My post just up and disappeared. It wasn't anything special, so no big loss. Just me lamenting having bought Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on the WiiU for lack of much else to play. I didn't really dig Metal Gear Rising or God of War: Ascension either, the latter of which was kinda surpising to me since I do enjoy playing the God of War games between shearings. :P
Anyway, good stuff as always, man.
Review Blog: Summer Edition
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![]() On 08/10/2013 at 10:48 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
Been putting off doing another one of these, but figured now would be a good time to post all the reviews I've been writing between now and April.
"The vanilla version of NG3 sucked from what I heard, sure, but this may be better. More characters and weapons is just what Ninja Gaiden 3 needs. And I'm sure the combat is still fun." Oh slightly younger Greenman you are so naive. This game was fucking terrible. It was so bad that I got pissed to the point where my editor told me my review unprofessionally bashed it and I had to tweak it. Rereading that, I had to agree. Fuck this game.
Buy Metal Gear Rising if you're looking for an action game. Buy Devil May Cry if you are looking for an action game and are too lame to buy Metal Gear Rising (seriously replaying MGR>>>>>>>DmC). Buy God of War: Ascension if you're a sheep. Just don't buy Ninja Gaiden 3.
I forgot I played this one until I browsed through them. Tower defense game. Meh.
This is more of a time waster than a game. It's good if you need to kill a little time, but don't expect something overly fun.
Awesome 1st person shooter. Fast paced gameplay focused more on dodging projectiles than most shooters. Highly recommended.
Probably the best co-op you'll get in an indie game. Like Left 4 Dead meets Metal Gear Solid with a class based system. If you can get a group of people, you're in for an awesome night.
If you have a group of friends who want to play something should probably get Monaco. But this is still a pretty good game. Combines tower defense and 1st person shooting well.
Worst game I played this year. So many of the mechanics didn't make sense and the story left mental scars in my head. I get cultural differences, that's why I just said Neptunia was weird. This is fucking creepy.
Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery
Like Psychonauts meets Professor Layton. Not half as interesting as either.
This does everything you shouldn't do to make a game challenging. It gets its challenge from tedium and restriction. Second worst game I played this year.
Doesn't do anything wrong, but doesn't really do much to make itself stand out. A very solid racing game for those who want a new one.
My personal Game of the Year so far and second favorite game this gen. Possibly the best paced game since Resident Evil 4 while having interesting and unique gameplay. The first thing I did when I beat it was start a new game. I'm getting bored of cinematic games more and more this gen, but damn The Last of Us was so good I forgot that.
Very boring JRPG. Skip it even if you're something desperate to play on Vita. There are better Vita games on this list.
A fun if overpriced Kinect game. Go for the iOS version over this.
All you weebs mad at me for saying various terrible JRPGS suck, rejoice, there is a JRPG on this list I enjoyed. And it's the one you bought a 3DS for before you saw a screenshot. Recommended to any 3DS owner looking for a JRPG.
I'm sure fans of flight sims will enjoy this. Free to play model holds it back, but still a pretty fun game.
Chris Iozzi wrote a very good review of this game here. I have a different opinion of the game for those looking for another view on it.
Best indie game I've played this year hands down. Every Vita owner should get this game.
Has a good idea, but held back by a few annoying issues. There are better Bit Trip games out there.