"That girl on the right is so "sexy"...which of course means this game is "sexist". ACTIVIST HULK SMASH!"
This blog comes to you courtesy of cyberxion! Not surprisingly, he’s better at finding interesting stuff on the web than I am. (You and I both know I suck at multi-tasking, so there!)
What is the newest game spawning a feminist shit-storm of moral outrage? Why, it’s Killer Is Dead of course! You see, Suda 51 is known for his non offensive “high art games” that appeal to every single demographic out there. He’s like Jesus, Chris Hansen, and Walt Disney fused into one saintly super saiyan of wholesome family values! (Laughs uncontrollably) I’m sorry. I can only be sarcastic for so long. Suda 51 is Japan’s version of Quentin Tarintino. His repertoire usually includes crazy, outrageous, satirizing, and sexy grind house cheese done on a reasonable budget in gaming form. Truthfully he still seems like a nice guy but in this age of “politically correct grandstanding” you just know there’s going to be “those people” who think he’s a serial rapist based upon the hypothesis that his products are undistorted viewing windows into his evil, twisted, and perverted soul! (Gawd, how did we get here? You see? This is why I just make stuff I’m personally happy with. There’s no point in trying to please everyone unless you want to end up with bland, generic, and lifeless garbage.)
"Kratos soliciting women to spew red orbs from their vaginas. But hey it's okay, this game is ALL AMERICAN,FUCK YEAH!"
I’m not simply angry this game is getting trashed for its' dating mini game which includes X-ray glasses. (Yeah you can see fictional women panties. Oh, behave!) I’m mad because these uppity assholes (Okay, back up there,Ben! Not everyone who disagrees with you is an asshole so long as they keep contributing to the debate in a polite and thoughtful manner. Curb that rage,you giant cry baby!) have so easily forgotten Saints Row The 3rd’s “whored mode”, God of war’s boinkable orb spewing concubines, and the fact you can butter up crewmates to have sex with them in Mass Effect. (Yes, we all know Mass Effect does “making love” oh so classily but then again, Mass Effect isn’t trying to be a dark parody of itself. There’s such a thing as context.)
"If I get aroused by this I'm a fucking monster."
"But it's okay for tween girls and their moms to finger bang themselves while looking at this!"
If you are female feminist or a male white knight dawning your armor of impenetrable moral superiority, take a moment to contemplate how you would feel if me and thousands of “angry nerds” set out with something called the “F-you initiative”. Not only would you have to put up with us drawing mawkishly defaming pictures of your favorite characters in tedium millions of times across tumblr and deviant art but we would also be fighting to have female literature and feminist theory entirely changed just to fit our own personal ideologies. Outraged yet? Think the very idea smacks of being unreasonable, narrow-minded, and totally against freedom of expression? Well, now you know how a big portion of male (and female because no, you don’t speak for all women out there. Many girl gamers in fact like outrageous comic books and enjoy outrageous videogames.) geeks feel.
If your worst hurdle in life is being offended by a piece of fictional entertainment created for a niche audience you need to check your privilege right now. Do you have to buy Killer is Dead? No. Do you have to buy other mawkishly over the top immature parody games like Saints Row 4? No. Do you have alternatives? Yeah, you do! If you want to laud over the rest of us with your “gamer superiority” you can always buy a copy of Bioshock Infinite, The Last Of Us, or Walking Dead from Tell-Tale. There are plenty of awesome games with strong story telling and endearingly likable female protagonists. As such please, stop your war on diversity. Just because YOU and a bunch of your buddies don’t like a particular game it doesn’t mean it should be banned or changed. Let’s not forget you would probably blow your stack if I tried to infringe upon your fantasy escapism of choice. Stop the hypocritical double standards and admit you are whining and raging about petty 1st world problems.
"I don't mind this bloke has an opposing opinion but it's obivious he's missing the point behind most Suda 51 games. Just sayin!"
Nick DiMola
07/27/2013 at 04:36 PM
Nice post, Ben. Agreed all day on this. I know that neither myself nor Chessa is offended by this and we're both extremely excited for Killer is Dead. It's a niche game for a niche market and the craziness of this mode is just par for the course in a Suda51 game. This eccentric stuff is exactly why I love all of his games!
I guess people think that by making a big stink about it, they'll change his art and force him to make more politically correct content. Of course, I don't see Suda51 caring much and continuing to do his own thing, but I think that we should really think twice before we call for auteurs like Suda51 to start doing anything different. If we want games to be art, we need to accept even the content that might make us uncomfortable.
07/27/2013 at 05:01 PM
Thanks for dropping in,Nick. But yeah certain things do offend me. For example, I couldn't get into Hostel,House Of Wax,or SAW. So many moments in those movies made me flinch and I couldn't understand why people wanted to see other people (some of them innocent) get tortured and mutilated relentlessly.
However, I'm not going to rally to get those films boycotted. I know like it or not, there's a market for them. And being I've had good friends who enjoy these movies, I can say with confidence most horror fans are nice people, not homicidal maniacs in the making. lol.
Nick DiMola
07/28/2013 at 07:30 AM
I feel the same way. Those gore fest movies aren't for me in the slightest. As a matter of fact, I think our rampant obsession with gruesome violence is much worse than any amount of sexuality we work into our media, but that's a different discussion for a different day.
Reality is, if I don't care for a particular type of entertainment, I'm not going to consume it. I'm not going to throw a fit about it, I'm not going to ask for it to be censored, and I'm not going to shame other people for liking it.
07/28/2013 at 10:47 AM
That's the big part I disagree with. I mean sure it's okay to say "Eh, this isn't my thing so personally I'm not buying it." But to say "People who like this sort of thing are basement dwelling sex offenders.""This just proves the sad state of the gaming industry" or "Let's bitch about this until the creators change it!" is taking it way too far.
It's funny, because as cool as it was gamers got Bioware to change Mass Effect 3's ending, I also think it was a negative turning point in which everyone felt more entitled to dictate to the artists/writers/programmers what they should create.
07/27/2013 at 04:46 PM
I'm not offended by this, in fact , I found the whole thing quite amusing, it was however abd timing considering the scutiny the videogame community is under atm.
07/27/2013 at 04:47 PM
*bad timing
07/27/2013 at 05:03 PM
I agree,bro. It was really awkward timing. Sort of like when the first Mass Effect came out. Laira's make out seen was all over as Kratos skillfully snuck around the paparazzi with his hands filled with much ass & titties.
07/27/2013 at 05:18 PM
The only game from Suda 51 that I played was Lollipop Chainsaw. I could see how that game would offend people, but it's not like they are forcing anyone to buy these games, and it seems like most people would know beforehand what they were getting into. I really don't see the point in Giggilo mode, but I don't think they should censor it either. There are MA ratings for a reason.
07/27/2013 at 05:24 PM
I'm with you. I can understand why SUDA 51 games might be offensive to certain individuals but considering Suda51 has built a name for himself doing "these kinds of games", people should realize what they're in for right away.
As for Giggalo mode, I have to wonder who it degrades more. I mean giggalo does mean "Male Whore" and the whole dating simulation "spies in love" aspect satirizes James Bond films that were quite chauvinistic in the first place. lol. I don't think we're supposed to go into this strange parody world and think "Yeah, THIS is how we should treat women in real life!"
07/28/2013 at 06:06 AM
I can see how people would be offended by Lollipop Chainsaw (heck, it's one of the games on my list, same with Catherine, to play with my girlfriend just to see her reaction and how hard she slaps my arm!), but i wasn't offended by it. I must be a chauvinistic pig who wants to turn all females into sperm dumps, right? Ya, that's probably what those feminists would try to say before seeing how well I treat women. A man can love sexualizing in media, but still be one of the kindest people to females that you'll come across!
But thinking on it, I was lieing. I was offended by Lollipop Chainsaw. Those jumps over a zombie then chainsawing them from the crotch up did not have enough panty shots, of either Juliet or the female zombies! But in all seriousness, my loins still get fear struck in them every time I do that move. That makes Saw look like a merry-go-round.
07/28/2013 at 11:06 AM
I feel ya, Watching a zombie get cut in half with a chainsaw (starting at the crotch area) looks painful,doesn't it? Just try not to become a zombie,JB. lol.
Beyond that, you bring up a good point. Sure, there are kinky fantasies in my head I might bring into a sex chatroom or draw onto paper BUT when a real life flesh & blood warm woman is in front of me the rules of engagement drastically change. Sudddenly I have to worry about that person's physical well being and realize that person might have a different opinion than myself on what is hawt and what is not in the bedroom. As such I handle the situation in a much more delicate and reserved matter. (Which often gets me stuck in the friend zone but I'll happily be in the friend zone for being a nice guy over being a jerk who only thinks with his cock.)
The problem is many feminists think guys are a light nudge away from "losing control" and that once this happens we will try to fulfill our fantasies at the woman's expense.
Ironically, I've seen the reverse of this in a friend's case. He was a really nice mate who met up with a girl who he met online. Turns out he wasn't attracted to her in the slightest and the whole time she was around him she tried groping him and fondling him which made him very uncomfortable. (In other words, he didn't want to hurt her feelings but at the same time he didn't like her forward advances either.) Luckily, he wasn't outright "raped" but had this woman visited longer who knows what would have happened.
My point is neither sex is entirely "saintly" in this regard. To try to heap all the negativity onto the shoulders of men is just wrong.
At least you have a girlfriend. If a bunch of feminists try going for your jugular she can intervene,bitch slap all them, and tell them to fuck off on your behalf.
07/28/2013 at 06:44 PM
Yep, the plain and simple fact is unless there is some hormonal imbalance, every human wants to bump uglies and will go for it with someone they like and find attractive. At least from what I can tell from my semi-feminist girlfriend, it seems the feminists are embarrassed or feel ashamed of their sexual urges, so hate that men will express them so easily.
And even though I have a girlfriend, if I were to say something that would anger feminists, it would probably upset her too. Brainwashing by parents is a terrible thing!
07/28/2013 at 09:02 PM
That's a tough place to be in. Your GF being a feminist I mean. It wouldn't be so bad if she could be a feminist yet also be accepting of different ideals & points of view but at least from my online experience,feminists seem rather narrowminded and quick to judge. (Unless you simply roll over and pretend to be a feminist yourself)
However, you might be able to rub off on her in a positive way. And if you put up with her I'm assuming she's a wonderful person!
07/29/2013 at 01:45 AM
Ya, it's not anything real bad. Just stuff like she believes me wanting a kid means I want her to be a housewife for life making her give up her dream (her mom said she gave up her job she loved when she had her), me getting a little rant about calling a movie a chick flick in these "non sexist" times, crap like that, Thanks to her controlling mom, she is a very liberal-thought-processing girl right now. There's a lot going on in her head, and I just put up with it for now cause I know once her mom finally lets the chain loose some she'll start to see reason on subjects.
07/30/2013 at 08:02 PM
I hope her mom doesn't ruin her. It's kind of a weird predicament though. It's been my general experience kids rebel against their parents. Aka, if the mom is a radical feminist the daughter usually chooses to NOT be the same thing just to show off her rebellion & independence.
I hope your GF learns to question her mother because honestly, parents are not right about everything. It's nice to believe our parents are great and can do no wrong but they're flawed human beings just like we ourselves are.
07/27/2013 at 05:30 PM
Oh god, who is complaining this time? You got a link?
All Suda51 games trade in sexuality to one degree or another. He works with pulp tropes, what do they expect. They're probably a bunch of noobs whose grasp of game history doesn't go back further than Xbox360 launch day.
They're probably the same people who go to the Bioware forums and ask for all sorts of sexual couplings in Mass Effect. Why is lesbian or interspecies sex ok? Mass Effect is just as exploitive as any other game. Series went from action-RPG to Degrassi High-in-space dating sim with Jessica Chobot cleavage cameo.
07/27/2013 at 05:42 PM
Ha ha ha! Thanks,Chris. That last paragraph about ME3 made me laugh. I still want to play ME3 but I see how your satirical example relates to it quite well. (And Persona 4 really is "Degrassi in Japan" with "Scooby Doo" and a small dash of "Harry Potter" thrown in for good measure. lulz! I still love it though!)
I agree by now we all should know what "Suda 51" entails.
07/27/2013 at 06:16 PM
mmmm, Persona...
What? No that's not an illegal iso of Persona 4, officer. I ripped it from the copy I own. I swear. Where's the original? Uh...I left it at my cousin's house...in Iceland..yeah...
07/27/2013 at 06:31 PM
Chris,a cultured man travelling the world on his search for inner enlightenment! He doesn't always play games but when he does one of them is Persona 4! Stay nerdy my friends!
Matt Snee
Staff Writer
07/27/2013 at 05:56 PM
when some people were discussing this the other day, I didn't have much to add, because I agree with Nick up there, that we have to accept this stuff if we want games to be accepted as art, because you can't censor art.
But you know what game kind of upsets me? Prison Architect. I know there's a bunch of prison games, but I was just thinking about it, and this is a serious issue out there, and a major blight on our country. I'm not saying they shouldn't make games like Prison Architect, I'm just saying I'm shocked it's not an issue, but sex in other games is.
07/27/2013 at 06:06 PM
A game where you make & manage prisons? Yeah, that's creepy for me too. Then again, so is The Sims. Let me explain because I can imagine the expressions I'm getting right now. lol. In The Sims you play as "God" and if you get annoyed with your subjects you can wall them in and starve them to death or set fire to their homes. Just like real people your sims will plead,cry,and get depressed too. I dunno why, but I find that disturbing. lol.
Matt Snee
Staff Writer
07/27/2013 at 06:08 PM
that is pretty disturbing!
07/27/2013 at 07:30 PM
've noticed that folks on the pro-feminist side of a given debate have figured out how to shut down discussion by dismissing any male who might disagree with them as out-of-touch sexist mongoloids, and any female who does as being part of the problem.
It's fucking nuts.
I'm not saying that they all do this, but if I'm being honest, I've seen this sort of reductionist bullshit rear its ugly head more often than not.
07/27/2013 at 07:51 PM
I agree. I don't mind feminists debating but I cannot stand the ones who pretty much boil down to the opinion of "You disagree with me so you are a misogynist monster just because!" So, what happens when a radical feminist disagrees with another radical feminist? They probably both accuse each other of being brainwashed by the "patriarchy". These people are like scary zealots. There's no reasoning with them.
07/27/2013 at 07:43 PM
At the end of the day everyone has a guilty pleasure, and so long as it does not have a negative impact on someone else, where is the problem. Fans of Twilight get to have fantasies of gettin knocked up by a vampire (that is technicaly necrophelia!) yet a super natural assasin can't seduce a woman in a bar. Both concepts are rediculous and thats what makes them harmless and fun.
What a lot of the feminist seem to miss is that what they are really asking for is the creation of a sexually repressed society. The places where this is a reality are very shity places to be a women like the the middle east or even Japan for that matter. Be careful what you ask for.
Here in the states we have ignorance and misguided religious groups that make sexuality appear dangerous, shameful, and foul. We could have a sexually liberated society that does not spread desease or create a bunch of unwanted children if people take the time to educate themselves others. I'm just really tired of stupid, ignorant people and the retarded culture that they flaunt with shameless glee.
07/27/2013 at 07:52 PM
Well said, dude.
07/27/2013 at 07:53 PM
I concur,Gemini. Whether they realize it or not,many feminists do a lot of "slut shaming" and are working towards a more sexually repressive society. Many of them also believe they have the right to speak on EVERYONE'S behalf.
07/27/2013 at 08:38 PM
There is one really easy solution to these people's problem. They just need to start ignoring things. With so much media out there, you are able to find something that actually caters to you. There are plenty of stories that have "real" vampires, why would I ever need to read Twilight? I like comic books, but that doesn't mean that I have to read Lady Death or whatever scandelous one would fit. Likewise, I am sure that there are plenty of other games in the same genre as Killer is Dead, have your pick.
07/27/2013 at 08:45 PM
Totally,Trans. We live in a "free market". I'm just kind of scared these vocal groups are working towards mass censorship and even a dab of ugly fascism. It's obvious they could spend more effort discussing the things they like yet they exert more energy complaining about the things they don't. To me that's an overt way of stating "I personally don't like this,change it now!" Moaning & groaning once in awhile is good,especially if it's justified. But these people push it to unpleasant extremes.
07/27/2013 at 11:29 PM
Hello Ben.... still up to your very interesting blogs. Keep it up...I enjoy reading them, even though I dont understand them. hahahahaha. You seem to be a very interesting yet strange person... but that's why I like you Ben. Stay thirsty my friend!
07/28/2013 at 10:35 AM
But James, I want my thirst clenched at some point. C'mon bro,throw me a beverage!
07/27/2013 at 11:45 PM
I love Suda 51
If I watch sexist stuff does that make me sexy?
07/28/2013 at 10:36 AM
Yes liking sexist stuff makes you sexy,Adam. Very sexy! Oh yeah,shake your body!
Chris Iozzi
Staff Alumnus
07/28/2013 at 09:39 AM
Somone you heard of did something with their crotch that you wouldn't! (or would, but not admit it!) Film at 11.
07/28/2013 at 10:37 AM
Penis police go! We have a jack-off incident at Rosey-palm street! Proceed with caution,over?
07/28/2013 at 06:14 PM
I'm a fan of Sudi 51, and I'm planning on buying Killer is Dead. I looks like good old fashioned Sudi 51 goofiness. While I'm not offended at all, I can dig how some people might be. It's a fact of life that not everyone is going to like everything. Some people being offended isn't that big a deal to me. However, people spending time an effort to attack a game they don't like instead of trying to draw attention and support to games they DO like is sad... I also feel that feminism VS popular geek culture is a hot topic at the moment and a Killer is Dead is the newest sacrificial lamb for the slaughter. It's a niche title from a small developer, so like Dragon's Crown it's safe to take down (Adam Sessler criticized the last God of War and the internet came down on him like a ton of bricks)...
07/28/2013 at 08:53 PM
I felt kind of bad for Adam when he got a shit-storm for his GOW: Ascension review. Admittedly the "Bros before hos" achievement was kind of crass. I'm not saying having immaturely named achievements will be the downfall of western civilization but it's okay to criticize them.
I still felt as if Sess was pretty even handed. I think he genuinely enjoyed the game, just not as much as the other three previous GOW entries (Well, 6 if you count the psp ones too). I dunno, maybe the same formula is wearing thin for him. It happens.
I also agree with you on niche games,Ceva. Aka "weird games from Japan" don't draw as much ire & discontent from gamers over here when they're harshly slammed for being "perverted" or "weird".
Actually, this is not entirely true. Matt got quite the shit storm and Bob Mackey did too. Of course I think that was partially their intent. (Okay, I'll give Matt the benefit of the doubt. I never got to know him. However, Mackey is a sensationalist flame-bait troll.)
The thing I loathe most about debates like these is the fact the side claiming "moral superiority" makes snap assumptions about everyone who dares disagree with them. Aka, you can't simply be a decent human being who likes unusual and sexy forms of entertainment. Oh no, you're a raging misogynist basement dwelling pedophile loser! And all the while the moral police jeer down at us saying "Grow up,be mature, and stop making assumptions!" Which of course is exactly what they are doing themselves.
07/29/2013 at 03:18 PM
I felt Adam Sessler was very fair as well. He honestly expressed his opinion about something that made him feel uncomfortable about the game, without assuming that the developers or GOW fans were horrible people. Mackey's problem is that he attacks people and makes harmful assumptions and generalizations. Sessler was even handed, fair, and criticized a very popular franchise. Mackey was the opposite and jumped on a niche title with a small fan base. While Mackey was trolling for page views, he did it in a very mean and cowardly way. It still bothers me when I remember it. I didn't even like the game (Hyperdimension Neptunia), but his comments about it were way off... Ugh... I'm letting him troll me again... lol.
The thing is, I get why some people are going to have problems with some aspects of certain games. I get the whole "Sorceress" thing in Dragon's Crown, and I get the "gigolo glasses" thing in Killer is Dead. I don't get thinking that Suda 51 and George Kamitani are horrible people though. They made an artistic choice. It's their personal vision. Anyone has the right to not like it, and to not buy the game. It should really be as simple as that... You don't like it? That's cool. You want to tell me why you don't like it? That's cool too. You want to tell me I'm a bad person for buying or playing the game? Not cool.
07/30/2013 at 02:04 PM
It's the last sentence that grinds me gears. You're right. It's fine if I admit I don't like something or try to explain why I don't like it to you. But when I claim your moral integrity is in question just because you like a certain game or have made a certain game that crosses the line.
07/29/2013 at 12:24 AM
"Shudders" That Robert Pattison pic.....
07/30/2013 at 02:05 PM
Suffer Alejandro,suffer! Nightmare fuel Twilight style! Bwa ha ha ha! Man., I really am an evil jerk bag!
07/29/2013 at 01:04 AM
Pffft. This just made me even more interested in Killer Is Dead. I really enjoyed the campy aesthetic of Lollipop Chainsaw. These folks need to get lives. I've seen far worse stuff in movies and on TV.
07/30/2013 at 02:06 PM
I agree. Hell, I've seen more disturbing material in other games,Andrew. (And yeah I'm referring to mainstream games not niche hentai ones. lol.)
Chris Yarger
Community Manager
07/29/2013 at 06:55 AM
I was unaware that KiD is by Suda 51... I must play it!
Also.. Courtney loved Lollipop Chainsaw. She watched me play and played it herself!
07/30/2013 at 01:57 PM
I'm not surprised. I think any female growing up during the 80's or 90's would love Lollipop chainsaw.
08/03/2013 at 12:28 AM
Once again this shouldn't be a shock to ANYONE!
Have we not seen people go all crazy over any aspect of our society when it comes to various issues. The Zimmerman case, gay marriage, movies, games, tv shows, music, you name it there is always someone taht's will to make an issue out of it when not so many years ago this would've been just another blip in our daily lives.
We've become so cynical and easily offened these days that it's so easy to forget that stuff like this has been around BEFORE yet felt it wasn't worth our time to bring up.
We need to step back, relax and frakkin stop getting bent out of shape over things like theses when I'm sure they won't catch on in the mainstream. have any other of Suda 51's games broken the mold of their niche market?
Didn't think so.
08/03/2013 at 10:28 AM
Totally,mate! And I don't understand Matt being "shocked" by this. Afterall, Isn't Killer is dead;s gigolo mode par usual for Suda 51? "Rage" can be a good thing when focused at the right indecencies & injustices but the problem is to many people blow their stacks over trivial petty bullshit.
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