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Dark Souls and Castlevania

On 07/26/2013 at 01:47 AM by asrealasitgets

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[This is more of an inner monologue that goes on as I play through Dark Souls.]

Dark Souls and Castlevania are not the same. Before I tried out Dark Souls, I read many comparisons to it as being Castlevania-like. Castlevania is one of my favorite series, and I couldn't help but wonder what was hindering my enjoyment for Dark Souls- it was mainly that I wasn't seeing the connection to Castlevania and I still don't. There are some obvious similarites like the interconnected world and some enemies, but I feel the game is  better enjoyed on it's own terms, without the comparison. If anything I would say it has more in common with survival horror games than any platformer.  I like the feeling of death occuring at any corner. I like the feeling of weight and mass from a sword swing being rebounded from a blocking shield or sword parry. I even like the clangy sound that armor makes while walking across a narrow bridge or ascending stones steps of tower. I still always fear that enemies can hear the sound of my noisy armor for some reason, even though I don't think sound detection plays into AI mechanics like a wall knock in a Metal Gear game for example. While Castlevania has more of a classic movie monster/halloween theme, I think DS has a more interesting world and lore to explore. If I had to compare the two, I think DS has more to offer in way of challenge, exploration, lore and rewards. Ooh Snap! Don't get me wrong. I still love my Castlevania and I'm playing the NES games right now, but it's not Dark Souls and Dark Souls is not Castlevania. Now that I've separated these two in my mind, and in this blog, I can get back to my game and die some more, over and over....



Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/26/2013 at 04:02 AM

 Dark Souls is my favourite game ever. I think it's more the tone and exploration style than anything that draws the comparisons.


07/26/2013 at 05:01 AM

I noticed many comparisons to Symphony of the Night most of all, which is the version it resembles the most, but even that game I don't think is as difficult or as slow paced as DS. I haven't played the 3D PS2 games so I can't say those aren't proper 3D castlevanias and DS is. Lord of Shadows is more God of War than CV. I think early Devil May Cry might be closer. 

Blake Turner

07/26/2013 at 05:23 AM

dmc is too fast paced. I haven't really seen anything else with the slow paced combat like dark souls... It's jits dark souls!


07/26/2013 at 08:59 PM

It is what it is. Agree.


07/26/2013 at 07:01 AM

I absolutely see no comparison to castlevania they have two totally different feels and Darksouls has a feel like no other game, both games are awesome dont get me wrong, if i could compare Darksouls to any game it would be Dragons Dogma and thats not even acurate, so in short Darksouls is unlike any game before it and the really only contender in my book would be Shadow of the Colossus or Ico thows two are the only games i can even come close to Darksouls.


07/26/2013 at 08:59 PM

Actually gameplay wise and brutality I would compare it more to Monster Hunter now.

Super Step

07/26/2013 at 07:17 AM

Having played Castlevania and only seen videos of Dark Souls, I don't really see the comparison either, other than maybe a medieval-ish setting.

Matt Snee

07/26/2013 at 09:55 AM

I can see the comparison, especially if you look at the absurd difficulty of the early Castlevania, and the nonlinear nature of them.


07/26/2013 at 09:01 PM

Early Castlevanias were linear though, except maybe CV 2 on NES.


07/26/2013 at 10:03 AM

From what little I played of Dark Souls, that picture up top seems to be the only similarity.


07/26/2013 at 09:02 PM

Medusa heads are the biggest headache in CV I think, DS everything!


07/26/2013 at 11:15 AM

The high difficulty (think original Castlevania), the dark fantasy world, boss battles, and methodical combat based on timing and defense rather than the combo spam of modern action games are what give it a Castlevania feel.

No one said they were the same, but they are similar in key ways. Hence why people are making the comparison in the first place. 


07/26/2013 at 11:55 AM

The general atmosphere is somewhat Castlevania like. The game play and story telling? Not so much. Though CV has creepy locales and scary ass boss monsters the actual character driven stories tend to be cheesy melodramatic camp. (At least as far as Portrait of ruin, Dawn of sorrow,Symphony Of The Night,Rondo Of Blood, and Order of Ecclesia are concerned) By contrast Dark souls subtely implies things but leaves it up to you to decipher its' cryptic clues.

People might also be referring to the challenge factor. Aka, the original Castlevania games were hard as hell. I actually beat the original CV of the nes but I had the game a couple of years before I accomplished it. Worst offenders? Ledges,pitfalls,bats, and flying medusa heads!


07/26/2013 at 03:11 PM

I think DS plays more like the 3D Zelda games. DS and Castlevania really only share the same type of atmosphere. The RE games feel somewhat similar, but only as far as suspense goes in my opinion.


07/27/2013 at 05:29 AM

Dark Souls rules! Your right that its almost like a horror game. I am always cautious when I move around since any enemy could demolish me. I haven't played in a long time but afraid to put my disc in. I am afraid my game got erased. Very scared after all that progress...

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