and more head-turns when Mattie decides to go dutch instead of drag queen. (Dutch in this case meaning you go out with no makeup and no wardrobe change whatsoever.)

When donning the persona “Glam Mattie” you’ll get the cute male coffee barista to flirt with you but as “Normal Mattie” the same coffee barista will be polite yet aloof. Either way Matt’s friend will sucker her into buying a coffee for her! (What a leech!)       

As an experimental take in putting someone into unique walking shoes, Mainichi does well enough. I got the feeling Mattie is really a normal person who just so happens to be attracted to men and who loves women’s fashion. I related to him/her both because I have a gay friend named Matt and because this Matt (Sorry,Mattie!) so happens to be a gamer just like me!(Incidentally my real friend Matt is a gamer as well. The gay one I mean. I do have several straight friends named Matt who game too. There are gazillions of “Matts” I tell you! Do I seem nervous? I mean sure, I am a straight guy trying to give his perspective on a lifestyle I'm mostly ignorant to. How can I not feel as if I'm saying something "wrong" without actually realizing it? I'm a friggin fish out of water over here! )

The problem is Mainichi isn’t really as interactive as I would have liked. You cannot fight the bigoted asshole who screams obscenities at you in the street. The cars don’t move. When your “friend” asks you for a coffee the millionth time you cannot tell her to “fuck off” or tell her “Hey, how about you pick up the tab for a change, aye?”.

With only very minor variances you live out the same day over & over again the exact same way. If the people in the street said different things each afternoon you encountered them it would have been a lot more engaging. Maybe the creepy jerk who hit on you before discovering your secret and screaming it to the world could even get up the nerve to clumsily apologize at some point instead of shouting the same horse-shit in your face in a never-ending loop. Lastly, there would have been more emotional investment if Mattie got to be on a somewhat interactive date with the barista. Whether the barista was homosexual himself or a heterosexual guy who “freaked out” it would have been fascinating to see the outcome either way as well as how Mattie would have coped with the situation personally.  

As a pro tolerance message and a possible 1st attempt using RPG-makerVX, Mainichi  is serviceable and recommended. It’s just kind of sad there’s not much of a game here to speak of. (And I preemptively apologize if I played it wrong and somehow missed some of the content.)



Super Step Contributing Writer

07/23/2013 at 01:01 AM

Yeah, and the reactions to you fighting back would have made for other ways to drive the prejudice point home, I imagine. 

I knew a guy in college who cross-dressed every once in a while. Very cool, easy-going guy. 


07/23/2013 at 01:26 AM

I really wanted to punch that guy. Then again, it's realistic for a pacifist non violent person to just kind of "take it" and go on with the rest of their day. AS a pedestrian near a busy road I deal with jerks screaming things from their cars so often I'm fittingly numb to it most days.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/23/2013 at 01:08 AM

Fuck me dead, I recommend the game this morning and you've already written a review about it. You don't fuck around, do you Ben?

 Anyway, yeah this is their first game. The creator is a gaming critic who's work I haven't actually checked out, but apparently she's pretty well respected. My take on it is that the repitition is to imply the the eternal struggle and the fact that prejudices rarely change. The lack interaction is to show the fact that the people who go through these problems often sit in silence about them. It's using game mechanics as a metaphor, which I think is cool. They also didn't charge anything solely because the game exists only to make a point and is extremely short.


07/23/2013 at 01:23 AM

I kind of got the feeling the deja vu loop was somewhat intentional. However, I wasn't totally sure. However as a straight poor guy I've experienced something similar. Aka, I go to roughly the same places daily and talk to the same people. Sometimes the familiarity is comforting but other times it feels like a prison without any bars. It's also awkward when some dude in his car shouts obscenities at me just because I'm a pedestrian and he knows there's no chance of me beating the crap out of him when he's snug & safe in his fast moving automobile.

 Should I try to make a game on that though? Hmmmm. Tough to say. Would you really have fun navigating me across the street to buy some snacks at the corner-store while dealing with rude (somewhat homicidal) drivers? Maybe if you ever loved playing Frogger! Tongue Out

Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 06:35 AM

Whoa.. Interesting game with a neat message behind it. I'll definitely have to check it out sometime, if my laptop can handle it that is, lol.

And no, my laptop isn't able to emulate NES messages... I caught your response yesterday, but it's so shitty to type on an IPad so I waited until today to respond to your response!

That's how I roll... lol


07/23/2013 at 04:51 PM

Chris you so gangsta your laptop is THAT old school! Cool


07/23/2013 at 09:53 AM

This is one of the game recommendations Blake made a little while back.  I bookmarked a site to get it from, but I hadn't had the chance to get it yet.  


07/23/2013 at 04:56 PM

It's a good "walk in someone else's shoes" experience,James. Granted, I wish there had been at least a few puzzles or branching paths but considering this is Mattie's first time dabbling with RPGmaker VX it's a pretty amiable first attempt!

The game is technically perfect from what I played of it. Aka, I was never walking through walls and dealing with crashes.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/23/2013 at 09:57 AM

cool game.


07/23/2013 at 04:58 PM

I applaud any game that gives me a unique protagonist. The tilesets used were pretty snazzy too. I loved the coffee house,bathroom, and the overall look of the cars!


07/23/2013 at 01:06 PM

This game sounds pretty interesting. I can't imagine being a transgender person though. Society places so much emphasis on gender roles and identity. It seems like it would get confusing.


07/23/2013 at 04:53 PM

It would get confusing and the game expresses it well. The character Mattie (Based on the creator of Mainichi) is pretty comfortable with herself but the world around her is not so accepting. Having some guy shout "This lady is really a man! What the fuck?!" wouldn't be at the top of my pleasant experiences list.


07/23/2013 at 09:02 PM

What a fascinating concept for a game. I'll bet the asshole who can always tell looks for an Adams apple! Worked in a detective novel I once read. Had a neighbor who cross dressed each weekend. He looked just like Janet Jackson,it was an incredible transformation. The day a game like this goes mainstream we will know progress is being made.


07/23/2013 at 11:49 PM

It'll be awhile before games with transgender protagonists are mainstream but there's progress being made here or there. At least with the indie scene we're free to express our own ideas & experiences without a publisher breathing down our necks.


07/23/2013 at 10:32 PM

Yeah, looks very interesting. Where can I download the game?


07/23/2013 at 11:51 PM

Sure,bro.Go here! Blake showed me the link originally.


07/25/2013 at 08:48 PM

what, Nier was the game that had a hermaphrodite character? I forgot all about that game, figured it got cancelled or never got released here in the US.


08/03/2013 at 03:20 PM

Nope, Nier made it my man! That's a good thing too. I fell in love with that game!

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