Hooray for Doctor Who. Blink and The Girl in the Fireplace are two 10 stories that are definitely worth watching.
Things I Have Been Doing; D'oh I Missed
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![]() On 08/10/2013 at 08:10 PM by Alex-C25 ![]() See More From This User » |
To say that I haven't posted a blog in about two months, would be putting it slightly. Let's just say that I haven't gotten time to blog, i've been busy with some stuff and when there's an opportunity to post something, the link to go to TV Tropes invites me to spend time on that page. But enough with real life, let's have a new entry of TIHBD.
What can I say, just like my last blog, i'm still addicted to Super Smash Bros. Brawl and during the past two months I had made some great advances. Because I kinda suck at Boss Battles (I only beat once that mode on easy difficulty) I finally did that mode on normal, thanks to a strategy I found online that uses Pokemon Trainer. I was simply relieved to do that. To top that, it unlocked a challenge where I would have to do one specific event to unlock one of the secret songs (it was the event where I had to beat Fox and Falco using Wolf). Not only I did that and unlocked the song, but it turned out that it was the last song I had to unlock to complete the playlist. So yeah, big advancement.
Aside from that, i'm finally leaning the counter move that some of the characters have and I think Lucas is starting to become one of my main characters.
As for other games, I recently got Super Mario 3D Land and i've been playing it from time to time. I'm currently on World 6, and so far I think it's a decent but fun and addicting game.
It seems that the game is composed of various past Mario games, Namely, it's a linear 3D Mario game(ala Galaxy) but with the single and timed level estructure of the New Super Mario Bros games, including the three star coins, and aside from the Tanooki suit, the big Koopa bosses that were in Super Mario Bros. 3 (the ones in the mid-way castles) return here as some of the bosses, among other little details from past Mario games.
My only problems so far steem from the games sometimes being very easy (though there are some difficult parts) and very linear, and I fear that it might get too short, but other than that, the controls work fine as ever, the plataforming is tight and precise, the powers are fun to use, some of the levels are very creative and the graphics look very nice (it's great in 3D too).
Aside from Mario, I got addicted to Pokemon Diamond again after eight months of not playing tha game. You don't know how addicting is to battle, training and catching your Pokemon untill you play the game. There's just nothing like it. Although, it's nothing too bad, but for some reason I think the game feels a bit uncomplete and it makes me want for more, so after finishing this I could get Platinum, since I heard it has a lot more content. And I also feel dissapointed that there's more Pokemons from past generation than the ones introduced here.
Anyway, I recently beat the fourth gym leader, Crasher Wake, and though the grass Pokemon I had (Carnivine) fainted very quickly, I managed to stay alive with Luxio and Prinplup and beat him. I also got to evolve my Luxio into a Luxray when I battled a random trainer outside Pastoria City. Though I play the game by myself, I at the same time visit Bulbapedia for when I don't know what to do next, for information on some of the Mons I want in the future and the types of Pokemon and their strenghts and weaknesess. I'm kinda worried for the next Gym, as the next leader is a Ghost-Type user and I don't think my team is capable against them and even though they apparently don't do any effect on Normal-Types, I think I also saw that Normal Pokemon don't do much damage either as I understood (correct me if i'm wrong though), so I guess i'll need to find a Ghost-Type Pokemon.
Oh, and if you want to know which Mons I got, here's my current main team:
And here's the rest:
Any tips on which Pokemons should I get and what should I do next are accepted.
After much hype and curiosity, i'm finally starting to watch Doctor Who on BBC's Latin American channel. Gotta say, i'm really digging the show. It has lots of adventure, sometimes action and intrigue, some very good topics and it combines very well camp and seriounes without being akward. Though I gotta say that the special effects are hilariously bad with the Tenth Doctor.
So far, i've been watching some of the episodes with the Tenth Doctor and some bits of the Eleveth Doctor.
I'm really becoming a fan of the Song of Ice and Fire series (and that's just the second book) and I've been reading A Clash of Kings nonstop. I already passed the half of the book and i'm on my way to finish it.
I'm loving the experience. It's full of interesting characters, very absorbing narrative, a great lore and universe and anything can happen. There's many conflicts going on and when you think something is about to happen, you get something different or it happens but not in the way you thought it would happen. Aside from that, I love the use of the grey morality and it's only now that I see Martin's famous tract of killing characters. I mean, anyone can die. Protagonists, secondary characters, important characters, extras. Anyone! (spoiler) Let's just say that Renly's kinda early death caught me by surprise.
Let's Play:
If you remember my last blog, I mentioned that I started watching The Runaway Guys. Ever since that, I've been addicted to them. If you don't know who they are, their kind of like Game Grumps, only with three guys (and sometimes some guests), who are three of the most important LPers of Youtube. And just like Game Grumps, they are freaking hilarious. If you like to watch random guys screwing around with videogames and being dicks at each other, go and check them.
So far, I finished their LPs of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and their tournaments for Brawl and Mario Power Tennis. Currently going through Mario Party 2. I also watched some of the individual LPs of the guys alone.
That's it for another entry of TIHBD. By the way, the subtitle of this blog is a running gag from The Runaway Guys.