So I found this out a couple weeks ago and thought I'd share it with you guys. It's called Chrontendo, giving you ever Famicom/NES game ever to come out in chronological order. I first heard about this thanks to the new Retronauts (which, by the way, if you haven't heard yet, check it out! It's definitely my favorite VG podcast). The man who has taken on this daunting task of playing every Famicom/NES game is known as Dr. Sparkle. Each episode is in video format; Dr. S. gives you the date the game was released, then plays it and comments about the game. Not only have I learned about many interesting games, but I've learned some history behind VG companies too. There is much to learn from Chrontendo. I know that Aboboisdaman and others who love the NES would really enjoy Chrontendo, so be sure to check it out. I can't stop watching them.
To wet your appetite, here is the first episode, which introduces us to the very first Famicom games, starting with Donkey Kong in 1983. Unless you're a Famicom expert, you will learn some things from Chrontendo. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Super Step
Contributing Writer
07/30/2013 at 08:11 PM
Well, his voice could use a bit more excitement, but I love the premise, and the editing is good enough that I can get past that. I'm glad it wasn't fifty minutes of the same game. lol
I will say I skipped around a bit, since I knew most of the Nintendo history stuff, and was more interested in some games than others.
Thanks for the share! Overall, I could see myself getting into this series.
The Last Ninja
07/30/2013 at 10:23 PM
Right, the voice isn't terribly exciting, but the information is good. There are so many old Famicom games you've probably never heard about (not a bad thing) that he discusses. It's very interesting.
07/30/2013 at 08:25 PM
I heard about it from retronauts as well. I do not think that listening to them will be good for my health or wallet. I have already picked up some wario, and expect to pick up ninja gaiden as well.
The Last Ninja
07/30/2013 at 10:24 PM
Retronauts is great! You're right, they really make you want to play those games.
07/30/2013 at 09:36 PM
I've watched all of these, and the Chronsega and Chronturbos as well. Dr. Sparkle gets a bit tiresome, and like some have mentioned, his monotone delivery acts as a nice soporific. I usually find myself falling asleep about half way through.
He's informative and all; it's nice to see those few Nintendo games that I've never tried. At least he doesn't try to inject "personality" into his videos, the bane of many Youtube posters.
The Last Ninja
07/30/2013 at 10:26 PM
I had no idea there was a Chronsega and Chronturbos! This guy is really devoted! I'm still working on Chrontendo, but I plan on watching them all. I've enjoyed them, despite the monotone voice.
07/31/2013 at 12:38 AM
That was a pretty informative video and I don't mind his monotone voice so much. Thanks for sharing this! I subscribed and will check out some more of them. I remember the first time I saw the original Mario Bros. It definitely wasn't what I was used to playing lol.
The Last Ninja
07/31/2013 at 10:40 AM
The original Mario Bros. is pretty fun. I must admit, after seeing how primitive Famicom games were leading up to SMB makes SMB look like an incredibly huge and expansive game. Most games only had a few levels which would repeat, but SMB had tons of them. There is much to learn, and I knew you especially would enjoy Chrontendo.
07/31/2013 at 11:35 AM
Yowzers, that's a long video. I'll see if I can find the time somewhere
The Last Ninja
07/31/2013 at 01:11 PM
They're all long, most of them being an hour or more, but he usually covers 10 to 15 games within that time. It's an investment for sure, but it's good if you can do something while watching them.
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