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Exit Musings: MP3: C and Some Other Stuff

On 08/06/2013 at 04:03 PM by transmet2033

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It was quite a busy weekend.  I helped my wife with some schoolwork, she is a teacher.  Then I removed wallpaper in a bedroom in my brother's new house.  Dark Samus was conquered for the final time, and Xenoblade Chronicles was finally started.  Most importantly, the twelfth incarnation of the Doctor was announced.

Exit Musing: MP3:C

After four weeks, and nearly forty hours of in-game time I finally finished the Metroid Prime Trilogy.  I love these games dearly, but after a month of playing them I am glad to be moving on.  I look forward to the next time that I will play them, but do not expect that day to come anytime soon.  I have already said what I wanted to about MP1 and MP2, so I focus now on Metroid Prime 3:  Corruption.

Things that I loved...

I loved the look of the game.  Metroid Prime was a gorgeous game when it was released, but Corruption makes it look like crap. 

I loved the controls.  There is something to be said about pointing and shooting.  I love my dual analog control scheme, but I wonder how much fun Halo and Resistance would be with the wii-mote controls.

I loved how they did not rehash every Metroid trope.  You start out with the charge beam, morph-ball, bombs and other items that Samus normally loses in the first 30 minutes of gameplay.  They also only had one suit upgrade and left the super missiles out completely.  There was no liquid area that required the gravity suit and I am sure that I am forgetting a few things.

I loved the planet of Elysia.  They did the sky rails from Bioshock Infinite years before.

Things that I did not love... as much...

Multiple Planets.  While it was nice jumping around from planet to planet, the planets you visited, while varied, felt a little on the small side.

The Music.  I loved the music from Prime and Echoes and can picture songs and themes vividly.  I cannot pick out a single song that sticks out... except the Super Metroid theme.

Final Thoughts…

Corruption is a great game, but there maybe not a perfect conclusion to the Metroid Prime Trilogy.  The story is wrapped up nicely, so that is not the problem.  I believe that the main reason that it does not necessarily fit is the control scheme.  I loved being able to be very precise with my aiming and shooting, but Corruption felt a little more action oriented than its predecessors.  That is not a bad thing, but I think that a little something was lost in the transition from the Gamecube to the Wii.  Do not misunderstand me, the game is amazing and well worth your time.

Entrance Musings:  Xenoblade Chronicles

I started up Xenoblade Chronicles after I finished Metroid Prime 3.  I have not spent too much time with it yet, but I am getting good vibes from it.  The music is amazing and the game looks beautiful.  I cannot wait to spend a lot of my free time with the game.  Also, I cannot believe how many side quests I have gotten in the first hour of playtime.

Mirror’s Edge

I downloaded Mirror’s Edge this morning.  I have always wanted to spend time with this game.  I remember playing, and loving the demo last year.  I just never got around to picking it up.  Since Backloggers Anonymous will be featuring Mirror’s Edge as its next game, I figure I should finally play it. 

The Twelfth

I am a big fan of Doctor Who.  The classic theme song is my ringtone.  My desktop at work has always been something Who-related.  I have amassed a large collection of the classic stories.  Regardless, I was really excited when they announced the actor who will be portraying the Twelfth incarnation of the Time Lord.  After giving it much thought, I was really hoping for an older actor to take up the mantle.  I was only expecting somebody in their 40s.  I know this is stupid, but I was more excited by his age than by what he had previously worked on.  In the end, the age does not matter.  I think that he will fit perfectly into the role and am excited for the Christmas special.  I do like how at the 50 year mark, Doctor Who is returning to its roots a little.  William Hartnell was 55 when the show started back in 1963.  Now they are starting another milestone with an actor who is the same age…

Now that I have rambled on too much I will shut up.




08/06/2013 at 04:30 PM

I wonder what Capaldi's catchphrase is gonna be...


08/06/2013 at 04:36 PM

Fantastic, Brilliant, Geronimo


08/06/2013 at 04:48 PM

Don't forget Allons-y!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/06/2013 at 05:05 PM

never played those Metroid games.  I've always wanted to though. Mirror's Edge though is great. 


08/06/2013 at 06:32 PM

Mirror's Edge is one of my favorite games from this generation. It does have some flaws, and can be frustrating, but once you get the hang of it it's a ton of fun. The trailer for the upcoming sequel looks amazing! I hope they actually make a sequel for it lol.


08/07/2013 at 10:03 AM

I am having a blast so far.  If the rest of the game is as good as the first few chapters, I will definitely pick up the sequel/reboot day one.

Cary Woodham

08/06/2013 at 07:36 PM

In your first paragraph, you went from doing wallpaper to talking about Dark Samus.  So in my head, I imagined Dark Samus helping you put up wallpaper.


08/07/2013 at 09:58 AM

I should probably actually proofread what I write, but spell-check makes me lazy.


08/06/2013 at 09:38 PM

I'm hoping to play Mirror's Edge this month too. Been sitting on my copy for two and half years or so lol.


08/07/2013 at 10:01 AM

I have gotten through the prologue and nearly finished the second chapter.  It is awesome, and I feel so bad when I miss a jump and die.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/07/2013 at 11:46 PM

Too bad I don't own a Wii, or I'd love to have Prime trilogy. 


08/08/2013 at 09:12 AM

I knew that you said that you had passed on this generation of gaming.  I guess I didn't quite understand that you had completely skipped it.  I do remember getting an NES when the SNES came out, and getting an SNES when the N64 came out and a PSONE when the PS2 was released.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/08/2013 at 04:29 PM

No, I got my systems around the time they released, but I stopped at Gamecube (or DS, counting handhelds). It's for financial reasons. Then (Wii/PS3/360) it was being in college and having a job paid in room and board mostly, now it's going into a Master's program with only a certain amount a month coming from an assistantship and bills to pay.


08/08/2013 at 04:39 PM

I figured that school was to blame.  I really did luck out when it came to college, I got a really good scholarship and was able to live at home and commute.  Had I not gotten that, I probably would have just skipped this generation as well.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/08/2013 at 04:45 PM

I really should have applied myself more for scholarships, I have no idea how my GPA was ALWAYS higher, yet my friend got an academic scholarship (not full-ride, but a decent sum) and did not even apply he said. Parents probably did it for him, meanwhile I applied myself and nada. At least the job paid my room and board and when I promoted I got $400/mo on top of that for savings, but yeah, consoles honestly just seem irresponsible right now.

I might buy a gaming-capable laptop though, so there is hope for me yet. lol


08/08/2013 at 01:26 PM

Did you let Xenoblade Chronicles set idle when you first loaded the game? The one screen where you see the blade resting in the middle of the screen? Classic

Not sure about the twelfth doctor myself. Mostly because he was in an episode of Doctor Who during David Tennant's time. Not a good since when Colin Baker was the same way before he became the doctor, and look what almost happened to the series when he was "put on trial" as it were.


08/08/2013 at 02:18 PM

and the song that plays on the start screen is just so good.  

I rather enjoy Colin Baker.  The episodes that I have watched were pretty good, and I enjoy listening to his audio plays.  I think that the big problem with his era has nothing to do with him.  I read somewhere that the bigwigs at the BBC during the 80s hated the show, and did everything to try and destroy it.  Either way, I have faith in Capadli.  He is apparently one of the biggest Who fans ever. 

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