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GameRig 1UPdate!: Hard Drive Heaven

On 07/26/2013 at 10:58 PM by NSonic79

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System swaps and Hard Drives Galore

When I did my last MyBuys blog I spoke of some “enhancements” that were done to certain game systems as of late. In truth most of them were done during the same time period as with my MyBuys blog timeline. But given the “enhancements” I figured I should leave them unspoken until their one blog is written about them. I’m sure you’re all wondering though why I call this blog “GameRig 1UPdate!” The reason for this is quite simple: it was on the gaming website where I actually began to document my various upgrades to the GameRigs I own. From TV switches, to TV stand augmentations, to revamping their very setup, I mentioned them in one form or another on Though the site is going dormant I still feel a sense of loyalty to continue calling these GameRig changes as GameRig 1UPdates. Though I am no longer as active on as I use to be, I’ll carry on the torch to help remind myself where I began in detailing, documenting and sharing my interest in my gaming hobby. So with that said let’s see what so special this time around in this version of GameRig 1UPdate!


Roughly two years ago, during my latest Halloween gaming event, my Xbox 360 Elite decided to die on me. I mourned briefly until I purchased myself a replacement. At the time I only had one viable option for an Xbox 360 replacement. I didn’t have the funds to buy a brand new system, not even anything used from a game store. I eventually turned to craigslist and bought a core repaired unit. It happened to be white but had the same specs as my Elite model. Though the system had served me well over the year, I kept my old system in the hopes of repairing it one day. During that down time I researched all possible venues of console repair. Most options seemed to point to either mailing in my system to Microsoft Repair or mailing it to a third party repair service. Neither seemed appealing for I did not wish to part with my system thru the mailing services, no matter how secure they claimed to be. But during my birthday I caught a break. Long story short I found a place that could not only repair my Elite but also upgrade it to have better cooling fans and reduce energy useage. Not bad for a small certified MS repair center!


So what did I do with my replacement 360? Why give it to my “Little One” of course! She’s had her fun playing on my system that I figured giving her my old unit would make a perfect “hand-me-down” birthday present. With the money I had left over from the repair job I was able to buy her a new AC adapter, recharge cable and battery and a 120GB Hard Drive. All she needed after that was a spare controller and TV hook ups that I already have in reserve. So now she too has her own gamerig that doesn’t consist of a PSONE unit. She’s already dived into gamer ownership by buying a Walllace & Grommit game along with Battleblock Theatre off XBLA. Plus she’s able to play her “Deathsmiles” game whenever she wishes. The only downside she’s learned by owning her own system is that she is unable to player the games I own on my system. So her gamertag is on both her new Xbox 360 and my repaired 360.

 And for a time it was good, until before she left for Connecticitia for the summer her system decided to RRoD! At least that’s what I thought at first. I didn’t think to retry to start it up to download her free copy of Defense Grid. But when I did with Assassin’s Creed II it booted up just fine! Perhaps it over heated. Either way it looks like I’ll be visiting that repair service yet again before the summer/fall is over. So with that done, and my Elite connected back onto Game Rig One, Ver. 2.0, I decided to tackle another issue that was slowly being made known with my consoles: memory.

Between both my Xbox 360 and my PS3, I only had about 20GB of free memory left over. By my calculations if I continued to download and buy games off XBLA and PSN, I’d be out of memory by the end of the year. It didn’t help that I still had some saved videos on my Xbox 360’s hard drive and that I use Playstation Home every once in a while. I was already keeping my DL habits to a minimum when it came to game demos and game purchases. I still won’t buy a digital copy of a game if I can find a physical media option for it (though excepts have been made). I still plan to delete some select titles I own that are on physical media once I buy them, the games I’m referring to are both Microsoft’s Games for Gold program and Sony’s Welcome Back program. But even with those accounted for I had to do something about my low memory options. So during this time I took care of that.


In late spring I was able to track down a 250GB HDD for my Xbox 360 for $80 at my usual game store I frequent, Gamers. The salesperson actually thought I was referring to the slim hard drive model and I had to point it out that I wanted the bulky model HDD instead. I had thought about buying a generic off the internet but I wanted the option to have the official product so if I wanted to play my older Original Xbox games, I would be able to with no problems. Sure the generic would be cheaper (about 50% cheaper) but I didn’t trust myself to be able to mod the HDD to let it perform that function. Plus with my dumb luck my console would get banned when Microsoft would notice it being modded, though I don’t know how they’d be able to tell. Along with the help of my trusty transfer cable I was able to move all my data onto the newer HDD with 120GB to spare.

With help from twitter I even decided to name my two HDD’s. Kazooie (the 250GB HDD) will house my usual game saves, XBLA titles, demos, saved videos and be my primary HDD for general use. Tooie (the 120GB HDD that originally came with my 360 Elite) will serve as my HDD for digital storage of whatever “Games for Gold” that Microsoft decide to give us, along with some choice 360 titles that didn’t see a physical media release . The current games on Tooie at the moment are Fable III and Crysis and Assassin’s Creed II. Perhaps I’ll even go as far in buying Deathsmiles II as well.

So with one console down it was time to tend to my PS3. I took some inspiration from some pixlbitters and decided to take the plunge one last time in upgrading my PS3’s HDD. I had done it awhile back when my system originally was a 60GB model. I replaced it quickly with a 160GB HDD back in 2007, I even did a brief blog about it on at the time explaining all I did (and received one snide comment as a result). Though I did mention losing some game saves that go around, I decided I couldn’t run that risk again this time. Unlike my last upgrade I’ve now amassed a good number of game saves, digital game downloads for both PSN and PS3 titles, game patches and mandatory installs from various games I own.


I decided that this upgrade would be my last upgrade given all the trouble I was going thru just to get this done. Since 160GB lasted me six years I figured I’d try to get the most memory I could afford, along with the most memory the PS3 would be able to recognize. I eventually decided to see if I could get away with a 1TB HDD for my PS3. After reading on all the trouble from one pixlbitter, I decided I didn’t want to do this again given his documentation of the backup process itself. Luckily I was able to find a video on youtube showing how you can actually use a certain 1 TB hard drive that was confirmed to work.


With that knowledge in mind I actually did him one better and ordered the newer version of this 1TB HDD off amazon (the link he gave was for an older model). I knew I was taking a risk in buying the newer unit but reviews on amazon seem to suggest it worked just as well with the PS3. To my delight my order from amazon took shorter than I expected and I ended up performing the backup/ install/restore of the new 1TB HDD during my vacation weekend!  The only thing that actually delayed my action was trying to format the external HD I bought off amazon to FAT32 since it was formatted in NTFS. 8 hours later (roughly 4 hours to perform that backup and 4 hours to perform the restore) I had myself what I hoped to be the last hard drive update I’ll ever do on my PS3.


 Even with a little over 700GB of free space on my system I still plan to refrain from buying digital copies of physical media games. But there are some exceptions to the rule of course; I finally put my name in to see if I can score a beta access code to FFXIV. Better late than never I reckon. I’ve already received an email from Square Enix saying I’ve been chosen for the final phase of beta testing! I should see my code in the mail real soon!

Well that’s it for this GameRig 1UPdate! I fear I’ve gone on longer that were necessary. As of this writing both my HDD’s are working without any problems so here’s hoping it stays that way.



P. S. Here is an embed of the youtube video on replacing the HD on a PS3 to a 1TB. It's still best to watch the video from the link if only to gain access to the web address to the exact HD he used in the video.




07/26/2013 at 11:13 PM

Thats some serious memory size dude! I ended up buying a cheap 25 GB external harddrive for my X Box though that means there more chance of loosing the games I ve saved on there so I need to find me a second hand HDD 250 one myself! It blows that I ve read so many stories of X box's dying on people, I ve been so lucky di=uring my console history, the only exception to the rule was my PS2 and I still need to buy another one :(


07/31/2013 at 12:58 PM

Indeed! It's one of the reasons why I wanted to make sure I had a high enough memory to prepare for such an event of system death. It was bad enough my elite died and it wasn't even as old as my SNES that's still alive and kicking.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/27/2013 at 07:02 AM

I need to upgrade my PS3, but I haven't taken the leap yet. It's nice that you gave your little one the old Xbox.  I can't wait to have kids and share games with them. 


07/31/2013 at 12:59 PM

Well when you do it's not as bad as you might think. The only drag factor was time but just need to find the right HD for the right price and your golden.

You should've seen my "Little One"s eyes light up when she saw she was getting her own system for her birthday. I never got that for mine, I spoil her. Tongue Out


07/27/2013 at 01:11 PM

You've touched on my core issue with going all digital on games. If they want to do that to us they need to find a solution for HD size. I'm just like you in that I avoid buying games digitally if a disk version exists. Just makes sense. Why take up valuable space like that? Thanks for the info on how to use a 1TB external hard drive with PS3.


07/31/2013 at 01:01 PM

Your welcome on the info. I hope it helps you out as it did with me.

It's a good policy to go by me thinks. Even if we do have all this memory, it's hard to DL these titles. Even the Games with Gold offerings take me about 4 to 6 hours to DL and they are roughly 5 GB. Unless they find a way to compress these files better to allow quicker DL's that doesn't degrade the game itself I don't see myself buying physical media game digitially. Though like I said there are some exceptions. My thinking about a FF digital buy-off for my PS3....


07/27/2013 at 03:52 PM

I had upgraded the hard drive in my first PS3. I went from 20GB to 320GB or something. It was a relatively easy process even if I stripped one of the screws. That PS3 is long dead though and if this one breaks I'm done with them. They don't make hardware like they used to. I read a blog about some guy's SNES lasting 19 years!! Cool


07/31/2013 at 01:03 PM

I actually stripped out one of my screws when I upgraded to my 160GB too! As much as I'd like to say I'm done with my PS3 if it dies, I'll probably get it fixed given it's a B/C model. I still play PS1/PS2 games on there. I even have the memory card reader for it!

My SNES Is still going strong too, even if it requires a piece of cardboard to hold the AC plug in place.


07/27/2013 at 06:45 PM

I need a bigger HDD for my 360 but I don't want to pay for a big one. $80 is a lot of money Frown But I suppose I'll have to sooner or later. At least those are so easy to change out.


07/31/2013 at 01:05 PM

It's why I kept my elite model. I still see myself DLing titles onto my Xbox 360 in the future where I'll probably go thru a 500GB HDD. this way I'm able to swap out my HDD for specific purposes. I tried to hold off too in buying a new HDD (they are pricy for the original units) but eventually I'll need the space. I don't see them going down in price just yet.

Though you could go the generic route and get a 320GB for almost 75% cheaper, you'd have to say goodbye to being able to play Xbox Originals. Plus you never now if they'll last.


07/28/2013 at 09:02 PM

Damm, that's a lot to take care when it comes to memory. You know, last year I had to delete the data of one of my Wii games I don't play anymore just so there would be space for the Kirby collection. Now i'm afraid that I'll be out of space on my Wii soon.


07/31/2013 at 01:07 PM

That's one of the reasons why I haven't gone all out in DLing content onto my Wii. Though there is that SD card option I'm not sure if the flash memory will last long enough where my system won't be able to store anything. Still considering what to buy on there now and what to hold off on in a future Wii U purchase.

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