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Wii Can Turn It Around! U Can Help!

On 08/02/2013 at 09:14 PM by NintendoFanJon

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So Nintendo sales were less than stellar, but a slate of great fall titles and even more upcoming announcements are coming soon. But people still aren't sold on the Wii U, hence why it's well...not selling. And with PS4 and Xbox 180 (Yes we're all going to call it that and make childish know it!). Anyways it seems the higher ups at Nintendo can't seem to find a way to make Wii U stick out, but alas I have some ideas...not to say they aren't secretly working on them already. But here's how Nintendo can market the Wii U!*

*Disclaimer: Note I am not a marketing expert and will never be one. I make hypothetical and albeit poor judgmental decisions!*


Fatal Frame For Wii U

Now I know what you're going to say. Well Nintendo won't localize a Fatal Frame in America to save their life. It's too niche you say. But take for instance Spirit Camera for the 3DS. While not the perfect effort, it certainly has a very intriguing premise that would almost certainly work better with the Wii U's gamepad and gyroscopic sensor. So if Tecmo/Koei felt it was a worthwhile undertaking, then imagine how perfect taking pictures, map selection, etc. could be better utilized for Wii U.

Pokemon Snap 2 U

Yes I know another picture taking game...but it's not niche! Pokemon is a serious money maker for Nintendo and Gamefreak could certainly make it...or HAL Laboratories who developed the original Pokemon Snap. Also out of all the home console Pokemon games Snap is the one stand out in a long line of mediocre efforts. 

Wario & Waluigi: Partners in Crime!

Okay so obviously this isn't actually a game...and obviously the title is just a spin on the mario & luigi title for the DS, however this game is a match (or would it be a mis-match?) waiting to be explored. Imagine a Wario styled platformer, but with Waluigi as a playable character. Waluigi certainly has a unique moveset from his spiked whip, to the way he swims magically in the air. But damnit all I really want is Waluigi to be in a meaningful game! Not a mario sports title!

Mr. Game & Watch: Paper Caper!

No image here as this is the most unique idea yet. Mr. Game & Watch got his start in a series of mini-game events such as Fire man, Parachute, Ball, etc. So of course he's long overdue for his own 2D Adventure game! If Nintendo is keen  on reviving an old franchise...why not Mr. Game & Watch? Why not a 2D side scrolling platformer with unique Game & Watch levels? Why not an underwater stage where we face an Octopus boss? Or maybe a Paper Mario style RPG? The possibilities of imaginitive gaming can be done with Game & Watch!

Insert Fan Request Here:

Yes the last but not least is entirely up for fan debate. Many say we need a new Star Fox. Many think F-Zero needs a new game in the series. Or how about an updated Ice Climbers game? Perhaps scaling a mountain could provide a fun and exciting game for a modern uptaking. I'm not saying I have the answers for Nintendo to turn things around. I also know I'm no marketing savvant. But I do know that with innovation comes invention or vice versa. Perhaps there is something up Nintendo's sleeve that will give me that wow factor. But HD Zelda is a long wait and so is Monolith Soft's "X".

So perhaps there's an idea you could think of. And while I'm sure many would say fire the big wigs or start again from scratch to entice 3rd parties with an HD console on par with PS4 or Xbox probably won't happen. Not saying my ideas will either, but I'm all for hypotheticals! Again all feedback is appreciated. I'm starved for attention...much like the Wii U!!! *ZING!*



Super Step Contributing Writer

08/02/2013 at 09:27 PM

Aside from Game & Watch and Wario/Luigi, I would mostly say the same. 

It also may have been a good idea to call it Nintendo Revolution instead of Wii U, so people knew it was more than an add-on.


08/03/2013 at 10:22 AM

Yeah. The marketing does make it seem like more of an add-on. I think it would be great if they did something like "The all new Wii U! It's new 2 U!" or something like that.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/03/2013 at 03:38 PM

They actually did have a Youtube ad at one point where these kids sat on a couch and played it, and they were all like "It's DEFINITELY more than just an add-on!" Not sure why I can't seem to find that ad, but I know I saw it.


08/05/2013 at 08:40 PM

Yeah that's good. They need to run that ad on TV. Marketing needs a good kick to the rear for Wii U.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

08/02/2013 at 09:50 PM

OMG a game such as "Wario & Waluigi: Partners in Crime!" would be so awesome, I would be all over it.


08/03/2013 at 10:24 AM

I know. I have no idea why Nintendo doesn't do something like that. It's long overdue!


08/02/2013 at 10:16 PM

I read the word "Skyrim"  mentioned regarding an open world approach to games like Lightning Returns and the new "Realisitc" Zelda game for WiiU. If Nintendo took existing franchises and just implemented these sort of ideas like "sandbox" and "open world" then maybe Nintendo can attract hard core gamers instead on just relying on mascots. Nintendo makes really awesome 2D games, and since they are popular again on phones/tablets/indie, they should give us more 2D style games and continue the legacy. Rayman is going to be so awesome! 


08/03/2013 at 10:28 AM

I do like an open world/sandbox concept for Zelda. But I don't want open world for open world sake. If that's the case we migght end up with another Twilight Princess or Wind Waker where there's an expansive overworld, but only a few key locations worth exploring. It would be great if maybe they took the hidden caves and dungeon concepts, even if they are simple to add depth from the main dungeons.


08/02/2013 at 10:19 PM

Fatal Frame would be a good game for the WiiU. I haved never played the series but it's on my bucket list.


08/03/2013 at 10:29 AM

Yeah it's a great series. I've played 2 and 4. Both were really good. I enjoyed them a lot.

Captain N

08/03/2013 at 09:27 PM

I have a Wii U and only have 4 games for it aside from eShop titles and I love it. The thing is besides not enough games is that Nintendo hasn't marketed the Wii U well. Sure there aren't that many games, but the software is there, if you look hard enough you can find compelling software for the Wii U till the fall. Plus Nintendo needs a game, one game that will show people what the Wii U is all about and why you need one.

Wii Sports did it's job for the Wii, and while Nintendo Land is awesome, it hasn't had that same impact that Wii Sports had with the Wii. It needs a killer app and better marketing, hopefully Nintendo does something to reverse this situation. As for games I'd love to see, all of those ideas seem really cool, I'd love to see a new Star Fox game, heck 'd take 64 if they remade it in HD. And I would love an F-Zero game, if there is one game from Nintendo that is the hardest of core, F-Zero is that game.

Imagine 30 players racing online with no lag and 60 frames per second? Have a track editor, machine editor, emblem editor, a pilot creator, all the tracks from the previous games, including new ones, all the characters that have appeared so far with new ones, the gameplay from GX, musoc from X, and a story mode of some sort that takes you on Captain Falcon's adventures. That would be amazing. Or a new IP would be cool.

I'm sure Nintendo has alot in the works but they know something we don't, maybe they think it isn't the right time for some stuff yet. But I hope the Wii U makes a comeback, it's an awesome piece of hardware with untapped potential. 


08/05/2013 at 08:38 PM

Yeah NintendoLand just didn't have that Wii Sports wow factor. I like the game, but I'm with you on the killer app and better marketing approach. I like the F-Zero idea. I think someone one here voiced similar thoughts, but the story incorporated a bounty hunter mission mode for Captain Falcon. Go around and beat up bad guys would be an interesting take I think. I enjoy and hope the best for the Wii U.

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