Now you've gone and made me feel boring lol. I had been using 1UP for a long time but then they did that site redisign that added the point system and ranks. I didn't want to be a nooblet every time I visited, so I created an account. Then I started commenting on things and before long I tried blogging and found I liked it. So here I am now at PixlBit, doing mostly the same stuff
How did you get into blogging?
On 07/24/2013 at 02:43 PM by ThatKidOverThere See More From This User » |
I'm just curious, I wanna know if there are any interesting stories out there. The majority of you are probably like me, you found a site (1up in my case) and after some time realized it had a cool user aspect to it, and decided to write your own stuff, but there might be some cool tales to tell in that regard.