I might have to be an early adopter. I want a new console this year, and it might be the Wii U or it might be the PS4. I think I might wait on the Xbox though. IT all depends on the games, I guess.
Welcome to Pixlbit!
On 02/26/2013 at 06:22 PM by TheMart22 See More From This User » |
I wrote a similar blog to this on 1up following the PS4 announcement but figured I'd introduce myself here.
Ok, so with the announcement of the PS4, i'm sure a lot of us are looking at our existing consoles and wondering how long before we succumb to prettier features. I currently have a PS3 and Vita so I'm pretty certain I'm going to go with PS4 for the Vita compatibility.
At it stands today, my plan is to hold off from buying into next gen for two years following release. I figure that I'll spend these years to finish off my existing backlog and buy (at a much cheaper cost) any games I missed first time round that I am interested in on PS3. I'm also excited to see what's going to happen on the Vita separately following the push Sony will no doubt give to improve sales. Another obvious advantage to holding off for a while is it allows the games library to deepen greatly. I don't want the same thing to happen with my PS4 as is currently going on with my Vita. The initial few next gen games we've been privy to look good but there isn't enough yet to force my hand. I'm thinking that at the 2 year mark we should see some decent bundles for the Christmas period which I'll jump on (maybe a FF15 bundle!! ).
This plan of course could change in the next 6 months or so if a new MGS or FF is announced for launch but I'm a try my best to be strong
I'd be interested in hearing what everyone else is planning going forward.
p.s. For what it's worth, i'm really liking Pixlbit so far. It's nice to have a similar site to jump into after 1up
Sounds like a solid plan. I didn't have a PS3 until the slim launched, so it will likely be at least a year after release until I get the PS4. Sony's first-run reliability is a bit weak, so that's the main reason. Heck, I don't even have a Wii-U yet, and I'm pretty poor, so there's that
Lucky for me, I have a backlog literally 700 games deep, so the wait will be quite tolerable. Not to mention, I do prefer the quaint, retro goodness of an 8, 16 or 32-bit system.
Wow, 700 games is crazy. You could prob skip the next 2-3 gens if you wished I completely agree with the reliability issue too, the reasons for early adopting are few when I really think about it.
The first console I owned was the PS1 (strict parents), so outside of arcades, that's about as retro as I get. I did enjoy old mario and bubble bobble games at a friends house back in the day
No PS4 for me for a long time. Like Ser above me, I waited until the Slim and accompanying price drop happened before I bought one. I don't think I've ever bought a console near release, I never have the money and let's face it: I'm just too cheap. I know it will drop in price and that any bugs in the hardware will be fixed if I wait, and that there will be more games to choose from. I am all about patience when it comes to my non-essentials.
I plan on waiting at least a year to see how the systems perform and see how good the game selection is. Re-releases will not get me either (Ex. Twighlight Princess). I want new stuff, plus I am very content with my current systems.
But there's always that backwards compatability thing that makes me wonder. The first PS3 played PS2 games but it was phased out.......that could be a selling point for me.
I'm trying to stick with my Wii U and 3DS this gen. I did the multiple console thing last generation and it was too much! The only problem is that I've been a Sony follower since the PSX, so it's going to be difficult not getting one.
Maybe after an ample price drop, like you mentioned, I'll get one, haha.
Nice to meet you! Thanks for commenting on my blog. As for me, I am quite content with my PS3. It will take a killer app for me to get one. I realize that Sony is starting brand new with this machine, so there's no chance to carry over my collection with this new machine. Same thing with Microsoft. Although they are already starting out next gen at a disadvantage with me. I went through 2 360's, & the console was just defective from an engineering standpoint.
Yeah i'll wait till they figure out all the mechanical aspects of the console before buying. I'm not too concerned about backwards compatibilty as I plan on finishing everything worthwhile on my PS3 before going next gen. My backlog isn't too big at the moment but that might change