Happy belated, Sidd. Looks like you had fun in NYC. Last time I spent any time in NYC, we went to the top of the WTC. I still have my ticket stub. I think I was 18. Long time ago when dinosaurs ruled the earth, I know.
Long Blog Inbound
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![]() On 08/16/2013 at 07:03 PM by ThatKidOverThere ![]() See More From This User » |
I was gonna name this blog, "sorry about the lapse in posting", but then I realized someone else already used that title.
So as I said, sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. This past week has been crazy for me, because a really good friend of mine is moving to my town and he decided to stay at my place for the week just to get the feel of the place. On wednesday I had my summer Geometry finals which...
I failed, but it's not that big of a deal since the whole thing was optional anyways. Later that day we took the train to New York City and we stayed in his mother's hotel room until earlier today. His mom was at work for most of the day so we got to walk around the city all by ourselves, which was really cool. We went and took the subway to the World Trade Center 9/11 memorial, which was a lot bigger than I had thought it was. There were two different waterfall thingies, each where one of the Twin Towers stood and there were a bunch of people at the first waterfall, but the second one was mostly empty, so my friend got a picture of me there. It was also India's independence day yesterday, so the Empire State Building was lit up in the Green, White and Orange of the Indian flag. My friend and I, being Indian, got a picture of us in front of it which was really cool.
(this is cropped a bit)
I also showed him Nintendo World, which was really cool. I was gonna get a cute little Wobuffet plush (Wynaut is my favorite Pokemon), but I saved $2 and got the two latest Superior Spider-Man issues from Midtown Comics instead. (What can I say, I love Spider-Man!)
In gaming news, for my birthday last week, one of my friends got me a $20 PSN gift card, which I bought Marvel vs. Capcom 2 with. I've been wanting to get into a good fighting game for a while, and let me tell you, this game is so much fun. The game is horribly unbalanced, but half the fun of the game is finding what character combinations would work best against cheap characters. For instance, my friend picked Cable, while I picked a team with Servbot in it. He spammed Cable's gun and took out my first two guys, but when Servbot came out, he was so small that the gun couldn't reach him! I then proceded to whoop Cable's ass with him! This is only made more impressive by the fact that Cable is in the highest tier of ranked characters, while Servbot practically rated the lowest! (Roll is a completely different story ) My current team that I am dominating with is Megaman, Servbot, and Doctor Doom. Megaman and Doctor Doom put up a good fight, but the only reason I have Serbot there is because he is really annoying and hard to hit, so I use him to stall and build up my super meter.
adorable Servbot is adorable
I also have $5 left on my account, but I dont know what to get with it. I guess I'll just wait for a good weekly deal to get something.
In the music department, my iPod is now up to almost 700 songs. My local library has all sorts of albums, which is awesome. To name a few things I've gotten,
1.Dark Side of the Moon
2. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
3. Abbey Road
4.The Eminem Show
5. Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel
6. Two Led Zeppelin best of's
7. All that you can't Leave Behind by U2
8. The 2nd Law by Muse
9. Bankrupt! by Phoenix
10. Comedown Macine by The Strokes
11. Demon Days by Gorillaz
12. Hot Sauce Comitee Part 2 by Beastie Boys (RIP MCA!)
13. Most of the Radiohead albums
14. Of the Blue Color of the Sky by Ok Go
15. People, Hell & Angels by Jimi Hendrix
16. Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Skrillex
17. Torches by Foster the People
18. Celebration Rock by Japandroids
Well, that actually was all the albums I got, but whatever, I'm too lazy to erase all of that.
Also, another friend of mine introduced me to the fantastic band Weezer. Their first album (self titled, but known as the blue album) is considered a modern rock classic, and I really loved it, so I bought it on iTunes.
So that's all that has happened this week, till' next time!