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What I've Been Up To - 8/23/13

On 08/23/2013 at 01:21 PM by F1r3inth3H0L3

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Hello and thank you to anyone reading my blogs. I haven’t written a blog in a while and for good reason. Life has thrown yet another curveball my way as I was laid off from my job due to them having lack of work (clientele). It seemed to come completely out of nowhere and I was in complete shock. The silver lining was that I was able to find work literally the next day and started my new job the following Monday. It just stresses how keeping connections and not burning bridges can really pay off. My new job I am making more money than I was before and I can even work from home if I please (I am not at that point though, yet). Not sure if yet it will be a long term thing for me, although the owner would like me onboard long term. There is a lot of traveling when I am not working from home and if I want a family, which just wouldn’t promote a healthy family life.

So I have been busy uprooting my life and moving again, training on the job and am currently traveling a lot. It just sucks that after 2008, stable employment seems like it is a thing of the past. I don’t think in my generation you will hear of people sticking with a company for 25 years and so on. Employers are just looking for “contractors” they can cut loose when things get tight.  I have become very pessimistic when it comes to work as you can tell, lol. It’s alright, I am more the “work to live” type of person than the “live to work”.

On the gaming side of things, although I have been traveling a lot, I have packed my PS3 and it has been making the journey with me, here is what I have been up to:




Megaman 9 (PSN)

I have been playing this game after long days at work, and it is HARD! This game is all about playing the levels, dying and getting to know them so that the next time you play through, you know what to expect. My brother is the one who got me into playing this game. We were looking at the games on my hard drive, saw it and just started playing. Up to this point I have beaten all the robot masters and am on Dr. Wily’s castle. I haven’t played any of it yet though. Loving the nostalgic feel of this game. I have never beaten a NES Megaman game, this may be the first one!




RECENT PURCHASES (awesome games I’ve been waiting for!)



Bioshock Infinite (PS3)

My most anticipated game in a long time. Borderlands 2 (funny, two 2K games) was for the longest time, but ever since the first trailer I saw of this game, I knew I was buying it. Cannot wait to get back home and open this thing up and start playing it. Awesome bonus that it comes with the first game on the disc as well. I own the original Bioshock on Xbox 360, but have wanted on PS3 as well.




Tomb Raider (PS3)

This game looks amazing for the reviews I have watched and gameplay screenshots. I saw it on sale (under $20, new) and couldn’t pass it up.




Metal Gear Rising (PS3)

The Metal Gear Solid series is my favorite in gaming. Although this is not a true MGS game, more of a spinoff, I played the demo and found it good fun. Raiden was an unwanted surprise in MGS2 (even to me at first) and redeemed himself in MGS4. This game takes place after MGS4 and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Fun, action type game.




Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit (PS3)

My nephew gave me this game because he doesn’t want it anymore and Gamestop offered him like under $2 for it. I traded it to him for a Ethernet cable he needed and I had just laying around. I love the Dragon Ball Z Budokai games (I have all three for PS2) and this one seems pretty cool.  



Origin Humble Bundle

Battlefield 3, Dead Space, Dead Space 3, Mirror’s Edge, Crysis 2, Burnout Paradise, Medal of Honor, C&C Red Alert 3, The Sims 3, Populous

The main reason I bought this Humble Bundle was for a PC copy of Battlefield 3. I have been wanting it and all the other games were just a bonus. I wish BF3 ran though Steam though instead of Origin. That’s crazy that Dead Space 3 was in there!




Well I have quite the backlog, and with the purchases above I am content for a while. I have enough in my backlog to keep me busy for years. It just gets tough when a new exciting game is announced and then just adds to your queue (MGS5!), lol. There are some games that I would like to add to my collection eventually though: Tomb Raider HD Collection, Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection, Diablo III, God of War Ascension and so on.

I will not be buying any of the next gen  consoles right away. I will wait until that “must have” next gen game comes out. I have enough PS3 games and a great PC steam library to keep me busy in the meantime.

Again, thank you to everyone reading these. Hope you have a great weekend. BTW, I am still reading and commenting on blogs on here as much as I can.



Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD

I forgot that I recently beat the above mentioned game. MGS2 was at one time my favorite game of all time. I have come to realize that the original MGS for Playstation edges it out and is my all time favorite game because I love the story in it. 




08/23/2013 at 01:31 PM

Nice pickups! I really want MGR Revengeance but can't jump on it at current prices. Once it hits the $20 mark i'm all in.

Oh and I hope things settle down for you. I hate when too much of life is "up in the air". I find it hard to relax...


08/23/2013 at 01:40 PM

Thanks, I also hope things settle down too.

Looking at your profile again, we have very similar taste in games. MGS2 was my favorite for a long time and then I played through the original MGS a few more times to find out it was my favorite game of all time. All those Playstation games are classics (Tekken 3, Final Fantasy VII, VII and IX...etc)


08/25/2013 at 07:29 PM

Yeah I really need to replay MGS one of these days, it's been ages since I played it. I just  finished a replay of MGS2 and am going onto MGS4 next (when the Metal Gear bug strikes again). Great series. Post something about Revengeance when you get into it if you wouldn't mind. I'm interested in hearing what series fans think


08/23/2013 at 01:44 PM

I was contemplating the humblebunde, but I know that I will never get around to playing those games.  I have gotten 3 or 4 of them in the past and have only played on or two of the games that came in the bundles.

I am a fan of Infinite. I prefer my Metal Gear to be Solid, not Rising.  After reading about a lot of people playing tomb raider around here, I am intrigued. 


08/23/2013 at 01:52 PM

Yea, I have the same problem with the Humble Bundles. They are cheap enough though that it really isn't a problem if I don't play all the games. I only really wanted one out of this bundle, I think I will play a couple more out of this one though. Crysis 2 I am interested in playing through.


08/23/2013 at 02:45 PM

Well work as a contractor is unstable thats why i got a maintenance position in the school district and i have been there 7 years so thats pretty stable nice pick ups by the way and im with you travelling sux lol!!


08/24/2013 at 12:44 PM

Yea, traveling gets old fast. I mean I come home on the weekend, unpack my clothes, put them in the washer and then put them right back in the bag...atleast I am working though and I can't really complain about the pay either.


08/24/2013 at 05:05 PM

Well for seven years i wholesaled trucks i would go to Victoria Texas buy eleven units and take them to Lubbock Texas and made a killing  i was banking $2.000 bucks a week but was only home on Sunday and being a family man i couldnt keep doing that but the money was fantastic but i never saw my wife and kids so now although i took a huge pay cut i have a steady job doing maintenance on 5 schools for the school district but at least now i see my family. But theres nothing wrong with traveling and making bank if your single and not married, but trust me i feel ya on the traveling thing lol!!


08/24/2013 at 03:51 AM

I played and finished Mega Man 9 back when it first came out. It's great. I did finish it, though I made it all the way up the final boss without using a health potion (for the achievement) but caved because the boss was too hard. Never got to MM10 because I was satisfied with 9.


08/24/2013 at 12:48 PM

Health potion, you mean like Energy Tank? I don't think I've used one yet. Maybe I will go for it since I still have a shot at it.


08/24/2013 at 03:32 PM

I have been playing Bioshock Infinite since Monday and it really is an impressive game. The atmospere in this game is really unique and feels alive. And if your still interested in Borderlands 2 the GOTY edition drops Oct 11th. Comes with all the current DLC campaigns, extra characters and added features.



08/26/2013 at 01:00 PM

Yea, Bioshock Infinite made the trip with me this week, so I am definitely going to be playing it soon. It's one of the few games I saw the trailer and knew I was buying it. The first Bioshock was awesome and I never played the second one.

I just bought Borderlands 2 and then they announce the GOTY version, figures. I might sell it and buy the GOTY version because I want all the content in my first shot.


08/26/2013 at 01:24 PM

Yeah its way cheaper in the long run to get the GOTY edition.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

08/26/2013 at 08:04 AM

GREAT pickups man!

I can't speak on behalf of DBZ and MGS Rising, but Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite are incredible!! Enjoy them!


08/26/2013 at 01:03 PM

That's what I have been hearing about Tomb Raider and Bioshock, was happy to pick them up. I played the demo of MGR and I thought it was mindless fun. As for Dragon Ball Z, I don't expect too much, but it will be a cool distraction. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/26/2013 at 08:58 PM

Awesome games. 

I know what you mean about the job market right now. I was lucky to get my mostly "off" contracting job; thankfully now, I have a more steady position, but I have to be taking Masters courses to keep it, so hopefully this time I can find something when I graduate at this higher level that isn't contracting. 


08/27/2013 at 05:20 PM

For sure. I am looking into working for the state or something. I would take a pay cut, but atleast I could presumably be in one spot for the foreseeable future.

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