ha ha, that's hilarious you can make hipster Homer in Tapped Out. I need to play that game!
your vacation looks fun, too bad it was so hot. I love historical stuff like that.
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![]() On 07/24/2013 at 07:08 PM by smartcelt ![]() See More From This User » |
The extreme heat in Nashville was definitely a factor in my vacation activities. We would go out for a few hours then retreat to home[or a local pub!] to cool off. We did manage to take in a tour of Carnton House,which is an antebellum plantation in Franklin. It was pretty interesting as they have really done a fine job maintaining it almost exactly as it looked during the Civil War. The Battle Of Franklin was fought in this area and nearly 10,000 soldiers died in the five hour battle.
The house was used as a field hospital for Confederate wounded. Hundreds of men passed through the doors and surgeons patched them up the best they could. You can see blood stains in the floor in many of the rooms. A lot of lives[and limbs] were lost in that house. Strange thing is the battle was never supposed to have happened. Tennessee was actually a neutral state during the war. But toward the end the fighting made its way there as Nashville became a target.
There is a large Confederate cemetery on the grounds where many of the soldiers were buried. Many were identified but more were just given markers. I could not go through there. Cemeteries don't creep me out or anything. It was just too sad that all those men had no names where they were laid to rest. Plus it was almost 100 degrees by that point in the day so........
I wanted to see the American Pickers store,aka Antiques Archeology. It's sort of low key,as they don't have some big sign outside or on the building. Just the rooster logo sign above the door. I found out this store is very different from their original one in Iowa. Lot smaller and much less stuff for sale. It was all expensive stuff too. Not many items below 100 bucks. Well,except for t-shirts,coffee mugs,shot glasses,that sort of thing. I think that is the primary purpose of this store,to sell stuff to the tourists. No Mike,no Frank,and certainly no Danielle. But it was still kinda cool to see.
I really think much of the stuff was just there for display. Almost like a tiny museum of sorts.
Franklin is a town that is crawling with hipsters. It's very clean,very pretty,very upscale. Lots of little niche stores and restaurants. Lots of tourists milling about the streets on weekends. You will see musicians playing music on corners and doing all sorts of hipster stuff. How do you know you're a hipster? When it's 100 degrees and you are wearing a scarf! I saw it a few times.
The uniform of the hipster was all around me. I never would have realized it if it was not for Homer Simpson. In Tapped Out you can change him into his hipster attire. Then make him do things like listen to indie music,act superior,and ride his old timey bicycle around town.
Oh...and drink beer. But it has to be the RIGHT kind of beer. Perhaps a home brew?
What I'm listening to today.............{I'm not a hipster....too damn old to be one!}
Yea that does look cool im a big history buff maybe that explains me liking the history channel games that no one cares about but they must ne liked somewhere cause i have been wanting to get history channels battle mideavel and its still at $20 used so go figure lol!! And i have history channels battlefeild patton which actually a good game i always wondered about the civil war games mmmmmm.
That is sad about the cemetery, really that war and war in general, but going to a place with history like that is fascinating in a way, too. Too bad there weren't any celebrities at that American Picker store. When I worked at Outback I was told a lot of the crew from Home Makeover was there once, not the shirtless guy (Ty?), but a few servers recognized some other people.
I don't dress like one and hope I don't have a snooty attitude, but the way you described Franklin reminded me a bit of Austin, which is also very hipster. Frankly, I really dig the vibe of hipster towns; my experience was everyone being friendly, and there being new stuff to see, hear, and more importantly eat everywhere. Those hipsters are alright by me.
The hipster girls we saw had a lot of style and actually dressed for the weather. The pics are actually ones I found because they would not allow pics inside the house. All the exterior shots I took turned out kinda blah. I should have just taken pictures of the hipsters.
I dunno why, but hipsters annoy the hell out of me. I think they're trying way to hard to be perceived as cool. If you have to be that obvious and try that hard, you ain't cool. Whatever.
I stopped in Gettysburg on my way home from driving my mom's carback from Arizona about 12 or 13 years ago. It was about 85 degrees and very humid, much like conditions were during the battle and I was thankful to be wearing shorts and a T-shirt, instead of the heavy wool uniforms the soldiers would have worn. I parked the car and hiked around and made my way to Little Round Top (where else would a Maine girl go at Gettysburg?) and found where the 20th Maine and Joshua Chamberlain made their stand. During my wanderings that day, I came across several areas that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck for no apparent reason. That battleground is known to be haunted as heck, by the way.