I saw a story about this on SourceFed, and it does seem like you get a lot of bang for your buck. However, I am in the market for a new laptop. Is that a Chromebook in one of those photos? I am leaning towards a new Samsung Chromebook.
Picked Up The 2nd Generation Nexus 7
On 07/27/2013 at 05:18 PM by goaztecs See More From This User » |
Hello Pixlbit! Yesterday with the help of Twitter, I found out that Best Buy decided to laugh off the release date of the new Nexus 7, and started selling them (It would be nice if Best Buy did this with games, and consoles too). Now I’m perfectly happy with my current Nexus 7, but I really like this new version, and I decided to give my mom my current Nexus 7 (she’s been curious about tablets, and I knew it would go to a good home especially since the only internet stuff she visits is Facebook).
I made my way to Best Buy
*Side Track Moment: As I was driving over to the local spot, it appears that everyone was going really slow. Now I do live in an area where the drivers are not the greatest but is it more pronounced because I’m excited to get a new toy, or because they’re just terrible?
I got there, and asked the nice employee for a 32GB Nexus 7. She checked and it turns out they had 18 in stock. This was good considering last year when I bought my original, Staples carried 2 of the 32GB model. She asked her co-worker to get one from the back, and he did the “yeah, ok” and then left. So I waited in the back talking on my phone, and after five minutes I mentioned to my friend, I think they forgot me. The helpful employee decided to check the back herself to get my toy. She came back, apologized because the guy she asked didn’t do it, and was in fact helping someone else. She kicked him off the register because I was ready to check out, while the people he was helping were still unsure on their purchases. The best part was when he needed help, she basically ignored him, and continued to apologize to me about my wait. She was very helpful, and I said it was no problem, and appreciated her help.
So here is my new tablet.
First bootup of new tablet on the left, the setup I want on the right
The new screen is so nice! They doubled the pixels and you notice compared to my original. As I set it up, I noticed that Google started sending all my apps onto my new tablet after I did the setup
Old tablet is on the left
While this was going on I checked out the back of the tablet. Gone were the dimples, but the smooth plastic/rubber-like back was still present. I’m not a fan of the sideways “Nexus” but I tend to hold it on its side when playing games so it makes sense.
Old tablet is on the left
After a couple of minutes of downloading, erasing, and setting up the launcher I’m used to, it was time to reboot my old tablet and set it up to my mom’s email. It was bittersweet because I loved my little Nexus 7 tablet, but I know mom will appreciate it so it’s going to a good home.
I decided to take a pic of my old Nexus with the new one’s camera. It didn’t turn out that bad. I’ll probably rarely use the camera because I have no need for it, especially since I take the majority of my pictures with my phone.
So I’ve had about 24 hours to play with the new tablets, and I’d like to give some first impressions
-The device is lighter, and does feel better in the hand.
-I LOVE the screen. I got rid of the multiple screens, and I’m using Nova Launcher (much better than the out of the box launcher). My setup looks much more vivid.
I’m running Android 4.3! I was trying to get it on my older Nexus but for some reason it didn’t have it for OTA download. I think it’s because my tablet was the first of the 32GB which came out later than the 8, and 16 GB launch tablets.
The Easter Egg is still there, except I couldn’t get the flying Jelly Beans.
One of my games wasn’t compatible, which sucks because you would think they would have released a patch for the new OS…and I actually bought this app (I usually stick with free games or really cheap games. I think I dropped $4 on this game)
-I never noticed it until I was updating, but Android now has a Game Center like iOS. I guess you can do the same things like add friends, earn trophies, and what not. Since I have to start over in my games I might take advantage of this.
Disappointing that the HBOGo App doesn’t work either. When I do watch the HBOGo App, it’s usually on my iPad, so this wasn’t a big a deal, but my other TV apps work fine.
Tapped Out looks really good on the screen. Since it has a faster processor, my town doesn’t get stuck for a sec when I try to scroll through it, like my original occasionally did.
Overall I love my new tablet. Is there a noticeable difference between the two? Yeah, but if you’re a casual user these are not big deals. If you can get your hands on an older Nexus 7 for cheap, go for it. If you’re looking for a budget tablet, that packs a punch, I think the Nexus 7 is tops for 7 inch tablets. For all that it offers, its price point almost makes it a steal.
Well that’s all for now, more later…and have an awesome weekend!