That train situation def seems like a bad omen
But yeah man, good stuff. El Shaddai def looks interesting. The demo was trippy, but cool.
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![]() On 02/26/2013 at 02:42 PM by Angelo Grant ![]() See More From This User » |
I just got back from a pretty wretched vacation. I'll blog about that at another time, but let me just say this: When the first thing that happens is someone commits suicide by jumping in front of the train you're riding in (yes seriously) it's a pretty good indicator that your vacation is cursed.
The positive? I had a few very nice things waiting for me when I got home, which I plan to dig into shortly, starting with this pile:
This package arrived two days before I left on my trip. I took 999 with me and it is the perfect game for long train rides, so long as you love reading. I've gotten 3 distinctly different endings so far, and each of them has me wanting to go back and play even more.
Do I need to tell you why I'm excited about getting Hyrule Historia? As soon as I'm unpacked I'm going to pour over this thing. I really liked Skyword Sword, and I'm excited to see some of the older Zelda concept art from the 8 and 16 bit games. Zelda 2 and Link to the Past were some of the most amazing games I've ever played.
So Halo: Risk. See, I've got a thing for Risk variants, and there's plenty of them out there. I haven't collected a ton of them, just the ones that are relevant to my interests. So far I've got 2 Lord of the Rings ones and a reproduction of the original game with the wooden pieces. I come from a long line of Risk players, so I'm sure this will get plenty of use, especially considering my brother and I are pretty into Halo as well.
But wait there's more!
I got these as gifts from my wife just before we left. For Valentines day believe it or not (yep, she's that awesome, nope, you can't have her.) All of them are pretty great gifts for different reasons. Lords of Shadow is something I'm curious about since I've heard it's actually a good 3d Castlevania game. El Shaddai just sounds nuts, fun, and artistic, which tells me I'll probably like it.
Skies of Arcadia is something I've been wanting to play for ages, but could never justify paying the price it goes for. Somehow she found it on the cheap, and it's actually in shrink wrap! (it is used however, the seller just re-packaged it.) After all the hype I really can't wait to put this thing into my Wii and see what it's all about. Hopefully I won't be disappointed!
Not pictured: I also got a text from Game Stop (Yes, I know, Game Stop is the devil) telling me I could pick up my already paid for copy of Etrian Odyssey IV today. This also pleases me.
So, ever wanted to know what happens when Amtrak forgets to empty the septic tank before a 24+ hour ride? Spoilers: overfilled toilets fling feces over 3ft into the air when flushed. This and more about the worst vacation ever in my next blog.
Yeah, My understanding is the GC version is the better of the two because of the adjusted random encounter rate. I don't have a Dreamcast so I can't test this out, but my Wii has had me checking out a lot of Game Cube games I missed. Hopefully some day I'll pick up a Dreamcast, but I don't have that kind of money at the moment.
I was in the next DC Metro train behind the one that someone stepped in front of to off themselves, glad I wasn't in the first one! And toilet adventures are never fun, the stories I could tell... Sorry you had a crappy (sorry, couldn't help myself there!) vacation.
I love Skies of Arcadia Legends! The airship battles are my favorite combat of any game. They happen to be pretty realistic in terms of how old sailing warships had to do battle. Enjoy!
I've heard a lot of great stuff about Skies, but managed to avoid details so far, so I'll be able to actually experience it fresh. I may even see if we can do a Backloggers series on it.
Here's another spoler: We went on a Carnival cruise. No, we weren't on the one stranded in the ocean, but we had plenty of our own troubles.
Played the demo for Lords of Shadow and didn't like it at all. Played the El Shaddai demo and liked it quite a bit though, so I'd really enjoy getting that game at some point. The gameplay wasn't that interesting and the platforming was very gamey, but the artwork and visual impact of the game amazed me and made me want the whole game. The combat and platforming are something I'd be willing to grind through as long as I get to see more interesting artwork and spectacle.
I had the same reaction to the Lords of Shadow demo, but I also heard the game itself is way better. I'm willing to give it a shot, mostly because it's Castlevania honestly.
As far as El Shaddai goes, when I played the demo, I had my old LCD TV which died last year. Now I've got the new hotness that is my 50" plasma and colors look amazing on it. I really can't wait to see how this game looks.
El Shaddai is something I'm looking to pick up whenever I get home. It's one of the many titles on sale today via Live. I think it's only $2.50..?
There are more though. If you have heard of the sale, check it out!! It'll be going on until March 4th, with more games added on daily (Some up to 85% off!).
feces flinging toilets?!? that sounds terrible! Where did you go to?
You will not be disappointed in Skies of Arcadia. That is a classic, classic, timeless game. I bought it for gamecube myself (i played the original on Dreamcast) a month or so ago but I've only played through the first level so far. I love that game.
Were you by chance, on a Carnivale cruise for this vacation? No? Amtrak has feces issues, too? Sounds horrific. Sorry that happened.
But hey, 999 sounds awesome, so along with that Viewtiful Joe you guys are helping me out with ideas for what to get my DS if I still can't afford new systems. Appreciate it.
I need that Zelda book, but is it limited edition, I forget. If so, then dammit, should have acted sooner.
Personally, I actually did enjoy one of the PS2 'VAnias I played, but glad to hear Lords of Shadows getting some love.