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Need to get use to this...

On 02/26/2013 at 10:01 AM by FAF101

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Well I will say one thing, my mind set has not yet fixed that this is the new place for me to blog, along with my wordpress. So I figured the best way to start getting my mind thinking that is to just start typing randomness...which is seeming to work haha. I will train my brain! Also I apologize if I do not respond to comments or comment on blogs that come up right away. 

On a totally different note...I just realized I need to add my massive game collection. we are talking 400+ games....I have too many. I figured I would start logging in a system at a time because of the amount. Later today I should hopefully have my PSP games up! I figured that would be the easiest to start with.

In the world of gaming at the moment nothing new happening with me. I have gotten back into Guild Wars 2 and I am looking forward to todays update for it. I am interested in what type of guild quests they are going to have available that the guilds can do. That is the part I am most excited about. Another exciting update today is that Persona 2. Eternal Punishment  will be coming out today as a PS1 Classic! I am pumped for that as well even though I still need to beat all the others. 

Not sure how much everyone on the site is open to different topics being discussed other than games. I tend to talk about what's going on in my life along with anime because hey it's what I like to do. I don't always play games since I have so many other things I try to do. I figured most won't mind, but hey figured I would just throw it out there.

I am hoping to have something spiffy to talk about soon....I'll most likely be commenting about the anime I started to watch and the new update on GUild Wars 2 tomorrow most likely. I am going to try to blog everyday during the weekdays and take weekends off kinda like BaD style! But hey I may not get around to posting every day but it's a goal I can work towards.



Jesse Miller Staff Writer

02/26/2013 at 10:08 AM

No taboo topics around here.  Blog about what you want to.  We all love video games - that's the common thread - but it certainly shouldn't be the only thing we talk about.

Looking forward to seeing what you put out there.


02/28/2013 at 09:27 PM

Thank you! I figured it wouldn't have been an issue. Hopefully I'll have some awesome posts coming soon!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/26/2013 at 10:12 AM

I'm excited about Eternal Punishment too. I might just buy it today.  


02/28/2013 at 09:28 PM

I wanted to get it to play on my PSP because my PS3 does not have a lot of space on it left and go figure they have problems with it =(

Looks like I am waiting till it's fixed!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

02/26/2013 at 10:26 AM

Seriously Ashley? Looking forward to all those updates, but not one mention of the MASSIVE Xbox Live sale going on right now? I'm ashamed.... LOL

When we getting our game session in? And what game are we looking to hit up?


02/28/2013 at 09:30 PM

Well I had no idea about it till I asked you about it via facebook lol

Hopefully we can game it up Sunday otherwise we will surely do it another day! If we are still going to do Operation Racoon City I can totally beef up my medic abilies since I switched characters just for you!

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

02/26/2013 at 10:29 AM

Make sure you take advantage of the plain text file option for uploading your collection. Just create a text file for each system with one game per line. Then hit the icon to add to your collection with a plain text file. Should save you some time.


02/26/2013 at 11:13 AM

I second this. It makes it so much faster if you add them that way. All I did was make a file in notepad with one game per line. It took a little while, and I'm still not done, but that's way easier than adding them the other way lol.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

02/26/2013 at 01:03 PM

Or, let's say someone happened to have an Access database with all their games in it already. Then, in theory, this person could export the data to plain text files and be done in no time. Nobody would ever do anything as nerdy as that, though. I'm just sayin'.


02/28/2013 at 09:31 PM

That is certainly what I am going to do. Today I entered it in the 3 at a time and I was thinking to myself why did I not do this in text file haha


02/26/2013 at 10:30 AM

I was late to the party for Persona and Persona 2 so my first experience with them was on the PSP. Unfortunately it wasn't a very good experience. They are totally different games compared to my beloved Persona 3 and 4 and I couldn't get into them.

All that said I'll probably buy Eternal Punishment at some point.Cool

Nick DiMola Director

02/26/2013 at 01:47 PM

Yeah, Persona 1 and 2 are a completely different set of games. I adore 3 and 4, but had a really hard time getting into the others. I actually found the PSP remake of 1 to be the easiest to get into, but both sides of 2 are just a little too different for me.

I did pick up Eternal Punishment some years ago when Atlus re-issued the PS1 copy of the game. Glad to have that one in the collection in physical form. Now if they'd just re-issue Revelations: Persona...


02/28/2013 at 09:35 PM

I never had the chance to play Persona on the PSone or the other Persona's on the PS2. So my first experience was with them on the PSP. I eventually do want to get the PS2 version of 3 since I believe the PSP version does not have the additional ending. I could be wrong about that though. And I want the PS2 version of 4 but I may wait till I get a Vita to get it for that since I don't mind it on handheld.


02/26/2013 at 10:41 AM

Hey Ashley, good to hear from you! Thanks for the heads up about Persona 2. I'll have to check out the new stuff both here and on Live (don't want to make Chris cranky, lol).


02/28/2013 at 09:32 PM

Thanks Tami! I have to wait to purchase it to play on my PSP till they fix it due to some errors I suppose. Only works on the PS3 right now. And We would not want to have Chris get cranky, his wrath could be terrifying. I almost had to deal with it...almost.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/26/2013 at 11:11 AM

I love talking about things no one else on these sites pays attention to, as you can see from my movie blogs, so I support your decision not to only talk games.

Speaking of which, I've logged about 30 or so games in my collection and, across four handhelds and two systems, all Nintendos, plus my Android, that's pretty much it. lol Nowhere close to your 400+

There's more in my "wish list," cause I've included the Game Boy, NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2 stuff my brother owned in that category (we played each other's games a lot, but he moved out and sold most of it), but I don't think he ever bought all that much, either. We loved renting. lol


02/28/2013 at 09:33 PM

I for some reason never liked renting games. It was not for me. I had to own the game. Even though my game collection is 400+ I still have over 200 games on my amazon wishlist that I want to eventually one day get haha.


02/26/2013 at 12:34 PM

I went through each of my systems yesterday and added my collection and it actually wasn't that bad. I didn't do the text file, which I hear is easier, and the interface was still pretty fast.

I'm trying to get back into anime myself. The last thing I watched was some episodes of Evangelion in preparation for the last Rebuild film. I've been thinking of trying out Gundam from the beginning, but not sure. Anyway, looking forward to blogs on the topic!


02/28/2013 at 09:37 PM

The interface for entering the games is really nice, but when you have a lot of games it could take awhile haha. So I plan to write down all of my games into a text file just to make it easier for me.

I have been on and off with anime this month. I put on hold all the ones I was watching and figured I would start fresh with a new series and get through it. So I decided to start Shugo Chara which is a magical girl anime. I don't watch many of them but this one is not too bad. I'll probably post about it when I get another few episodes in!


02/26/2013 at 12:50 PM

So far, I have 440 games listed across 10 systems. Today, i think I'll tackle the stuff in my living room. One of my "Megaton" systems, PS2, is out there, and there's no way I could remember them all. 

I'm really tempted with the PSN Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, but I might end up springing for the physical copy to compliment the physical PSP re-release of Innocent Sin... 


02/28/2013 at 09:39 PM

I know exactly what you mean about buying the phisical copy. Since I got them digital to begin with I figured not to waste my money for the physical copy. There is one game though I am aiming to get though! Suikoden 2. I own all the others except that one because I never knew it had come out till I saw the 3rd game and by then it was too late. That is one game I am going to get a physical copy of.


02/27/2013 at 04:58 PM

I'm too scared to add my game collection in full. I'd never finish it! By the way, I apology for responding late,Ash. Yesterday was a busy day!


02/28/2013 at 09:40 PM

That is no problem Ben! I will most likely be responding late to posts and comments as well because I get side tracked so easily!


02/28/2013 at 09:52 PM

If I added my game collection, the site would collapse into itself into another dimension, then suck the rest of us in like a vacuum. I like you guys, so I won't do it. Plus, I don't know if we're able to add Atari cartridges to our games list, alas.


02/28/2013 at 11:24 PM

I know what you mean! I had that issue on 1Up with adding certain games and they either didn't have them or it wasn't listed for the right system that I owned it for. But I figured I need to keep a list of my game catelog somewhere online. I have the same thing done basically for my anime and manga too.


02/28/2013 at 11:34 PM

No! Video games only!  Eat sleep video games, nothing else! =D

Okay, I kid. Why don't you wanna talk about video games? theyr pretty coo...


03/01/2013 at 11:56 PM

Oh no I do, it's just sometimes I have no idea what to write about via gamewise because for some reason I cannot ever come up with an awesome topic. The only time I really talk about games is the ones I am playing. So usually when I don't game for awhile also I typically talk about the other things I have happening XD


03/02/2013 at 12:07 AM

I have that trouble too. Although I do have an extensive knowledge of them since I have been playing since the NES. Anyway, it's coolios to me whatever you want to write! Write about life. I'll still read. =-D

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