To begin I have a hypothetical question. If your vision was such that you could see the world in black and white and one other colour, what would that colour be? I am thinking of this along the lines of Schindler's List. Everything that you would see would be black and white, except for this one colour.
Since I canceled my PS4 pre-order I have been tossing around the idea of getting a handheld instead. I figure that I could get the system and a handful of games and still be under the cost of just the PS4. Deciding which handheld to get has been one of the most difficult decisions I have made in recent memory. It has been even more difficult than choosing between Doctor Who and Bioshock Infinite. It is so difficult because I want them both the same amount. I made up a wishlist on for both the vita and 3ds to see which one had more games that I wanted. Well, I wanted the same amount of games for both systems. That did not help me at all. I then decided to look at digital content. The vita has a larger collection of psp, psone or indie games that I would like to play. That would be great, but the future retail releases seem to be very sparse. We know that the 3ds will have Nintendo support for years to come, so the retail releases are nothing to worry about even if there are less digital releases that I would like. So I figure that content-wise they are both on a level playing field.
Price and storage are two more issues that could have an effect on my choice, but I cannot say that they are a big factor. The vita may be more expensive now, but Target is apparently slashing the price for Gamescon next week. That would put the vita at the same price as a 3ds xl.
So, to conclude I want them both. I want a vita because it has a bunch of killer software that I want to play. I want a 3ds because it also has a bunch of kickass software that I want to play. I did make a decision last night though...
Last night I picked up a...
Now, I was planning on getting both of these games eventually, but they probably would not have been on the top of my list. I got them both now for the $30 eshop credit. Now comes the issue of deciding what to get with the eshop credit. I do not know if I should get a retail game, or a bunch of virtual console games. There are a bunch of games that I am looking forward to on the 3ds, and if you are curious you should be able to find them here.
The biggest problem with this purchase is that I will probably still be focusing my time on Xenoblade Chronicles. I just got to Colony 6 and am excited to see what happens.
Before I forget, I still really want a vita.