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My lecturer is retarded

On 08/11/2013 at 07:26 PM by Blake Turner

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 Let's start from the beginning. You know how I was having trouble with Wordpress for my assignment recently? Well I went and spoke to my lecturer and she gave me an extension and showed me a back way into the site. Now, the first thing I should mention is that if you need to find a back way into the site that requires going through 6 websites just to be able to log in, you're probably not using a reliable site, and you should fucking change that shit. Oh well, I'm all over that shit now. 

 However, my problem now is not with the assignment, but with my lecturer. How the fuck does she have a job? Ok, so the first thing I noticed when I looked at her computer was that she had roughly 1700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000000 tabs open in firefox. Then it was revealed to me that she had another 2348798345623897655694398743205436487548362629607826570 tabs open in Safari. Then she asked alloud "why is my computer slowing down." ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!

 Ok, so that's... sort of forgivable I guess. That's more to do with computers than the internet, and you don't have to be an IT genius to know about the internet. Right? Well, she then got me to create a blog page up there. However, she didn't sign out and she created it through her account. I tried to tell her what she was doing roughly 16 times, but everytime she cut me off and said "I know what I'm doing." Then she finally realised and explained to me what she'd done, as if I hadn't brought it up at all. 

 So then she tried to log out, but with wordpress when you log out it defaults to an error screen and keeps you  logged on. She thought "Oh, I'll try and open it in a different tab." Still logged in. She then said "Oh, it must be because of the computer I'm logged into." WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What the fuck?! I explained to her that it was because the error screen wasn't logging her out, and that if you stayed in the same browser it will keep you logged in if you aren't logging out, and that she should try using a different browser.


 From then onwards I just kept my mouth shut, said yep when there was a pause in the conversation, and ignored everything she said. I wanted to scream at her and tell her how fucking inept she was and do everything in my power to get her fired, but I also wanted an extension on my assignment. So I bit my tongue. I will complain about how fucking inept she is after I pass the unit though. Seriously, she shouldn't be allowed to teach the subject that she does.

 ANYWAY! My step-sister got married on Saturday! She's a month younger than me, and that's retarded. But, she's a Jehovah's Witness, and as my grandfather so graciously said to my dad "It's because they can't fuck anyone." 

 He's a nice guy. He's a geeky musician, and that weirds me out. I mean she did used to date my best friend in high school... who was also a geeky musician. Good to see she has a type lol. Anyway, I drove down and got to the town where the wedding was 4 hours before the wedding, and bought a suit 2 hours before the wedding. It cost $250. So appreciate it bitch, because I'm eating toast for the next week.

 And finally, I'll leave you with something game related. I'm playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 at the moment, which is surprisingly awesome and you should play it. Bye!




08/11/2013 at 09:48 PM

While in college, I realized many of my professors were retarded.  Education doesn't always equal intelligence. Laughing

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 01:43 AM

Unfortunately, that's incredibly true.


08/11/2013 at 10:24 PM

Congrats on your sis Blake!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 01:43 AM

 Thanks man. The wedding was awesome! 


08/11/2013 at 10:24 PM

When I entered a class and was handed a "city bus" I started to worry, because what I really received was a syllabus.  I went onto learn... jack shit.  I ended up teaching my classmates that class.  It would really help if the teachers would know how to speak english, and write in something that does not need a rosetta stone to decipher.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 01:45 AM

What class hands you a city bus? I want my own city bus damn it! Sounds awesome!

 Yeah, that's the problem with a lot of degrees. They don't teach, you just go through the motions.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/11/2013 at 11:05 PM

It makes me mad that I struggle to find work (well, technically I have a freelance position, and I'll have another job very soon, but that's a university position), yet incompetent people continue to find it by lying on their resumes. Mine is truthfully awesome, yet over and underqualifies me for so much shit. Hate. 

And last night at my parents' anniversary dinner, a couple that works at Lockheed Martin was talking about a guy that eventually got fired, but was there sleeping in meetings etc. I hope he dies in a fire.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 01:47 AM

What kind of work are you looking for?

 And yeah. Let's burn that fucker! Fire makes me happy *grins evilly*

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/12/2013 at 03:24 AM

Any kind of work, but I have a Graduate Assistantship lined up once I go back after this week, so not a problem at this point really. But I was looking both in my field of visual media and everywhere else pretty much.


08/12/2013 at 07:42 PM

You gotta know how to play the game. It's 90% social connection. You have to be like one of the hive. It's a game for the truly extroverted and trendy, or sociopaths who can fake it. Like me. MUHWAHAHAHAHAHA

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 09:22 PM

Damn. I'm an introvert. I'm fucked.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/13/2013 at 06:16 PM

Nah, I know. "It's who ya know, not what ya know" has been drilled in my head since a young age. And trust me, I have used that at all my jobs leading up to now, plus hard work (there's a reason my resume has several promotions on it). But I will take the job and the Master's program for now. Anything beats spending my days on Craigslist at my parents' house.


08/12/2013 at 12:12 AM

Sounds like sooooo many managers I've had to work with. No brains, just pushiness. Gee, I guess being an arrogant prick can get you somewhere. Not me though. I guess that's why I'm at the bottom.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 01:47 AM

 Yep. That's why most people hate their bosses.


08/12/2013 at 07:53 PM

What she look like? Give her enough help, you could be giving her something else by the end of the month... Hey, don't judge me. I reserve the right to be a ho' too, just like all the feminists and super liberals out there.  

If being an asshole gets you ahead in life, I ought to have been king of the northern Earth hemisphere.  I've been selling myself short. That's it, enough of this 'pleasant' phase I was going through. Going right back to straight out da' sewa', '98 gutter style. *activates Paradigm Shift: Hater/Saboteur/Ball-buster*

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 09:21 PM

Dude. She's old. I looked at a picture of her at the start of the year and thought "That's unflattering picture..." then I saw her give a lecture and thought "that WAS a flattering picture!" She went from looking like a sad 40 year old lady to a 60 year old with down syndrome.



08/12/2013 at 09:07 PM

Wow unless this woman was 80 years old how could she not know these things. Nevermind teaching a class that is based in using the internet. Sadly I have seen far too many times that having a lot of ambition and no selfrespect (booty licker) can get you a lot further than integrity and intelligence. And bootylickers like other bootylickers so it starts a ladder of shamesless morons promoting each other.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/12/2013 at 09:19 PM

Fortunately for us she is teaching us about the social and cultural impact of the internet, not how to use the internet itself. Otherwise we'd be fucked lol.

 You are right though. Intelligent people question things, and that's cancer to people with authority.


08/13/2013 at 03:48 PM

I was so lucky to go to the college I did when I did, because the place was so strapped for cash that everything was hand-on in the field. Hard for an incompetent professor to slide by. We got one guy fired, he left in the middle of the semester for three weeks for job in Hawaii without telling the administration and leaving us to our own devices for three weeks. He also graded according to how well he liked you, and he hated me. I didn't even bother with the final. My friend Erik and I were pretty much equal academically, and Erik got an A and I got a D. Erik went to the dean on my behalf, I wasn't going to bother, and then the dean called me in to ask me about it and reassured me that the asshole prof would never be teaching at the college again.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/13/2013 at 07:36 PM

 Wow. What a dick. He's playing with people's lives there!


08/13/2013 at 06:37 PM

Weddings are pretty happy occasions but yeah, buying a suit rental for one always sucks! Hoping your toast at least has jam and butter,Blake. lol.

As for your lecturer it was the same for me in college. Yes, I had some great professors but there were also professors I wanted to throw through the nearest window. Aka, people who were so inconfident a HS teacher could easily wipe the floor with them and make em look bad. I'd gladly put bozos like them against my science teacher Mrs. Cothran or my math teacher Diane Pierce. Now those were SMART women!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/13/2013 at 07:36 PM

 Yeah! I bought the suit though not rented it. And I didn't do a toast. 

 You're right. She's the first "terrible" lecturer I've had though, which is a good sign I guess.

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