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What The Blake Has Been Playing

On 08/22/2013 at 10:25 PM by Blake Turner

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 Sorry I haven't been reading your blogs as much lately. I'm at Bilbasaurs place, and she has limited internets, so if you're blog has youtube clips or too many pictures, I won't look so I don't cost her stuff. That said, I will be back soon and I'll TRY and catch up. I have holidays, so fuck it.

 Anyway, let's talk about those things that this site is about. GAMING! What have I been playing?

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

 Yeah, this game is kinda fucking awesome. It's a Western with a narrator a bit like Bastion who responds to what you're doing. You're character is telling stories of stuff that happened when he was younger, and details change and things just appear as you're playing the game. It's highly entertaining.

 The shooting feels fast and fluid, and it's a hell of a lot of fun, especially when you use the shotgun. That thing blows people back for like fucking miles in slow motion. Also, the game is about 20 bucks. Play it!

 Civ 5

 There's a new expansion, so I've been playing this game again like crazy. Late game is so much more fucking awesome now! There's so much more that you can do, and Civ 5 finally has the complexity of Civ 4 without sacrificing the accessibility that has made it so newbie friendly!

Crusader Kings 2

 After sitting through a fuckton of tutorials, this game becomes amazing. Rather than playing as a country, Crusader Kings is about individual people, scheming and backstabbing. I like that to start a war you have to have a good reason or other people will hate you and set out to destroy you. If you just want their land though, get one of your counselors to fabricate claims, sow dissent among the kings people. I caused an upheaval in one country that lead to the king being assassinated by his own army, which lead to civil war. I then came in and claimed the throne when there were next to no soldiers left. Because that's how I do things! 
 There's also a game of thrones mod, which sounds FUCKING AMAZING! Except... I CAN'T GET THE FUCKING THING TO WORK! I think it's just because of the latest update for the game and I just have to wait for the dude to update the mod.


You play as an undead luchador who can change into a chicken at will. The main villain turned satan into a GIANT PURPLE COCK! Rooster cock, not saints row 3 cock... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

 Anyway, it's a 2D metroidvania-esque brawler with an awesome art style, great combat and wrestling moves that tie into the exploration. It's fucking amazing!

The Sims 3

Don't ask me why, but I just had a craving to play The Sims lately. It's addictive and it's fun, so shut your fucking mouth. However, one complaint about the game. WHAT FUCKING JUSTIFICATION DOES IT HAVE FOR TAKING THAT LONG TO LOAD? SKYRIM AND JUST CAUSE 2 LOAD IN LIKE 3 SECONDS!!!!!!! Seriously, it can take like 5 minutes to load, which is fucking abhorrent. I haven't had a game take that long to load since the PS1!

 Anyway, that's me. What do you think of these games? What are you playing yourself? Let me know you beautiful tropical fish! 





08/23/2013 at 01:36 AM

Crusader Kings sounds pretty cool. I thought Call of Juarez about fight modern day drug cartels, guese thats a different game. And I'm still making my way through Bioshock Infinte and really enjoying it very much. The Volley Gun is my new favorite toy.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 04:16 AM

Yeah CoJ 2 is about modern drug cartels, the rest are proper Westerns. The second one was also abysmally bad. Gunslinger is awesome though.


08/23/2013 at 02:08 AM

COJ Gunslinger is pretty cool. Even the quick draw moments are cool. I tred to get that achievement for shooting a chicken before your opponent, but it's hard.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 04:18 AM

Oh fuck shooting chickens beforehand, that shit is hard at the best of times!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 02:46 AM

I'm sure I'd love Guacamelee, but I know it'll be a PS+ freebie if I just wait. Glad to hear even someone as cynical as you with 2D indie games loves it, that's when I know it's actually good and not a Braid.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 04:17 AM

I love it because of how well put together it is. It flows well and it's easily the best metroidvania type game I've played in a while. Well, 2D metroidvania. I think you might love it.


08/23/2013 at 07:53 AM

I'm playing Assassin's Creed 2 (360) and The Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (DS).

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 08:07 PM

Have never heard of the last window: Secret cape of the west. Any good?


08/23/2013 at 10:57 PM

It's the sequel to Hotel Dusk. I'm liking it so far, but it's kinda niche. If you're not into point-and-click visual novel-type games, I wouldn't bother. I liked Hotel Dusk so much, I imported Cape West.


08/23/2013 at 09:06 AM

Guacamelee sounds amazing, and I really would like to play it.  I will probably get it on the Vita, whenever I get one of those.  

Crusader Kings 2 always sounded like a game that I would love, so I should probably play past the tutorial. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 07:46 PM

Crusader Kings has a really long tutorial, it kind of has to though. There is a lot going on in those games. I suggest watching a tutorial on youtube, that helped me a lot. And yeah, Guacamelee is supposed to be awesome for vita. 


08/23/2013 at 04:06 PM

Sims 3 has smaller environments, but the AI and interactions are more complex. It's not all about size

Annoying nitpick of the day: Games that are structured like Metroid but don't have stats and inventory like post SoTN Vanias are not Metroidvanias, they're just Metroid-like. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 07:44 PM

I'd call them more Zelda-Like's than anything, and you're right. However this does have stats and inventory.

 Th Sims 3 doesn't have interactions as complex as crusader kings. Also, they aren't really that complex, they're just different to most games.


08/23/2013 at 08:23 PM

I meant compared to Skyrim, where characters just walk back and forth. Like how Dwarf Fortress has so many complex systems going on that it can slow your computer down even though it uses ASCII graphics.

And I did not know that Guacamelee had stats. Jokes on me.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 09:40 PM

They aren't really deep or complex but they're there. And fair enough. I just meant that I have a decently powerful pc, The Sims shouldn't take 5 minutes to load lol.


08/23/2013 at 10:05 PM

I bought Civ 5 on the Steam summer sale. Maybe I should give it a spin.

Anyway, I've been addicted lately to Pokemon Diamond. I just love those little monsters.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/23/2013 at 10:33 PM

Yeah man! I'd love to play with you once you learn the ropes!

 Also, I really really want to get back into pokemon hey!


08/24/2013 at 03:47 AM

I really like Western's as a setting in games so I've been meaning to give one of the Call of Juarez's a try (expect The Cartel one). For $20, it sounds like something worth looking into. And Yeah, load times can be a pain for some newer games. I think The Last of Us can take up five minutes to load. Though that game pushes the PS3 to the limit, I doubt Sims 3 does the same for your PC!

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