Ok, so you guys know my stance on feminism. I believe in equality and all that good shit. I believe women should be mechanics, and get paid an equal salary to me and whatever. I also agree that within the AAA gaming industry, we should be careful to cater to both genders because these are big budget games that are trying to appeal to everyone, so crossing off one extremely large group of people would be stupid.
However with smaller games that are designed around a specific niche or are the vision of one person, who cares? This guy likes boobs. I can relate to the guy. I also like boobs. I mean I argue for feminism because I like women, and let's be honest, they're to weak to defend themselves. (I'd like to point out that most women I know are stronger than me, and that was a joke. Don't act like humourless lesbians now. Stereotypes are fun!). He likes to draw boobs, and he knows that boobs sell. Who is he hurting realistically?
Now look, if there was a large scene of Lara Croft masturbating in the newest Tomb Raider - without reason or trying to say something - I'd take offense. A girl in a bikini and thong though? Whatever. I feel there are bigger issues within gaming. I mean this is a game where we kill millions of people and we're complaining about what the characters look like? C'mon.
Now, that's my opinion. I have a right to express my opinion. And as far as I'm concerned, it's a valid opinion. Danielle Riendeau is also giving a perfectly valid opinion that is far from wrong. It is off putting to her, so she wrote about it. She didn't try to get the game banned, and it wasn't the entire focus of the review. She praised a lot of areas, and also slammed the game for insanely repetitive. She didn't do anything wrong. Her opinion is not wrong. So stop it with your whole "Feminists are evil" shit because they fucking aren't. Some of them, sure. Some charities probably have donaters who are pedophiles. Do we want to shut down good intentioned people because of the actions of a few idiots? Shit, there'd be no internet if that were the case.
Also, can we give a fucking round of applause to Atlus' PR team? Holy shit that was inspired. For those of you who don't know, this is what was said about the review:

Hey Microsoft, hire this fucker.
So, if you have a problem with anything I've said, please go kill yourself you retarded cunt, because I'm right and you disagree with me so you don't deserve to live. Because you're not like me. And I can't handle that. So I'm going to hurl abuse at you. Because I'm so insecure about my life that I let one person's opinion on the internet inspire that much hatred inside of me.